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Paralyzed By Fear

Do not succumb to the world

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Embrace Your Divinity, Recognize It In Others.

The events that are about to take place, in regards to the total solar eclipse, have stirred up quite a bit of attention as of late, and the ramifications of such a profound celestial series of events, has led some people to a state of panic, assuming that the end of the world is on the horizon. While we are living in very tumultuous days, do not allow a state of fear, or panic to overcome your sense of purpose.

The signs of the times are most definitely apparent in what is going on around the world, however, we are instructed to not allow that to distract us from that which is truly important. When living in this world, there are many distractions which can divert ones attention away from meaningful interactions, focusing on being your best version of who you are, so you can at the same time, set an example for others to follow, sometimes, it can make a very impactful difference for others, who may be lost in their own life, when they have an example to follow.

While we live in times of great change, and one thing that I know about change is that it can most definitely be scary, until you learn to embrace it. When you perceive change, not as something that will upset the balance of your life, but instead view it as a challenge to be overcome, it becomes exciting to experience change, in whatever form it may take. We have conditioned to work towards a life, of wealth, and extravagance to a degree, which has caused the spiritual aspects of life, to take a back seat to principles which hold not inherent value, aside from providing material comfort, and indulgence in things that will only further lead to increasing states of spiritual degradation.

Life is something that is meant to be lived, in the present moment, not in states of worry, or regret, when focusing on the future, or dwelling on the past. Life is something that should now, and always be held as sacred, but living in the moment, we are actualizing that which is happening at the time it is happening, which allows our perception to be fully present in that moment, this adds much greater quality of time, to every moment, as we learn to embrace them, as they come.

We are constantly bombarded by so many different variations of stimuli in this world, from our phones, gaming devices, television, word of mouth regarding events, which either have not yet transpired, or are theorized to transpire in the near future, which more often than not, invoke states of fear, deep within the psyche of not just a few people, but a vast amount of the global population. These things can be seen when turning the tv on, or looking at the news stories that may pop up on your phone. It states that we are not be to concerned over such things, because even while there are some things of great turbulence, that are not only happening, but are prophesied to occur.

I fully believe that we are approaching the time of which it speaks about in the bible, but even with that very possibly being the case, it makes it that much more important, to have our actions, and words, be a reflection of not only the goodness, which we hold within ourselves, but take it further, if you have the courage, and embrace the lifestyle that god deems us to embrace, not living in fear, but living in the present, and not worrying about the future. Living in this way, is what I have learned to do, and in doing so, it has brought me a greater amount of peace, than I have ever known.

Do not allow fear of either current or future events to cause you to remain in a state of indecision, which fear can trap us in, paralyzing our thoughts, and impeding our actions.

Always embrace your divinity, and in so doing, you shall learn to recognize the divinity that exists within us all.

Brightest blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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