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I Challenge This Challenge

Has The Donation Money Been Sent Yet?

By Paula ShabloPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Keiv Ukraine Pixabay Free Image

Over the last year, I have entered a lot of stories in various Vocal + challenges, always with a small dose of hope and a larger dose of skepticism. That skepticism has been well-earned, but that's another story.

For now, I am focused on this: I am not actively seeking to win the latest Vocal challenge, “The Moment of Freedom.”

I’ll explain.

Look, I am generally a person who just watches and waits, even when I’m outraged, in an attempt to…I don’t know…offend no one; hurt no feelings; make no one angry.

But this is too important, and I’m tired of stewing in my own juices about it.

You see, I have read and reread the challenge rules, and the Vocal rules, and nowhere did I find any indication of when the money will be sent, or whether it had already been sent.

From The Moment of Freedom Challenge Official Rules:

Rankings and Winner Selection: There will be 50 top stories recognized by the Vocal team. In lieu of monetary prizes, $10,000 will be donated to United Help Ukraine in support of Ukraine during this conflict.

The Prize; Taxes: $10,000 will be donated to United Help Ukraine organization.

Why are you not being more transparent about this donation, Vocal?

I’m exercising my own freedom to challenge the challenge. I challenge you to TELL US whether or not the money has already been sent to help Ukraine in a timely manner.

Because—what the hell, people? You’re going to make a donation? When?

I want a clear explanation about WHEN.

Spit it out Vocal—has the money already been sent to United Help Ukraine? If it has, you need to make a clear statement to that effect so that everyone knows that help has been given in a timely manner.


If you’re waiting until the challenge ends and the “winners” have been declared, then SHAME ON YOU.

People in Ukraine have lost loved ones. They’ve lost pets, homes, possessions. They’ve lost their FREEDOM. They needed help on the very day you posted this challenge.

Did they get it? Did you send that promised $10,000.00 check the very day you advertised?

That is what should have happened, and if it did, tell us. Tell us we are contributing to a challenge that is already helping people who need it now.

If that’s not what happened, then we deserve to know that, too. And we need an explanation. Not that anything you say about withholding the aid is going to be good enough. If the money hasn’t already been sent, then this is what you have really done: You have exploited the situation in Ukraine to garner attention for yourselves, making yourselves look noble and generous when all you really care about is gaining followers and reads for your platform.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I personally don’t need a winning challenge piece that badly. And I certainly don’t want to participate if the ultimate goal is not to help in a timely manner but to gain more attention for the platform.

Here’s another question: WHY the challenge in the first place? Why not just SEND the money, tell us about it and THEN ask us to write a freedom piece and devote a page to the top 50 contributors? You’d have accomplished your goal of helping Ukraine while establishing faith in the platform—a much better situation for Vocal than this ambiguity many of us are dealing with right now.

I know I’m not the only one having trust issues right now.

So…what’s the scoop? Did you send the money?


If you are concerned with the timely manner issue, like I am, I would encourage you to choose a link and make a donation today.

No one needs to wait. We can all help NOW.

United Help Ukraine

Doctors Without Borders


Thanks for reading my rant.


About the Creator

Paula Shablo

Daughter. Sister. Mother. Grandma. Author. Artist. Caregiver. Musician. Geek.

(Order fluctuates.)

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

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  3. Compelling and original writing

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  4. Masterful proofreading

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Comments (1)

  • J. S. Wade2 years ago

    Thank you Paula. I just read this. My first boss was Ukrainian and I wrote his story for this challenge. A dear man. I truly hope the funds were sent. If not, it would be a killing blow to me and my relationship with Vocal.

Paula ShabloWritten by Paula Shablo

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