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Divine Awakening

Existing and Living are Two Separate Things.

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

We live in a world that is entirely unsafe, due to the fact that those who are in positions of power are making decisions that are beneficial to them, but not the masses. We as individuals and as a collective need to begin making decisions that are in alignment with the decrees which god has deemed righteous. This world is beginning to literally fall apart at the seams, and the darkness that has been in place for so long, is finally coming to light, and many things that were once deemed conspiracy theories are now being found to be true.

I spend the bulk of my time focusing on ways in which I can have a positive impact, not just on those within my proximity, but for everyone. I feel that the only way things can truly change for the better, is for those who feel a intrinsic calling to better the world, need to dig in and begin making the changes that they want to see in the world, by first making those changes within themselves, if this has not yet transpired.

There is a mass awakening taking place, and this is challenging the system of things in many ways, for people who were once in a state of mental enslavement due to the barrage of misinformation, and misdirection, that those in positions of power have been implementing. I have been taking time to unplug, as they say, and to regain my mental independence, which technology has taken away, due to it becoming so deeply ingrained in our society and every day life, that people are in a state of autopilot, and are not living their lives, they are simply existing, not truly living.

So many people have become so entrenched with their outlook being so consumed with the pursuit of money, that they have forgotten about God, which is where our focus should be directed. When you choose to spend your life, chasing the Dollar, you forfeit the opportunity to learn the truth about this world. Taking the time to read and understand the truth, that god has graciously provided to us, through the example of his son, Jesus Christ.

I would like to be clear about something. I do not follow any established religion, the reason for this is because religion is something that man has formed, and anything that man creates, by default is susceptible to corruption, no matter how pure their intentions, I do however, follow the teachings of Christ, and I do my best on a daily basis to ensure that god is in my heart at all times. In my honest opinion, we are living in the last days, and with that being the case, it is dire that each of us take the time to wake up, spiritually speaking, and listen to that truth which many have chosen to disregard in pursuit of financial gain.

We were all created with divine potential, and with that being the case, we need to embrace this spiritual birthright. Time is one thing that we can never regain, in this life, no matter what we do, it is a vital force, that is always acting upon us. With each moment that passes we have a choice, to do what's right, or do what's easy, and while doing what is right, may in many cases bring different types of challenges, these challenges that we encounter on the path to spiritual awareness and awakening, are meant to strengthen us, not weaken us, when we choose to follow the will of the world in which we live, we are succumbing to a life that is not in alignment with Gods will, but is instead in opposition to it.

When following gods will, the world may inevitably begin hating you for doing so, because this is a path that elevates spiritual awareness and strength, and is in direct contradiction with the way this world has been established, by man.

Don't follow the life that the world expects you to live, follow the one that God intended for you to live. Remember that the Natural Man, is the Enemy of God

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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Comments (1)

  • John Attah2 months ago

    Nice article

Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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