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Social Media Corruption

Lets put an end to the hate

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Facebook is becoming something of a horror in my opinion. What was meant to be a means of social contact between family and friends, yet it has become an information repository for god knows what. I just had my Facebook account shut down for reasons unknown, and this took place yesterday, but not before the company, fraudulently took 70 dollars out of my bank account, which I never authorized, so the means to even attempt to fix this issue is now beyond my grasp.

I spent the better part of the evening trying to find a means of contacting the company to rectify this matter, to no avail. I am going to start a petition for those who have suffered at the hands of those who run this organization, considering they have no oversight and lack integrity in any measure, they must be stopped. I know that I am not the only victim of Facebooks unethical behavior. Remember years past, when those extremely dangerous and self harming challenges began to pop up, such as the tide pod challenge, which resulted in the deaths of god knows how many individuals, yet Facebook suffered no consequences or even attempted to delegate in a morally correct way, to stop this type of behavior from taking place.

While everyone has a choice in what they do in regards to their actions, social media needs to be held accountable for their fraudulent activities, and information gathering, to be sold off for reasons that would probably make us cringe. A company with that much reach, is acting without ethical or moral guidelines, and the nature of facebook has transformed from a communication avenue to a viral cesspool of corruption. When our children, and the elderly, as well as those who suffer from mental disabilities, or learning difficulties come across these types of communication avenues, which lack oversight entirely, it creates a very dangerous situation, which is allowing people to be victimized, by not just those who use Facebook for malicious reasons, but by Facebook itself.

Considering the fact there is no means of contacting the corporation to rectify any sort of issues that one may come across, is extremely concerning. How can anyone feel safe using this platform when there is literally no one to oversee the use of such a tool, that is intended for communication, but is in fact nothing more than a tool used to steal information, money, peace of mind, spread violence, hate, and allows people to implement waves of behavior, that is homicidal or suicidal in nature, hence, the tide pod challenge, or whatever other challenges that may have been conducted through this platform.

The CEO of this corporation refused to help me in a situation years back, where someone was telling my wife, who was severely mentally disabled, and had very serious depression issues, to kill herself, in words that I will not repeat here, my attempt to get this matter rectified, by contacting the actual owner of the company left me disgusted, and infuriated. I for one, am no longer using this platform because of the danger which is represents, and if I were you I would carefully consider using such a corrupt platform as well. There are other ways that we can stay in contact with those we love, and care about. I may in fact look into starting an ethically and morally correct platform, which people are able to use to keep in contact with their loved ones, without the fear of being stolen from, or exposed to speech that is as hateful as anything I have ever come across.

Facebook is a good example of the depravity that exists in the corrupt intentions of those who have more money than they have sense to use it wisely.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 months ago

    I'm so sorry this happened to you 🥺 But how does Facebook have access to your banl account?

Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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