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There's Something About Uncle Roger

A post about Uncle Roger? Fuiyho!

By Rebecca SmithPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

‘Hallo, Niece and Nephew.’ You can just hear that sentence as you read it. And, if you’re anything like me, it’ll bring a smile to your face. The character of Uncle Roger has to be one of the highlights of the past few years. With the bad, comes the good. Well, Covid has been pretty fucking bad, but Uncle Roger has brought a lot of light to these dark times. ‘Haiyaa’ has almost become like medicine to me recently.

It will never be 'Uncle Jamie'

As a white person, it’s so nice to finally see someone who doesn’t like Jamie Oliver’s cooking. I grew up with him on the TV and I’ve always thought he was an arrogant prick who couldn’t cook. I generally think if you’re British, you are either Team Jamie, or Team Gordon (Ramsay). And I’ve always been Team Gordon.

So, if you have been living under a rock, you may not know who Uncle Roger is. By the way, using your age is no an excuse; my 92 year old Nan knows who he is. Uncle Roger is a character, who was created by Malaysian comedian Nigel Ng. The character is a fifty-year-old man, who loves Egg Fried Rice, Rice Cookers, MSG, and roasting people who can’t cook Asian dishes properly. He is divorced from the infamous Aunty Helen - who he constantly refers to. I’ve seen some YouTuber comments saying that Uncle Roger is Nigel Ng with MSG and whilst I think that’s hilarious, it may not be entirely accurate.

Like Nigel, I use a character in a way. I mean, I write her under a pseudonym. For personal reasons mainly - not for comedy. I think it's nice to have a seperate persona sometimes. I feel freer as Rebecca Smith, as opposed to my actual name. I wonder if Nigel gets some sort of escapism from Unle Roger?

I’d absolutely love to meet Nigel one day (and Uncle Roger, of course), but I know that it isn’t going to happen, so I’m thankful for the YouTube videos and the podcast episodes (I don’t use TikTok).

I’m too poor for a rice cooker right now (I am saving up for one though), but unlike many of my race, I use the right amount when coking Asian dishes, and of course, I use the king of flour - MSG. I should mention, I use the right amount in cuisines. I absolutely love West Indian food too. I must admit, when I first heard him say ‘use the right amount, not the white amount’ I cried with laughter and said to my friend ‘he needs to out that on a shirt!’ I would happily wear that, on my pale, white skin. It’s funny, I can actually handle more spice than any of my friends - and my best friend is Indian. She always jokes that she’s a coconut, and that I am an inside-out coconut… and we’ve been saying that since long before the Aunty Hersha video.

I went onto cameo, by chance, but as expected, this niece is too poor *insert emoji with the bead of sweat dripping down*

My life so sad. So sad.

My friend pointed out that I have such vast interests. This somewhat surprised me, because anyone who knows me, knows I love Chinese Food and culture, but then she started listing my interests and yeah, okay, she got me there. I’m a 25 year old woman, who prefers the 40s-70s, in terms of tv, film and music, who loves heavy metal and going to gigs, who loves children and old people, but isn’t fond of most people in between. Loves a black and white movie, but will sit up all night by myself watching horror movies. Loves walks, but also white-knuckle rollercoasters. Has crippling anxiety, but constantly has everyone in stitches. I really am a weird mix. Maybe when I’m 50, and men are a little more desperate (I’m really ugly), I’ll have a chance with someone like Uncle Roger, and we can moan about people’s cooking method together.

In all seriousness though, I really like Nigel Ng’s humour. I know some people take umbrage to it, but come on people! Humour is dying out… we need more people like Nigel. He roasts white people all the time. Guess what? I’m white, and I find that shit funny. I’ve actually had a lot of racism over the years. Most people don’t believe that happens to white peoples, but it does. I had to take an old employer to court over it, and I won. But at least Nigel admits to it being a little racist, and his is funny, not personal or needlessly offensive.

There’s really no chronology to this post, is there? I just wanted an excuse to talk about Uncle Roger, to be honest.

Have you seen the make-over video? I watched that after a really shitty day, and it was so nice to smile! He had me in stitches. I really hate social media, but occasionally, it can be good, and Uncle Roger is one of those occasions.

I think we need a dedicated Uncle Roger day. Where we all cook Egg Fried Rice and talk shit about Jamie Oliver. This needs to be a public holiday. Who's with me?

So yeah, thats just my little post about the wonderful Nigel Ng. Great guy, very funny and an absolute joy to watch. I'll keep hoping and wishing that one day I'll meet him, but until then... Bye Bye.


About the Creator

Rebecca Smith


Just be f*cking nice 🙌

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Rebecca SmithWritten by Rebecca Smith

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