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Unspoken with limerance

Sometimes, silence can speak louder than words.

By Musulyn MPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
Unspoken with limerance
Photo by Ernie A. Stephens on Unsplash


In the stillness of a dimly lit room, bathed in the soft glow of a single, flickering candle, two figures sat across from each other. The room was filled with the scent of old books and the faint hint of rain from outside. The walls, painted a deep shade of blue, seemed to absorb the candlelight, adding to the room's quiet intimacy.

With a stern face and sharp features, the tall figure leaned back in his worn leather chair. His eyes, intense yet softened by an unspoken emotion, never left the woman sitting across from him. His hands were folded on the mahogany table, weathered by time and use. Beneath them rested a single piece of parchment paper, its edges slightly curled.

The woman was a stark contrast to him. Her face was gentle, framed by loose curls around her shoulders. Her eyes were filled with an unspoken sadness that seemed to echo in the silent room. She held an old-fashioned fountain pen in her hand, her fingers lightly tapping against it in sync with the ticking of an antique clock perched on a bookshelf nearby.

Without uttering a word, the man slid the parchment towards her. His gaze remained locked with hers as she picked it up and began to read. Her eyes widened slightly as she read through the lines, her grip on the pen tightening.

She put down the parchment and picked up her pen. Her hand moved across the paper gracefully, writing down her response. Once done, she slid it back towards him.

The man picked up the parchment and read through her response. A small smile tugged at his lips as he read through her words. He wrote down his reply and slid it back towards her.

This silent conversation continued for what seemed like hours—the room filled with nothing but the soft ticking of the clock and the occasional rustle of parchment.

Their emotions were laid bare in that dimly lit room as they communicated through written words. Their silent conversation was more profound than any spoken word could ever be. It was raw and honest, filled with unspoken understandings and misunderstandings.

In that room, amidst worn-out books and under the soft glow of candlelight, two individuals found a unique way to communicate their thoughts and feelings without uttering a single word aloud.



In the quiet corners of her heart, she found herself trapped in the intoxicating grip of limerence. It was an emotional odyssey, a tumultuous sea of feelings that surged and retreated with the rhythm of her heartbeat. She was consumed by an intense romantic yearning, a longing as exhilarating as tormenting. Every thought, every pulse echoed his name - a name that tasted like hope and sounded like a symphony. His laughter was a melody that danced in the theatre of her mind, his smile an image etched into the canvas of her memory. His eyes, oh those eyes, they were the colour of a winter sky, cold yet inviting, distant yet so familiar. The mere whisper of his name sent her heart galloping, a wild stallion unbridled and free.

Yet, the spectre of uncertainty was a relentless companion. The ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ swirled around her like a winter mist, a silent symphony of unspoken words and unrealized dreams. The fear of rejection was a bitter pill, a looming shadow that threatened to eclipse the radiant light of her affection.

But then, the world outside began to intrude. Friends questioned her sanity and her choices. They didn’t understand, couldn’t comprehend the depth of her feelings. The world became a battlefield, her heart the disputed territory. The external conflict mirrored her internal turmoil, fueling her limerence’s fire.

Such is the nature of limerence. It’s a dance between hope and fear, a journey through the highest peaks of joy and the deepest valleys of despair. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human heart, a silent ballad of love and longing. And in the end, it’s a reminder that even in the face of uncertainty, there is a beauty to be found, a love to be celebrated. We find ourselves in the throes of limerence, discovering the depths of our capacity to love and learn to hope against all odds.

As she walked through the city streets, the scent of rain-soaked earth filled her nostrils, a sensory reminder of the world outside her heart. A distant bird’s song echoed in her ears, a sweet melody that somehow mirrored her inner turmoil. The world around her was alive and vibrant, yet all she could think of was him.

Her friends’ words were like a cold wind, biting and harsh. Their lack of understanding was a wall, a barrier that she felt powerless to overcome. Their questioning, their doubts, they were like arrows, each one piercing her heart. Yet, she stood firm, her love for him a shield against their judgement.

Her sentences were like waves, ebbing and flowing with her emotions. Some were long, filled with her deepest desires and fears. Others were short and crisp, a reflection of her determination. Her words were her weapons, her shield, her comfort. She navigated the tumultuous sea of limerence, a lone sailor in a storm through them.

In the end, she realized that limerence was not just about love. It was about hope, resilience, and the capacity to feel deeply and love fiercely. It was a journey, a dance, a battle. And through it all, she discovered a strength she never knew she had, a love she never thought she could feel. And for that, she was grateful.

marriagefriendshipfamilyfact or fictionlovehumanitydivorcedating

About the Creator

Musulyn M

My existence is a symphony of creation and expression, a dance between the digital and the divine.

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    Musulyn MWritten by Musulyn M

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