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Compounding Kindness

The Effects Of Positivity On Us And Our Environment.

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

As a species, we are most certainly living in trying times, and with that being the case, it is up to each and every one of us, to do our due diligence, in maintaining integrity, as well as ethical and moral fiber. With the trend that has been set, since the inception of technology into our lives, in a very deeply entrenched way, it has made the concept of mindfulness, nearly non existent, as far as how we are being told to live our lives, in regards to the media, the news, social media, and the concept that has come along with these avenues of information, which is instant gratification.

Living in a way that sets a good example for others to follow I feel, is the way we are supposed to live, and when we live in accordance with what is right, we can feel it, deep within our hearts. When you do what you know is right, you can feel the effects of such actions, when you say what is good, you can also feel the way your words not only effect those with which you speak, but it also has an effect on you personally.

We all have the capacity to be either positive or negative, it comes down to a choice, that we all must make at some point. When you make decisions that will have ramifications for others which are negative in nature, it will only create grief for you, as well as the ones which you are interacting with. Walking through this life, making choices that are in alignment with that which is good, and right, it makes a profound difference on not only those with which you interact, but yourself as well. I find that offering a kind word to those which I come across, whether they be long time acquaintances, or newly met individuals, an act of kindness, can go such a long ways in helping them to have not just a better day, but a better outlook on life.

When things are getting hard throughout this life, which you can bet, they most certainly will, you need to remember, that having faith in yourself, and your ability to make a positive impact on others, is always present, it's just about making the choice to have a positive mindset, regardless of the situation. This life is not easy for any of us to get through, however, when we take the time to fully and truly cultivate kindness, as a second nature habit, it becomes more than a simple act, it becomes a way of life, that leads you in a direction that is conducive for not only your growth, but the growth and prosperity, spiritually speaking for those which are around you.

I have seen the impact of positivity on those who are around me, even when I am not engaging with those which may be in my proximity, the act of having a positive mindset, has profound implications on you and those around you, the energy of that choice, made time and time again, emanates from you, and has a substantial impact on the environment which surrounds you. There is an experiment that was done many years back, where some scientists studied the effects of energy, whether negative or positive, on water molecules. Positive energy caused the water molecules to transform into beautiful geometric patterns while negative energy caused the molecules to arrange in a way that created geometric patterns that were not beautiful, but instead, resembled the physical personification of hate, that is the best way in which I am able to explain this.

There was another experiment done, which was performed after the BP oil spill, where scientists used a frequency to filter the oil out of the water, and the frequency was 528 hertz, this is known as a healing tone, also known as a solfeggio frequency. The amount of oil that was present in the water, dropped from 5,000 PPM, to 1,000 PPM, (Parts Per Million), substantially decreasing the amount of oil in the water, the sound waves acted as a natural filter, cleaning the water almost entirely, cleansing most of the oil out of the water.

Our thoughts are composed of energy, just as our words are, so when we speak, or when we think, while it at first may be hard to do, in reference to controling our thoughts, what we send out, whether positive or negative has profound effects on our environment. We must be constantly mindful of that which we emanate, because everything we do matters, from the smallest of thoughts, to the largest of actions, we must always do that which is good for us, as well as those around us.

Always be mindful of that which you choose to do, because every choice matters, whether you think it does or not, it truly does.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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