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Past Expectations: Is It Working For You?

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln

By YOURGOALSYOURGAINS Published 2 months ago 3 min read

How do your past expectations undermine your current actions?

Certain events that have occurred in one’s life can have a significant impact on the way we process reality and our role in it.

Professing belief is different from just knowing. There are a lot of instances when you’ve been taught something and accepted it as fact instead of testing it.

Or you can recollect information from a period that no longer is and somehow think it still applies now.

Here’s a simple example: My boyfriend went to Winners to buy himself a new pair of jeans.

When he arrived home and decided to wear them, they were too big, though not ridiculously so.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The other issue is that he thought he had a belt readily available, but in reality, he did not.

It was my birthday, and we were on our way to dinner. We had to come up with a quick fix.

Let’s say he had to rock a piece of clothing of mine to hold up those pants.

Foremost, we all agree that this difficulty could have been avoided if he had tried on the pants. ( Of course, that was my first question!)

On the other hand, I can understand the annoyance of having to go to a dressing room with a bunch of items that you have whimsically chosen because that is the Winner’s way.

I mean trying on a jacket in the middle of the aisle is one thing. When it comes to pants, your bum needs to snuggle comfortably in that rear area.

The other issue is that my boyfriend has experienced a lot of weight shift over the years.

He may have believed he could remember a time when he was that size, like the clothes he used to wear.

However, you might be thinking that it is a baseless decision. I truly do agree!

Thirdly, he was wearing sweatpants. Sweatpants are tricky when it comes to size especially when comparing them to jeans.

When you take into account the size in number measurement of the jeans as compared to what can be considered the other size category, a large or x-large, you again need to be precise.

I guess I am being the devil’s advocate here, but, I feel like sweatpants are so hard to get out, especially when replacing them with something stiffer like jeans.

Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.

John Wooden

The obvious conclusion according to me for my boyfriend’s lack of effort is laziness, pure and simple.

But if we do dig deeper and analyze his motives and intentions, there is a possibility that we can gain additional information.

The proper route was trying on the pants, but that did not happen. Why?

Was he in a hurry? Did he think he wouldn’t make it home on time since we had a reservation?

Is it possible that he made an estimated guess by aiming higher instead of ending up with tight jeans?

Or did he somehow feel like he was bigger around the waist?

Could it be a lack of focus, entirely?

Thank you for your time, dear readers. Share in the comment section:

How have your expectations worked out for you so far?

How do you approach clothing shopping?

humorStream of Consciousnessquotesfact or fiction

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Motivation is my game! Whether I channel Tarot truths and spread astrological facts or anything in between, it is for the betterment of humankind by taking the road of knowing thyself. Nobody can take your power away.

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