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Strip Search

Happy endings

By DSPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Strip Search
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

Where to begin, well my name is Jerry and I do IT for a small local company in a fairly small town. We have the usual stores and just outside town we have a small local jail to hold our criminals until their trial.

My boss received a call that the jail had some networking issues and needed a hand to clear it up. He had already talked with the town Marshall and got a work order and a purchase order in case we needed materials to do the job. He told me to go out and take care of the problem and not to worry about the store he would cover all day if he needed to depending on the problem.

I gathered up my gear and loaded up in our company van and headed out to the jail. It was out a ways so it took about a half hour of driving down an old slab road to get to it. I pulled up in the parking lot and grabbed my test equipment and headed in to the jail.

I walked in and the only person that was there was the secretary, sitting at the desk answering the phone. She hung up her current call and walked to the counter. She had long flowing dark red hair that went to the middle of her back. She stood roughly four foot two, with some sizeable breasts that were peaking from her skin tight dress. It was lavender in color and nearly see through as I noticed her nipples erect as ever and poking straight out of the fabric.

She announced "My name is Carrie, how may I help you sir."

I replied "I am Jerry from the PC Fixit store in town and that I was here to work on the computer systems. "

Carrie looking me up and down with lustful eyes said " Well Jerry we have been having some issues. Did your boss tell you about our policy and workers entering the jail? "

I said " He just said it might take all day and he would cover at the store. I assumed it was quite a big problem so it might take a while to fix. "

Carrie answered " Yes it is quite a problem. First thing first follow me to the strip search room and bring your tools. I need to ensure you do not have any weapons or anything to harm me or the residents of our jail. "

I followed Carrie into the strip search room and put my tools on the table. Carrie started going through each item , opening up the case looking for a moment and closing it up again.

I was busy checking out Carrie and I saw no panty line, no bra what so ever. Just a pair of Nike tennis shoes and her dress. She had a small choker on that had a unicorn on it for decoration.

Carrie turned to me and said " Well everything here checks out. I need to have you strip searched, usually we can get a same sex officer to do that but right now they are all out of the office. Do you object to me doing the search?"

I said " If there is no one else I am sure I will not mind if you conduct the search. "

Carrie replied " Good, now strip completely down and place your clothes on the hooks behind you. "

I stripped down and was nude. My dick was already stiffening to the thoughts racing through my head. I tried to not get hard but it was near impossible to do.

Carrie grabbing a pair of rubber gloves said " Turn around and put your hands on the wall. "

She ran her gloved hands through my hair, down my back. Rubbing my shoulders as she moved down. Grabbed my cheeks of my ass and pulled them apart and then gave them each a slight slap. She grabbed my shoulder again and spun me around to face her.

She took off the gloves and went to her knees. Grabbing my shaft in her hand she started squeezing it and put her mouth on my head. She started licking it like a lollypop. She worked me in and out getting me soaking wet from her saliva.

Carrie stood and grabbed me with one arm while she put her leg against the wall and guided my hard member into her waiting wet sex. She pushed into me with her mid section putting me deep into her love. She wrapped her other arm behind me and pulled up her legs to wrap around my waist.

Taken off guard I hurriedly cupped her bottom and started thrusting in and out at a breath taking pace. She was grasping me with everything she had. Her breasts were pressed hard against my chest, making them look like a beautiful pancake. Her face next to my neck. Her mouth busy sucking my neck as we thrust each other harder and harder.

Her deep moans verily audible until she released my neck and let out a scream that the whole jail heard. She was gushing her very wet and hot juices onto my shaft. It felt so good I released an orgasm just as intense as Carrie and held her tight to me as we both quivered.

Carrie finally climbed off and straightened herself up. She put her breasts back in her dress and grabbed a small towel and cleaned herself up to be presentable.

Carrie walked over and cleaned me and my now semi erect shaft up. She made sure to lift him up and clean the whole shaft for me. I started getting dressed.

Carrie walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a pair of stockings and some frilly underwear which she sat down and was putting on herself.

She waited for me to finish dressing and opened the door and walked into the main office. I followed her in and she guided me to the pc that was having issues.

Just then Marshall Elizabeth Falcone walked in the door. She was a beautiful woman of six foot, long blond hair and a very curvy body. She had her uniform on with all the usual goodies.

The Marshall asked " Well Jerry I see you met Carrie. She just moved here last week and does not know too many people in town. Do you think you could show her around and make her feel welcome? "

Smiling ear to ear I answered " I think that is a wonderful idea. Let me finish up work here and I can be back after work to pick you up if that is alright."

Elisabeth smiling walked over to the router and flipped a switch that it was plugged into a power bar. She said " I think that should fix the problem Jerry. I already talked to your boss, you have the rest of the day until your shift tomorrow off. Carrie you can go ahead now I will be in the rest of the day so enjoy yourselves. "

I took my gear to the vehicle and checked in with my boss and he confirmed it. He and the Marshall were good friends. They went to school together and lived here their whole lives. He knew it had been a great while from my divorce so they did some matchmaking.

Me and Carrie went to eat and then headed to my place after we were through. We had a wonderful time and explored every inch of one another. It has been six months and Carrie has moved in with me and we are living happily ever after.

The end.


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