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What is Going On in The World Today?

Has Common Sense Left the Planet?

By J.B. MillerPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

Honestly, where do I begin? Politics, war, shootings, Karen's, TikTok; the list is endless. Even the animals have lost their minds. I kid you not; I even have a racist dog! She’s a black lab and can not stand white dogs. Every time she sees one, she starts barking and lunging. It’s crazy. But at least I can say she is an animal, not a particularly intelligent one.

However, humans set the bar exceptionally low at the supposed top of the evolutionary ladder. This morning, I checked out the news. The main story was Trump. Maine has blocked him from the Presidential ballot. This is the second state to do so, and there is pressure on the Supreme Court to ban him from running.

Donald Trump blocked from Maine presidential ballot in 2024 — BBC News

Personally, I don’t think he should be eligible to run at all. Wasn’t there a time when integrity and good standing meant something when it came to being a country’s leader in the Western World? I would love to hear from my readers who they think the last good President or leader was.

War, War everywhere and not a soul to care

Photo by Lana Shlomi on Unsplash

The war in Ukraine and Gaza sends a parallel to Hitler through my mind. When we look back at history, people are shocked and wonder how it could have happened, how anyone could let one functioncommit genocide against a group of people. You will often hear how that could never happen in today’s world.

I challenge this, as it is happening right now in front of us. We have a front-seat view with modern technology and journalism. The Ukraine/Russia war has reached years instead of months of conflict. It is pure determination and grit on Ukraine’s part that they have not succumbed to Russia’s numbers. It’s an excellent tactic for Russia. They keep sending bodies until the enemy is overwhelmed. It worked at Stalingrad.

Ukraine has had the help of other nations despite Putin threatening the Western world that he will push the button. The world walks on a razor’s edge between humanitarian aid and WWIII.

Then there is Gazza. It is nothing more than a blood bath and massacre of innocents. It has been dubbed the war on children as they have been the worst victims. Innocents are trapped in their homeland with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Sadly, that is the reality of war. It is always the innocents who suffer the most. At least Hitler didn’t pretend to be fighting for the people when he sent thousands to their deaths. Unlike Isreal and Hamms, who are both blaming one another on who is killing the innocent. They both are. Hammas struck the first blow, but Israel came down like a hammer, not caring who they killed in their thirst for vengeance.

Closer to Home


I live in the UK, and my local park was the place of a brutal murder. It was a case of children killing children. It made world news because the victim was Brianna Ghey.

Murder of Brianna Ghey — Wikipedia

She was a sixteen-year-old transgender girl. She was viciously murdered by two of her friends. The headlines like to lead with the fact Brianna was transgender, but that had nothing to do with the murder.

The two murders, a boy and a girl aged 15 at the time, had a kill list. Both are on the spectrum and are fascinated with torture and murder. The girl had a to-do list of how to kill Brianna. Both have been convicted of murder now and are facing life sentences. But as we know, a life sentence does not mean for life.

BBC news

How have we reached a point in society that this is happening? It wasn’t until 1999 and the Columbine shooting that we had kids killing kids like this.

Columbine High School massacre — Wikipedia

It was by no means the first school shooting, but it was the beginning of a new way of life for children. They now live in a world of hit lists and bulletproof bags. Of schools with lockdowns and security doors. Guards and guns still can’t stop the violence.

I am a child of the late seventies. I grew up in the eighties when America was the world’s kidnap capital. But we didn’t have to fear our classmates. School was a safe place. The scariest thing we had to deal with was that final check mark on the board that meant paddling. No, I will not go into a debate on corporal punishment here. There isn’t enough time in the day for that argument. Even though it could be argued that a lack of discipline was the tipping point that sent us spiralling into insanity, the world is today: that and idle hands. For first-worlders, there is no purpose anymore. Children are not taught to work and strive for what they want. That life is not handed to them, but they have to make what they have matter and work hard to improve what they have.

There are no consolation prizes, and you must pull up your trousers, tighten your belt and carry on. A favourite saying of mine is that you have to fail to succeed.

I know this post is a lot of rambling, but that’s okay. I am not trying to write a story or a journalist piece today. This is a cultural post about the state of the world today. There is so much I left out. There is a lot of good that hasn’t been put in this post, but there is also a lot of evil that has been left out.

I may be getting old and remember the good old days. What do you think? I always love to hear from my readers.


About the Creator

J.B. Miller

Wife, Mother, student, writer and so much more. Life is my passion, writing is my addiction. You can find me on Linkedin at

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    J.B. MillerWritten by J.B. Miller

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