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Things To Do On a Plane

or maybe not...

By T. LichtPublished 29 days ago 3 min read

Things to do on an Airplane:

  • Count how many ways people try to fit their luggage into the overhead compartment and look out for the weird faces they make. (bonus points for videoing it)
  • Try not to laugh at the weird things your mate is doing to take a selfie with the plane's wing in the background.
  • Write down a list of the pros and cons for a window or aisle seat. And if your in the middle keep asking your window guy to put it up and down every five minutes. (BTW this is also a fast way to make an enemy)
  • Keep track of how many times each person goes to the bathroom! (this will definitely leave no time for boredom.
  • Philosophize over the chances of a modern day airplane crashing.
  • Take a picture of all people you think might be terrorists. (you might catch one and become famous!!)
  • When you see your window guy trying to get up to use the bathroom, kick his shoes beneath the seat and bend down to watch his feet wriggle around trying to find it.
  • Count how many pieces of gum come in a package. (no cheating! Don’t look at the label!!)
  • Guess the name of the person sitting near you and then see if you’re correct by asking him his name.
  • Look at your watch every five minutes. (complete boredom buster, I’m telling you)
  • Buy a pack of Whoopee Cushions (need I write more??)
  • Take apart the airplane pillow and make a race who can finish counting the feathers first. If it’s more than fifty go over to the stewardess and thank her for giving you such an expensive goose feather pillow (don’t worry, I won’t make you worry, I’m telling you it’s less than that)
  • Start a fight over the armrest and once it gets scary settle it with and arm wrestle.
  • Imitate the guy who's trying to see the title from the book his seatmate is reading without picking up the cover.
  • Make a race who can finish the airplane meal first. (suggestion: take a bag before you start, you know why)
  • Give anything to the guy near you, who is immersed in a movie and see how he will just take it.
  • Scrutinize every position someone fell asleep in and try to give it a name.
  • Make a race, who can guess what the airplane food is without looking at the label. (the guess ‘mush’ is not counted)
  • Take away something from a sleeping person. When he wakes up and searches for it, kindly take it out and sweetly ask, "is this yours? I found it on my seat."
  • Overreact to every tiny turbulence. If you're brave enough, shriek.
  • See how many things you can make out of the napkins given to you by a meal. All the paper airplanes, test them if they can fly.
  • Find someone who doesn't share the same religion as you and try to convince him to join yours.
  • If someone asks you where the restroom is, point to the emergency exit door.
  • When the steward/stewardess asks you which drink you want, take all and ask the person near you to close their eyes and guess which drink it is.

If none of the above helped start this cycle: Eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, try to fall asleep again, turn to your right, turn to your left, lean your head on the food tray, blush at the people near you for looking hideous, eat. repeat until the end of the flight.

Note: I take no responsibility for any ramifications unless you catch a terrorist and become famous.


About the Creator

T. Licht

I have a love for words and a love to share them.

Well then, enjoy and thank you for taking the time to read this and maybe if you want subscribe;)

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Comments (7)

  • Esala Gunathilake25 days ago

    Hehe! Loved it!

  • Rachel S27 days ago

    Omg! Thanks for warning me never to sit near you on a plane🤣

  • Hi People! Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting. I was taking a try in humor and I'm so happy you enjoyed! It's nice to know people still have a place in their heart to laugh. Lol take this as a creative work of humor and not a guide to do evil.😉

  • Andrea Corwin 29 days ago

    Oh such evil ideas! LOL. I do take the armrests when I sit in the middle, it is fair. We actually do look closely at people and how they act, staying vigilant. Nice job, lots of fun.

  • angela hepworth29 days ago

    Hilarious 😂😂 I will be utilizing these on my next flight!

  • Sweileh 88829 days ago

    Interesting and delicious content, keep posting more.

  • Nice writing keep it up!!!

T. LichtWritten by T. Licht

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