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I'm An Introvert, Sorry If That Offends You

Extroverts Are So Sensitive

By Krysta DawnPublished about a year ago 4 min read
I'm An Introvert, Sorry If That Offends You
Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

Hi, my name is Krysta and I'm an introvert.

I never realized how offensive that statement actually is. Apparently, extroverts are incredibly sensitive when an introvert isn't exactly like them.

My boyfriend and friends are all extroverts. I'm not sure how that happened. Maybe I'm like a unicorn. Extroverts don't believe people like me actually exist. After all, how could someone survive without being around other people all the time?! I'm a rare (not really - about half of all people are introverts) creature that must be seen to be believed.

One thing is true with everyone - they want to "fix" me. I don't see anything wrong. Some of the most successful people in the world are introverts. They're often incredibly independent people who aren't afraid to chase after what they want. In fact, they're usually more likely to listen to the thoughts in their own mind than the nonsense the doubters and haters spew.

But, I need to be "fixed." Otherwise, I'm just terribly offensive for not being like those around me.

I'm Fine On My Own

Yes, I do struggle with depression and anxiety. Was it triggered because I spend a lot of time alone? Is it because I'm just as happy at home or doing something on my own than I'd be hanging out with friends?

Nope. My unfriendly mental goblins started staking claim on my brain after a serious of major life changes I had no control over. So, no, introversion didn't make my brain hate me.

I think the most offensive thing to my boyfriend and friends is I'm fine on my own. They invite me to a party or weekend getaway and I turn them down. They complain when they have to spend a few days on their own. I, on the other hand, have just as much fun by myself.

I enjoy my hobbies. I watch TV. I dance around my living room. I learn new things. It's not unusual for me to be so involved in learning some new skill that I completely lose track of time. Then, that new skill lets me get out and do more things, whether on my own or with someone.

They're constantly telling me I'll be sorry for not making more friends. I didn't know I had to meet a certain quota. When I did use social media, I only had about a dozen friends and a few work connections. My poor offended extroverted friends had hundreds of friends on social media. Oops, guess I lost the "who has the most friends" contest. I'll live.

While I hated COVID (who doesn't), I didn't mind the quarantines and lock-downs. Finally, I had some peace and quiet from being pushed to constantly hang out. I was perfectly fine talking to friends and family via video calls.

If you're an introvert, you'll understand that the mental connection is often far more personal than physical contact. So, I was getting the mental connection, which made being physically apart okay.

I'm Surprisingly More People-Friendly

Despite my friends saying they're extroverts, you'd think they never learned how to socialize. I'll be honest - I hate talking to strangers on the phone or video calls. I actually turn down writing jobs if it involves any type of call. Sorry, but email is easier, faster, and gives me a written copy of what a client needs done.

But, I see my extroverted friends being rude to others. They get loud and obnoxious. They can't seem to see past their own needs. Forget about respecting those around them.

I see them as parents who get loud after a few drinks and let their kids run around screaming under the waitstaff's feet. I sadly see far too many extroverts thinking this type of behavior is okay.

As an introvert, I have no problem talking to random people, though I probably won't initiate the conversation. I keep my voice down and I'm mindful of those around me. I'm very much aware that the world doesn't revolve around me. I'm happy in my introvert bubble.

I'm also more likely to get up off my butt and pick up my own dinner versus having someone deliver it to me. I'm also the only one that says "thank you" to waitstaff and retail employees. Yet, somehow wanting more time alone is offensive.

I find it easy to make friends. I just don't care to. Frankly, I've been burned far too many times by "friends."

I think that's part of being an introvert. You only want and need a few people you trust. Everything else is just noise and excess.

Be Offended, I'm Happy

If introverts offend you, tough. I'm happy. We're not something to be fixed. Yes, introverts' minds work differently and that's a good thing. Having people who are more quiet and think before they speak is good.

Extroverts don't offend me. I find them amusing and even love some of them. I just wish they'd try to see a different view sometimes.

If you're an introvert, you know what I mean. Not being a hyperactive puppy desperately needing other puppies to be around isn't a bad thing. Yet, extroverts always want to change you. You must be like them. Nope, I just need to be me.


About the Creator

Krysta Dawn

A long-time writer finding her passion for writing once again, sharing advice, and spicing up the world one word at a time. Expect tech tips, writing advice, opinions, lifestyle, motivation, erotica, and more.

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    Krysta DawnWritten by Krysta Dawn

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