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Always be willing to guide

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Life is very chaotic at many times for many people, this being the case, makes it fairly difficult to know which path to take, which path is right for you, or what action to take, in any given situation. It can be scary when we are left alone in the world, and have no guides to help us to continue walking a path, that is spiritually pure, and emotionally rewarding, as well as financially stabilizing. I never dreamt of the strength that losing the most important part of my life would instill within me over the long run.

When we lack an external guide, to help us through tough situations, and to know what decisions to make, and when to make them, when you find yourself in a position that sounds similar to this, I implore you, to seek within, and above, for the greatest guide you could ever hope to have, has been by your side the entire time, the unfortunate truth however, is that so many of us are so busy all of the time, that we forget to stop, and thank our creator for the blessings which he has bestowed upon us.

I find that when I have reached points in my life, that seem to be quite unbearable, or even seemingly daunting to the point, that I don't want to proceed out of the fear of failure, I no longer allow that fear to be a road block for me, instead, it becomes my ally, and shows me the things that I need to work on, within myself, to overcome the fear that may lie within, and introspectively search for the answers, to enable me to continue on a path, that fear would have otherwise stopped me from going down. When we are placed in a position to lead others, it can seem as though we have been wrongly placed, due to the fact we lack the confidence in ourselves to lead others, if you ever encounter this, my best advice to you, is to lead by example.

In any facet of life, and in every facet of life, I have found that leading by example, is the best way to get the point across, in whatever manner you may be striving towards, show others who you are, not just by your words, but by your actions. Allow your actions to speak volumes in comparison to anything that you could ever say with your words, and what I mean by this is if you are given a position that entails leading or guiding others, allow them to learn from you by always being accountable for all that you do, whether it be good, or bad. If you make a mistake, take stock of the mistake you have made, and continue going forward. I promise you that whatever walk of life you may be in, mistakes are going to be made, and this is nothing to fear, for how can we ever hope to learn, if not through our own failures.

Fear is simply a side effect of a challenge we come across, when we come to terms with something that challenges us on this level, whether it be emotional, physical, psychological, or spiritual. Fear is weakness leaving the spirit, it is not something that is meant to be held onto, and allowed to rule over a person, for only by allowing fear to win, we take a step backwards, instead of moving forwards towards the future we want to make for ourselves. I have always been afraid of public speaking, and while this has been difficult for me, the recent promotion I received at work, entails teaching new employees about the safety protocols here at my place of work.

These classes are sometimes up to 30 if not more individuals, which I must teach, in a public speaking session. I had the thought come across my mind, that maybe I would resign this position, because of the fear I have always had in this area, but instead, I saw this as an opportunity, to overcome a fear, that has held me back, in numerous ways, throughout my life. I used this experience to grow as a person, I prayed about what road I should take, and then the answer became obvious, I will never let fear hold me back from pursuing a life of meaning.

Do not let fear paralyze you, instead let it inspire you, become friends with your fear, and it transforms from fear, into courage.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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