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It's in the Stars

Failed First Dates & New Beginnings

By Cindy CalderPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

It had grown late, and Shelby was beginning to think she’d fallen through time as she sat at her table alone. She was drinking her second glass of Tuscan Merlot and noticed that the restaurant’s crowd had drastically thinned since she’d first arrived. It had been an excruciatingly long week and this was a fitting end to it. So much for blind dates, she ruefully thought as she wondered if she would ever learn her lesson. Mentally berating herself, she reasoned that it was foolish to think she could meet anyone of any substance on a blind date.

The waiter approached. “Would you like another glass of Merlot?” he asked.

I’d actually like the entire bottle, please, she thought but instead only murmured, “No, thank you.”

Maybe it was time to put on the big girl panties and handle this situation accordingly, she thought to herself, a wry smile forming across her lips with the notion that she certainly had the experience to do so when it came to no shows or failed first dates. At thirty-one, she was long overdue for a good and pleasant date with a man that she found appealing, intelligent, and attractive. However, it appeared that someone who fit that description in the near vicinity might be a rarity. The universe needed to right itself along with the stars’ alignment to give her a much needed break when it came to dating. Where was her fairy godmother after all?

As Shelby continued to stare into her glass of Merlot, self-reflection all too apparent in her fixed gaze, the waiter approached again.

“Excuse me, miss. Would you care for a menu? Perhaps something to eat?” The waiter nonchalantly gestured at a gentleman across the room and said, “It’s on the house according to the owner.”

Surprised, Shelby sat up and peered over at the gentleman to whom the waiter was referring. He was tall, dark-haired, and wore a charming smile upon his rather handsome visage. He nodded at Shelby as if knowing she was seeking confirmation of what the waiter had just told her.

“Oh,” was all she could manage to say in response as a smile slowly formed on her lips.

The waiter awkwardly fumbled with the menu before he placed it in front of her. “He says he wants to treat you to dinner, So, if you like seafood, I highly recommend our special of the day: the grouper along with a fresh salad and baked potato. And how about that glass of Merlot?”

Shelby tore her gaze away from the man standing across the room and nodded. “That sounds delicious. And, yes, I’d love another glass of Merlot. Please tell…”

“His name is Seton, miss,” the waiter said.

“Please express my gratitude to Seton.”

Shelby glanced across the room and watched as the waiter stopped to relay what had just transpired to the owner. Maybe it was fortunate that her blind date had decided on this restaurant near the beach, and that he’d also decided not to show. Things might possibly be looking better than she expected.

Quickly she smoothed her hair and in her nervousness, she twirled a loose curl around her index finger only to allow its release and then repeat the action. She looked anywhere in the room save at him in an attempt to act as if it was a normal occurrence for a stranger to buy her a drink and dinner. Only moments later, the owner crossed the room with the bottle of Merlot in hand and stopped in front of her.

“I’m delighted you decided to have a bite to eat with us,” he said as he flashed her a handsome smile. Extending his hand, he added, “I’m Seton.”

“I’m Shelby, and thank you very much,” Shelby said with a smile as she took his hand. “Dinner is a pleasant surprise on an otherwise dismal night.”

“Ah, yes,” Seton said. “I couldn’t help but notice. Well, I consider someone else’s loss to be my gain. May I?” he asked, gesturing to the empty seat across from her.

“Yes, please.” Looking around briefly, Shelby could not help but wonder if her fairy godmother had at long last shown up.

As Seton took a seat, Shelby observed that he was even more handsome close up than from afar. His hair had the slightest trace of grey in its dark, thick waves, and she guessed that he might be about thirty-five. His blue eyes were bright and aware as he regarded her, and she knew he was taking in every little detail of her appearance. Faint creases around the blue eyes assured her that he was a man used to smiling and laughing. All in all, his was a very pleasant face, and she was keenly aware that the attraction she felt was seemingly returned. Her slight blush deepened at the recognition.

Seton turned and motioned to the waiter for another glass. “Did you order the grouper?”

“Yes,” Shelby said. “It came highly recommended.”

“Perfect,” Seton smiled as he poured himself a glass of wine. “It pairs beautifully with this Tuscan Merlot. The rich, velvety smoothness of the blackcurrant and cherries in the wine enhances the taste of the fish. This is one of my favorites, because it's such an approachable wine,” he said, taking a sip from his glass. As he did so, she took notice of the two strong dimples on either side of his mouth. Yes, this was a man who liked to laugh, and along with those beautiful, kind eyes, she was getting nothing but exceedingly strong, positive vibes from him. Was she dreaming?

Shelby nodded her agreement, suddenly very self-aware and glad she’d chosen to wear the slimming little, black dress that every woman should own. And also very happy that she’d decided on the heels, which complimented her slender, long legs. Yes, thank goodness she’d followed her instincts and dressed to impress, because this was a man well worth the extra effort.

“Well, Shelby, you know what I do, so please tell me a little about yourself,” Seton said.

