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Loves Blessing

Look Within

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

When you are blessed enough to have that person come into your life, who awakens the depth of emotion that exists within your heart, and soul, it is a beautiful experience. I can say that when that person tells me that they love me, it causes a swell of energy to flow into my heart, reverberating outwards from my heart, after their energetic signature flows into mine, it creates a ripple effect which flows outwards from me, then there after.

We can choose to allow the darkness of this world, to inflict harm on our psyche, our spirit, or our body, but when we guard ourselves with faith, and hope, and continue with a positive attitude, regardless of what our circumstances may be, we are also showing our creator, that we are responsible enough, and wise enough to be able to practice discernment in regards to our surroundings, utilizing situational awareness with wisdom, to guarantee to the best of our ability, the most expectant outcome we can hope to achieve, despite whatever may be going on at the time.

I recently had to say good bye to a friend, who just recently started a new relationship of a romantic nature, which caused her to re draw her boundary lines in her life, and having male friends is something I suppose she is not fond of any longer. Despite this, and the pain that it has caused me, I will always be grateful for the time that I had with this friend, and am happy that she is finding the happiness that she has sought for a fair amount of time now, even though her finding happiness is at the expense of our friendship, and it hurts in my heart, I am happy for her.

When we want the best for someone else, it will remain so, no matter whether their happiness is inclusive of us or not. Truly having love for another person, means that if they find happiness, and it is without you, you are still happy for them, even though it means that you are losing someone from your life, they are gaining someone, and that is what they need to continue growing and advancing to become a better version of themselves.

Too many people decide to hold grudges against others, over things that are actually quite trivial in nature, such as a fight or a disagreement which people allow to fester, and become spiritual infections, which result in them having to remove certain people from their lives, because they are afraid of facing their own truth, or being honest enough to keep boundaries secure, does not allow everyone to grow in a healthy way, it must be a way that incorporates true happiness. I find that happiness is something that is not a result of our outer circumstances, but is instead the result of a journey that takes place in an introspective way. Happiness for me, was found in the depths of my own soul, after having shattered my psychological framework, and having to piece this broken mirror of myself back together.

I had to work for the happiness which I have achieved and it has not been achieved without effort, and I am not someone who gives up easily, or takes the easy road, because I have found that the things I have learned through going down the path of challenges, is substantially more than I could have learned otherwise. Remember that challenges are not to be feared, instead view them as opportunities in disguise, for they truly are. If you are afraid of change, then start by slowly taking the steps in the direction of realizing why you are afraid, and consider the perspective no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, and happiness shall too be yours, it just must be found within, I have discovered.

Brightest Blessings


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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Comments (1)

  • Nsah Heribert5 months ago

    Sorry for the sad story

Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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