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By AlbinPublished 3 months ago 4 min read




Young lady ,

Why are you standing in the middle of road?

Do you want to die?

That was the voice Angel heard.

Angel was already tired running from Chief Obilor. So she just stood there waiting to see who it really was.

When the woman came closer to Angel she saw tears on her cheeks. All the rage disappeared and she asked Angel softly.

What is the matter dear?

What are you doing outside by this time of the night?

Why are you crying?

Angel didn't see any reason to talk to the unknown woman. That was how she trusted Chief Obilor and he almost killed her. She was tired of explaining herself to multiple people who will end up wanting a bite of her.

Angel shook her head but couldn't control the tears. It rolled out on its own, she tried using her hands to wipe her tears and control her mouth from crying out. But she couldn't, she just sat on the road. Now the bruise on her kneel is hurting her alot.

How can she have all these pains ?

Someone else came down from the car, Angel couldn't see the person's face well but it was a young girl like her. Though she looked a bit older.


Mummy , let's go...

But we can't live her here like this Fatima said talking to her daughter Tracy.

Hello young girl....

Do you have where you can sleep for the night? Fatima asked.

Angel looked at the woman and shook her head from right to left slowly. Her head was hurting her due to the tears. Mucus dropped from her nostrils on their own.

Fatima felt pity for Angel, for this girl to be alone here in the dark and crying her eyes out, something was not right somewhere. She told Angel to enter the car so she can put a roof over her head for the night and she can tell her more when she is settled.

Angel hesitated but has no option, it was either follow the strange woman or remain on the streets with no clue of what will happen next.

Fatima was driving and Tracy was sitting beside her at the front leaving Angel behind. Tracy kept on peeking at Angel and whispering things to her mother.

Angel was not really interested in what she was saying. She was lost in her own thoughts, she wanted to cry the more but it seems she has reached the depth of the tears as it couldn't flow anymore.

They drove for a while then stopped. Both Fatima and Tracy came down from the car. Fatima opened the door for Angel to come down. Angel came down looking around.

The place wasn't as flashy and big as Chief Obilor's place. But it was a quite beautiful house .

Welcome to my house Fatima said to Angel who kept looking around like a lost sheep. Angel wasn't in the mood to say anything.

From the look of things it felt like the strange woman was just living with the girl who seem to be her daughter. Fatima told Tracy to take Angel to the bathroom so she would freshen up.

Tracy was reluctant, she looked at Angel and pointed the direction of the bathroom to her. Angel went to take her shower. When they all had their shower.

Fatima served dinner , but Angel didn't have the appetite to eat. She just kept getting lost in her thoughts.

Hello .....

Are you here with us ? Fatima asked Angel who jittered like someone tapped her.

What is your name?

What were you doing outside alone crying?

What about your parents?

Did they anger you and made you run away?

Mummy allow her to answer one question at a time Tracy interrupted.

Angel looked at Tracy , then Fatima and answered.

My name.. . My name is Angel.

Okay Angel eat your food okay? So you can go and rest then tomorrow you will tell me about yourself.

Angel shook her head in disapproval. She has a mixed felling. This is the third home she is coming into since her mother died. She doesn't know what she will face here too. She doesn't know if she should be happy because they are just females or sad because they may do her worst.

Who knows?

The last two homes she stayed in started happy but ended with her out in the dark.

After meal, Tracy cleared the plates and came back to the dining. Fatima asked Tracy to take Angel to her room.

But mummy, other rooms are available why not send her to go sleep there?

You know I don't like sharing my space Tracy said frowning?

Don't you know other rooms are empty?

Or you want her to sleep on the floor? Fatima asked Tracy.

Tracy looked at Angel with a smirk asking her to follow her, Angel stood up and said thank you and goodnight to Fatima for the roof over her head for the night. Fatima smiled and returned the goodnight greetings.

Tracy pointed to her bed...

You better sleep inside , I'll be the one at this other end. Angel went and lay down on the bed..

Tracy went to the cushion in her room and launched a video call with her boyfriend.

She has a mother who is alive and she is neglecting what God has done for her. If only God would have allowed her own mother to be alive, she won't be in all these troubles. Angel said within herself.

Mummy I can't still believe you left me Angel muttered and coiled herself up on the bed shivering like someone with a cold. Tears began rolling down her cheeks again and she slept off.

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About the Creator


A Psychologist of Life Experiences...

Delighted to have you ...

Much Love.

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    AWritten by Albin

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