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Kindness of a stranger

Unsung hero

By DSPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Kindness of a stranger
Photo by Marie-Michèle Bouchard on Unsplash

My story starts with a call from the school. It was the school nurse and she had said my daughter had started her special time at school. It was the first time for her and her mother happened to be out of town. The nurse continued and said I would need to grab some female hygiene items and a change of clothes and bring them to school.

Luckily it was early morning and I worked second shift. So I got up grabbed a quick shower and headed to the store. I grabbed me a cart and threw some chocolate bars in with some Gatorade.

I made it to the aisle for her products and it took up half the aisle. I started at one end looking for age or size, something to help me decide what to get her. I knew what her mom used but was that the right thing for a young girl coming into womanhood ?

Another shopper passed by and looked strange at me and rolled past. I was still reading the packages when I heard her turn around and come over to me. It was a tall slender woman about thirty something. She had a lot of fresh produce, salad stuff in her cart.

She asked " Can I help you out, you seem to be lost in thought at the moment."

I replied "I would be very appreciative and I know my daughter would be as well. "

I explained what had happened to my daughter and the lady understood and picked out what her teen daughters were using and put them in my cart for me. She also grabbed some pain reliever for me as well because she said the first time could be bad and she might be in some pain or discomfort.

I thanked her very much and went on and grabbed a couple tv dinners for me and my daughter to have for lunch since I was bringing her home.

I got to the registers and the lady that had helped me was unloading her cart onto the belt. I sit back and waited my turn. I did not notice but she had grabbed the female hygiene products and put it with her stuff.

I loaded all my stuff up while the other lady was busy bagging her stuff. The end belt was divided into two lanes. I noticed the one thing I actually needed was not in my cart and I looked under it and on the belt and everything. There was a big line behind me so I went ahead and checked out and bagged up everything.

As I was leaving the lady that had helped me pick out the product was waiting just outside the exit. She handed me a bag which had the female hygiene products in it. She said her husband would not even buy their daughters these products so she was looking out for me.

I thanked her and offered her money for what she had paid for the product. She would not accept it and just told me to pay it forward when I got the chance.

With everything loaded up I rushed to the school and gave my daughter her supplies and waited for her and the nurse to come out. We went to the office and signed her out and came home.

On the way home my daughter was very grateful for what I did and we went home and had some lunch and watched some movies until her mother made it back into town. We were separated at the time so my daughter spent the week at her mom's and visited on the weekend.

The next week I went to the same store and luckily enough the same lady was shopping there. I had made it to the register first though this time and explained to the cashier that I would buy the next shoppers groceries for her and to just put it on my card. I hurried up and bagged up my items and rushed out towards my car.

The lady caught up to me in the parking lot and said that I did not have to do that, she was just happy to help me in my hour of need.

I explained how happy my daughter was by having the right thing and the pain medicine. She was so grateful I had to do something for you. I never got your name or address for a thank you letter.

I wished her well and hoped her family was healthy and we said our good-byes.

The End.


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