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True Healing

Vitalities Value

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

The process, and practice of healing, whether this be healing yourself, or healing another, is multifaceted. When we are going through trials that are draining our spiritual reserves of energy, it becomes so easy to forget about health. We usually do not start thinking about how important our health truly is, until we are on the other end of the spectrum, and we are in a state of suffering. This type of mindset is beginning to change I believe, but I feel every single experience, we as a collective species has, in regards to healing, when shared with others, becomes a motivating factor, to make these healthy changes in our lives, to avoid unwanted consequences that could very likely arise in the future, if we do not act with wisdom concering our vitality.

I have been working on learning the practice and implementation of Reiki, over the last two years, for the purpose of healing, not just others, but myself as well. I attended a class to receive further knowledge on this subject, in the Reiki 2 session, yesterday, and while we were going over the information, there were many things that I found to be quite interesting.

The woman who has taught me about this energy, has for the better part of her life, been an energy worker, this is something her and I have in common, because ever since I was a child, I have always known how to utilize and direct energy, to help heal people, as well as grant an extra layer of protection around those I love, if the situation called for it. Every night before I went to bed, I would always radiate a sphere of energy out from my body, and encompass the entire house that my parents, myself, and my siblings lived in, and so I would not have to stay up all night, generating this energy, I would connect this sphere of energy to the trees that surrounded our home, to act as a battery source, drawing from the earth, to power this protective shield while I slept.

The woman who has been teaching me about Reiki, has a similar approach to the way in which she uses energy, but we differ in many way, regarding the utilization of that energy. I find that many people these days, are beginning to practice spiritual healing modalities, which in my mind, should never be used for financial gain, and the reason I am saying this is not to cause and type of friction to occur, but instead to remind people that spiritual gifts, whether you are born with them, or they are learned, are not to be used to generate profit. I feel very strongly about this, because the act of receiving profit in exchange for something such as healing, through energy, not only cheapens the practice, it allows corruption to come into the situation, and takes the purity of healing out of the equation.

Money unfortunately, is something that we all need to survive in this world, but if that is your only pursuit, what good will it do you, to spend the bulk of your life chasing after something that will only cease to exist in any meaningful way, once you leave this world. The practice of energy healing or Reiki, which ever you prefer to call it, is something that Jesus did freely, he never sought anything, aside from faith, for those which he healed, because Faith in Jesus, and God, is in truth, where the power comes from. Science has now proven that our thoughts, and words, when exposed to water molecules, whether positive or negative, have a physical effect on our surroundings.

If Jesus were to go around advertising that he was a healer, and asking people to provide payment for his services, he would not have been the divine being which we know him as, so if you are seeking to profit, from a practice that is rooted in spirit, I implore you, to truly think about this. While money is necessary to survive in this world, so is health, and in my opinion, Vitality far outweighs any benefit that money can ever offer.

If money is in fact the root of all evil, why would we want to mix something so negative, with something that is so pure.

Always be mindful about what you do, and never put profit before people.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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Comments (1)

  • Lamar Wiggins2 months ago

    “Never put profit before people” Imagine the progress we could achieve if everyone knew and practiced this sage advice. Another great article, Kaylon.

Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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