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Medical Ignorance

Complacency can be dangerous

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Prior to my wifes passing, her and is discussed what we wanted the other to do, in the event one of us was to pass away before the other, and my promise to my wife was multifaceted. I promised to do my due diligence in taking care of my elderly brother in law, and my disabled sister in law. I made my most recent trip down to visit them, and am horrified to find, that the doctor over my sister in laws care, has completely taken her off of all of her medication which is vital for her mental illness, to be in a stabilized place.

I had a similar issue before my wife passed away, when this same doctor made claims that he was going to take my wife off of the medication which led to her overdose, which resulted in her passing. This doctors negligent behavior towards his patients is blatant and seems intentional. I went with my wife to her appointments, and was horrified to see this doctors practice, file patients in and out as though they are numbers, not people, looking to maximize his profits while minimizing the care which he provided to not just my wife, but now my sister in law as well, as well as many other people I have spoken to in relation to his care of those he is supposed to be helping.

Doctors take what is known as a hippocratic oath, where they swear to never cause harm, and to do their due diligence in helping those which they serve, to never harm, unintentionally or intentionally. When a doctor is filing patients through like they are numbers, not taking time to truly hear the concerns that the patient is voicing, as well as taking with a grain of sand, any medical knowledge the patient has in regards to their own treatment, as though it is less important, just because the patient does not have a degree in such things, it is a recipe for disaster.

It is a very sad thing when someone in such a position does not take their calling seriously, and instead just looks at the dollar signs, opposed to the nature of their work, which is rooted in helping people. We must always be vigilant of our own medical care, and ensure that we are receiving the correct degree of care from these individuals, mainly because if we allow them to harm us, due to their complacent behavior, or negligence, is has much greater ramifications than it can have in other areas, due to the fact that we are in a large part, placing our well being and our lives in their hands.

My wifes death could have been prevented if this doctor would have done what he knew he needed to, and taken my wife off of her oxycodone, when he could clearly see that the potential for abuse was present, but the behavior associated with drug abuse was most certainly prevalent. This man should be held accountable for his negligence, for before another individual loses their life to his ethical questionable practices.

I will most certainly not stand by, while my sister in law suffers at the hands of her mental illness, that at this point is in large part due to the fact, that this doctor, knowingly stripped away every medication that was helping control her symptoms of mental illness, and has now instead, placed her on controlled substances, which could feasibly result in her overdosing from such things as well, I will act of my own accord in regards to this situation.

Never place too much trust in the person who is caring for you in a medical way, unless you happen to know, without a doubt that they most certainly have your best interest at heart.

Remain vigilance, and always be mindful

#Brightest Blessings


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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