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Present Centered Perception

This Moment Matters

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Life is never going to cease, having it's difficulties, that one needs to overcome, but a change and alteration in ones perception, can have substantially positive outcomes, if you take the time, to see things as they truly are.

When you are going through challenging times, and it seems as though, forces beyond your control, are mounting what seems to be a psychological onslaught of worries, and fear inspiring outcomes to take place. It will feel as though the peace which you may have known in the past, is gone forever.

In my experiences, I have learned to let go of the fear, that the future can inspire, and also have resolved, to make peace with the past, and every little thing, that could very easily, weigh down by consciousness, with worries, about what I could have done differently, or perhaps, where I would be, if I would have taken actions, that differ from those which have gotten me to where I am. We must not allow the What If's to override our sense of What Is.

In reality, life comes down to this moment, in which we are living, for this is the only moment which truly exists, in all actuality, the future, has yet to be written, and the past is no longer relevant, in regards to this moment, right now. A perceptional shift is necessary to live life, in a state of continuous peace, which goes against the grain, of what this material world, represents, due in large part to the societal programming which we receive, from our birth, to our death, the majority of the population live in a constant state of, What's Next, which can and does on many occasions instill fear.

When you learn to vibrate with the inherent value, that lies in this moment, right now, the worries of the future, begin to fade away, when combined, with actions, that promote peace of mind, and clarity of thought, such as ensuring that your basic needs are met, can play an immense role, in guiding an individual into a state of peace, that lasts, and does not waiver.

Life is meant to be a teacher, offering countless lessons, at every moment, to better ourselves in some way, even if it is small, every small step in the right direction, in regards to ones own peace, amounts to be much larger steps, when combined with consistency, and the passing of perceived time.

When you take the time, and allow yourself to enjoy the moment which you are experiencing right now, it allows your thoughts to be freed from the worry that this fast paced world, seems to be constantly bombarding us with. I have realized in my life, that what truly matters, in the grand scheme of things, is our actions, and our intentions, towards ourselves, and others, by living with loving intentions, towards all, including ourselves, it creates an experience, that is much more fulfilling than, the pursuit of the What's Next, mentality.

When you learn to combine present centered focus, with long term goal setting, which allows one to align actions of now, with aspirations of tomorrow, then we are able to write our own futures but following our own perceptions of the present, which will have ramifications of substantial importance, to us tomorrow, but you must also be aware, that while our actions at present will have an impact on tomorrow, we should always remember that the most important time we should be focused on, is the now. This is the only place, where our actions can have an impact in shaping tomorrow, even if they are small, always live with pure intentions, and allow your actions to echo the integrity of your intentions in action.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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Comments (1)

  • Lamar Wiggins3 months ago

    Yes! I’m a true believer in the ‘now’. You presented it in such a spirited way. Thank you.

Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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