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Human beings should be


By ignatius awang braminiaPublished 22 days ago 4 min read

So, there’s this diner I always go to on Saturday mornings. It’s nothing fancy, just your typical greasy spoon where the coffee is always hot, and the pancakes are as big as your plate. I love it because it feels like home, you know? Everyone knows everyone, and there’s this sense of community that’s hard to find these days.

One Saturday, I’m sitting at my usual booth by the window, minding my own business and enjoying my breakfast. The place is buzzing with the usual crowd – old Mr. Thompson reading his newspaper, a couple of teenagers sharing a milkshake, and the regulars at the counter chatting with Maria, the waitress who’s been working there forever.

In walks this guy I’ve never seen before. He looks kinda rough around the edges, like he’s had a tough night. He sits down at a booth a few tables away from me and starts fumbling with the menu. You can tell he’s new to the place and maybe even new to town.

Maria, being the sweetheart she is, walks over with a warm smile. “Hey there, what can I get for you?”

The guy hesitates, clearly uncomfortable. “Uh, just a coffee, please,” he mutters.

Maria nods and brings him a steaming mug. A few minutes later, he’s still just sitting there, staring into his coffee. I can’t help but feel for the guy. Something about him seems... lost.

Then, out of nowhere, old Mr. Thompson gets up and walks over to the guy’s table. “Mind if I join you?” he asks. The guy looks up, surprised, but nods.

They start talking, and before long, they’re laughing like old friends. Turns out the guy’s name is Alex, and he just moved to town after a rough breakup. He doesn’t know anyone here and was feeling pretty low.

Mr. Thompson, being the wise old man he is, starts telling Alex about all the great things in our town, places to visit, people to meet. He even invites Alex to join him and some other regulars for their weekly poker game.

As I’m watching this unfold, it hits me – this is what human beings should be. We should be kind, welcoming, and willing to reach out to others, especially when they’re down. We should be like Mr. Thompson, who saw someone in need and didn’t hesitate to lend a hand and a kind word.

By the time I’m finishing my pancakes, Alex is smiling and looking a lot more relaxed. Maria even sneaks him a free slice of pie, saying, “Welcome to the neighborhood.”

I leave the diner feeling lighter, reminded that in a world that often feels cold and indifferent, there are still people who go out of their way to make a difference. It doesn’t take much – a smile, a conversation, a gesture of kindness – but it can change someone’s day, or even their life.

So, yeah, human beings should be kind, compassionate, and ready to help one another. It’s the little things that make the biggest impact, and that’s something I’ll always believe in.


So, there’s this small park in my neighborhood that I love to go to on sunny afternoons. It's not much, just a few benches, a playground, and a duck pond, but it’s a great spot to relax and people-watch. On this particular day, I decided to take a walk and enjoy the nice weather.

As I was strolling around, I noticed a little girl, maybe five or six years old, playing by herself near the swings. She was trying to get on a swing but was too short to reach it. Her mom was sitting on a nearby bench, distracted by her phone. The girl looked around, probably hoping someone would help her.

Just as I was about to walk over, this teenage boy, probably about 16, who’d been skateboarding nearby, saw her struggling. Without a second thought, he walked over, held the swing steady, and lifted her onto it. The girl beamed up at him, and he gave her a gentle push to get her started. Her laughter filled the park, and the boy went back to his skateboarding with a small, satisfied smile on his face.

I continued my walk, thinking about how simple acts of kindness can make such a big difference. It reminded me of something my grandpa used to say: "Human beings should be like trees—rooted in kindness, growing in generosity, and providing shade to others."

Later, I saw an older couple sitting on another bench, sharing a sandwich. They noticed a homeless man rummaging through a trash can nearby. Without hesitation, the woman walked over and handed him half of their sandwich. The man’s face lit up with gratitude as he took it and thanked her profusely.

By now, I was feeling a bit of a theme in the air. It was like everyone had decided today was the day to be a little extra kind. As I was leaving the park, I saw one last scene that sealed the deal for me. A woman was struggling to carry a huge load of groceries to her car, clearly overwhelmed. Out of nowhere, another woman, who had been jogging, stopped to help. Together, they managed to get everything into the car, and the jogger even offered to return the cart for her.

As I walked home, I couldn’t help but smile. It struck me that human beings should be more like these people I saw today. We should be helpful, kind, and ready to lend a hand without expecting anything in return. It’s these small gestures that create a ripple effect, spreading positivity and making the world a better place.

When I got home, I decided to pay it forward. I baked some cookies and took them over to my neighbor, Mrs. Thompson, who’s been having a tough time lately. The look on her face when she opened the door was priceless.

So, yeah, human beings should be kind, generous, and always willing to help each other out. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s about the little things that make life a bit easier and a lot brighter for everyone.


About the Creator

ignatius awang braminia


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Comments (1)

  • Khan22 days ago

    I agree with you. We should be kind and generous. I loved your featured image ❤️

ignatius awang braminiaWritten by ignatius awang braminia

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