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Enduring Kindness

Do not waver

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

We are living in a time, where cruelty seems to be overshadowing kindness, this is something that should never take place. With your words and your deeds, allow kindness to emanate from you, as though there is an unending supply of love and compassion present within your heart and spirit, because it is in fact the truth. We make choices every single day, that may seem rather small in scope, however, the nature of these choices, is the heartbeat of the person making them.

If you see someone who is in a situation, that no man would envy, be it homelessness, poverty, addiction, or any number of things that can, if it is allowed to be, strengthen the human spirit, which is not at all actually human, this is the divine side of who we are, and these are the things that we are confronted with, in regards to strengthening this divinity within. Do not turn a blind eye to the suffering of others, just because it does not directly effect you, instead, be gracious, and giving when you find yourself in a situation that you are given the chance to show who you truly are, and from whence your true loyalties lie.

It is not ever an easy thing to part with that which we may work hard to obtain, but being willing to give that which we earn to help those who are less fortunate, is truly rewarding in a spiritual sense, and never do a good deed, in hopes of being recognized for such, instead, do these things out of the kindness and compassion which flow from your spirit into your body. If we are not willing to sacrifice for the good of others, and help when it is asked of us, how can we expect to have this same graciousness given to us, if we are ever in a situation where we may need a helping hand. I have found throughout my life, that god does most certainly work in rather mysterious ways. We may find ourselves as the tool, which he works his miracles through, in any given situation.

Always walk through this life, holding compassion in your heart, and emanating an air of kindness from ourselves, so we too may be shown forgiveness and kindness when we are in a situation, where we may be in need of the kindness from another. If we want to see a positive change take place in this world, we must be those who act in such a way, by becoming the change we wish to see in this world, it will also give others the courage to act in kind, and provide the same type of change, through experience that we may have the capacity to offer, through our own hands and deeds.

We never know just how far reaching our actions may in fact be, until we take these actions. I was at the laundromat one day, doing my brother and sister in laws laundry, as well as my own, and I noticed that there was a quarter that the prior user of the change machine, had inadvertently left in the change dispenser, I found the woman to whom this quarter belonged, and returned it to her, and for my act of kindness, this woman turned around and gifted me a 10 karat gold star sapphire ring, which I was not expecting. My act of kindness on this day, resulted in an act of kindness on the part of the individual to whom I showed respect and love for, by returning to them, that which was not mine, and while it was only a quarter, it was the magnitude, and the intention, from which this act of kindness stemmed, that resulted in the same kindness being returned to me, 10 fold. I now wear this ring as a constant reminder to me, of how impactful one small act of kindness can be, and how these simple acts, can be great in scope, although the act was small, it was the intention from which this act stemmed from, that created this situation of all around compassion, in my fellow human being.

I say with conviction, that you should never underestimate the impact that one simple act of kindness can have on another, so always act in this way, and never expect anything in return, for the reward that you receive in your spirit, far outweighs the reward your could otherwise receive.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 months ago

    PREACH!!! I totally agree with every single thing you have said here! It's utmost important to always treat everyone and also ourselves with kindness!

Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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