Shelby laughed. “When I’m not painting, I’m failing miserably at dating, or more specifically, at first dates.”

Seton flashed a brilliant smile. “I’m rather selfishly glad this one was a failure.”

Despite attempting to be very nonchalant, Shelby felt a deeper blush creep across her cheeks. “Me, too,” she said quietly. Seton immediately noticed the blush, thinking it only served to make her even more attractive.

“So you paint, Shelby? What do you paint?” He asked as he settled himself a bit more comfortably in the seat, one arm casually draped across the back of the booth.

“Mostly landscapes,” she replied. “Living on the ocean, I’m never at a loss for inspiration.”

“I’d love to see your work. I’ve been looking for some new pictures to hang,” he said. “Do you think it would be possible for you to show me a few?”

Under the table top, Shelby pinched herself. Yes, she must be dreaming, because not only was there a very attractive, intelligent man seated across from her who wanted to buy her dinner and get to know her, but he was also interested in her artwork. It felt like a dream, but still, that pinch stung, so it obviously was, in fact, reality.

“I could bring some of my paintings by the restaurant tomorrow if you’d like. I have several beach scenes that would look lovely in your restaurant.”

“That would be perfect. I would like to see your work. I am looking for pictures for both the restaurant and home, so please bring several,” Seton said. He knew that seeing her artwork would divulge a great deal about not only the type of artist she was, but also about the kind of person she was. “Are you from the area?” he asked.

“Yes, I’ve lived here all my life. And you?”

“From here, too,” he said and then paused to look at her in concentration. “Why haven’t I seen you before?”

Shelby shook her head and smiled in response. “I don’t know,” she said. Maybe the stars weren't in the correct alignment until tonight, she thought.

Seton nodded. “I wish I knew who your blind date was.”

“Why so?” Shelby tilted her head in question.

“I’d thank him.”

Who was this man and from where had he come all of a sudden? Shelby couldn’t tear her green gaze away from his blue one.

“I think I’d buy him a drink and thank him, too, at least before I sent him on his merry way with his tail between his legs,” Shelby said emphatically.

Seton laughed. “And why am I thinking that he might be getting off easy if you did only that?”

Shelby feigned ignorance and shrugged before she broke into a lovely smile. As the food was delivered to the table, she excused herself and made her way to the ladies’ room. Freshening up in the mirror, she applied a bit of lipstick before she turned to leave. As she did so, she nearly collided with a short, older woman.

“Excuse me! I am so sorry,” she said.

“Oh, dear, I’m fine. How about you? Are you enjoying your night, Shelby?” the woman asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

Shelby returned the woman’s smile. “Yes, I am, thank you,” she said before realizing she had called her by name. “I’m sorry. Have we met before?”

“Yes, dear, many times, but you aren’t expected to remember. My name is Tabitha,” she said. “I’m so glad you’re enjoying your evening. Seton is a wonderful man. He’ll do nicely for you, dear.”

Perplexed, Shelby continued to stare wide-eyed at the woman. “Tabitha?” she said, her voice only above a whisper. “And you know me? And you know Seton?”

“Why, yes, dear, I know everyone I’m assigned to, and I’m definitely assigned to you, sweet Shelby. I’m Tabitha, your fairy godmother,” the woman reached her warm hand over and squeezed Shelby’s hand as she spoke, sending shivers throughout Shelby’s entire body.

“My fairy…godmother?” Shelby could hardly think what to say. “I must be dreaming...”

“No, you’re not dreaming, Shelby. Please now, you go along. You and your young man have a lot to learn about one another. Just live in the moment and enjoy your evening to the fullest, and all the evenings to come with Seton. The two of you were destined to be - it’s in the stars,” she said and then winked before she added, “I’ll be watching you always, dear.”

And with that, Tabitha turned and left, leaving Shelby staring after her in amazement. However, as she continued to try to make sense of the exchange that had just occurred, her mind went suddenly blank, and she shook her head at herself in the mirror before she slowly turned and headed back to the table.

Seton stood as she approached and then settled in his seat again, topping off their wine glasses. Shelby sat, transfixed for a moment, her mind a jumble of scattered thoughts. But for the life of her, she could not bring any of them to full fruition.

“Are you all right,” Seton asked.

Shelby nodded. “I’m great.”

Much later, after the meal was eaten and much conversation had ensued between the two, Shelby smiled as she looked at Seton. Impulsively, she lifted her wine glass and smiling sweetly, she said, “Here’s to the stars and living in the moment. It’s so nice to meet you, Seton.”

Seton raised his wine glass at her in response and smiled as he said, “To failed first dates and new beginnings.”

Neither of them noticed the little old woman in the corner who also raised her glass and toasted the two. It was always a wonderful experience to see the stars align as they had for these two lovebirds. Being a fairy godmother was definitely the best job ever.


About the Creator

Cindy Calder

From Charleston SC - "I am still learning." Michelangelo

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    Cindy CalderWritten by Cindy Calder

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