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By Jay KantorPublished 2 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
© Darlene M. Wescombe

Author © Jay Kantor


? THIS or THAT ?

I am a noted Stick-Figure-Artist, who can't even stay within the lines of Paint-By-Numbers. This fabulous artist said that the inspiration for her gorgeous watercolor was when she asked her friends their 'CHOICE' of favorite childhood treats. Some said "Hostess-Twinkies—Others Helms-Truck Pastries," hearing the tweet of the Bakery trucks coming down their street, from their stomachs even before their ears.

Darcy's Motto, Quote: "If it ain't Chocolate, why bother?"

Abstract art and oil paintings, even photography stills, hang from the walls of galleries while viewers may stand for very long periods mesmerized by the meanings—'Eye of the Beholder' is often quoted. Or even films have their 'Target' audience with messages. Ask the artist-presenters, "What's This?" They will invariably say: "What do you think it means?" Certainly a short story may be a lot less 'cerebral' when it comes to "Interpretations." But, you get the 'Picture'.

How do you see it - What do YOU pick out in an article?

It has occurred to me, by having this huge Vocal Media national exposure, I know that it's not my option when I'm 'Out-There' to control any 'perceptions' readers might have after viewing. Although, this is all strange and new to me, as a lifetime completely-scrutinized-biz-writer; very tedious. I'm just a 1st time "Goof-Writer" for the fun of it: Nothing more! I could say it's a strange phenomenon, but it's not, it's just human nature; with so many reasons for personal reactions. What does it speak-to-you?

As an author, I know I have little control over the circumstances affecting the reader. For example: What may be on their mind at the time or, are they 1/2 concentrating = skimming or pre-thinking an article? Or, even worried about what they are making for dinner while simultaneously viewing my "Schpiels?" Often not a lot of concentration there. Who could blame anyone? Having just noticed this I'm ruminating on it; can't change what I don't acknowledge! None of my writings create anything other than passing interest. No story is everything to someone, we all differ.

— Pieces of the Piece - Perhaps? —

Simply, it's just amazing to me how one person may relate to, or what they may hone-in-on—or not. No matter how hard I try to direct them or state: "Of course this is a metaphor," before I preface this or that. In itself, I always strive to make the 'piece' more-clear.

My Matzo-Balls = Your Dumplings: Same recipes just different demographics. For instance: The Interpreting of Social Media articles by describing explicit videos with 'Twist-Interpretations' in all ways to see if there are any 'Takers' — there always are ~"Cultural Exchanges"~

In our 'Business' detecting perception and body Language is imperative! Often, it's mandatory to actually read-into what is said: Perception Trumps Reality — 'The Tells'.

People have said directly to me that my 'Calling-Card' is way off target: Why don't I say it This Way or That Way to better introduce my short stories? I've been told, "Seriously, it should be about 'This not That', I only read-on with your stories to see what silly statements you are going to make next." But, I'm thinking, it may not be about them: If I say it in another fashion, other readers won't 'Get It' the revised way, either — Happy Medium?

I'm sometimes way off target! I could stand and explain intent and meanings all day long. Then be told, out of the blue, "NO you really want to say it like this, it would make a better story." As Ricky Nelson once sang 'Garden Party', "I can't please everyone, so might as well please myself."

A very odd thing to me — I'm seeing-hearing that by being 'Out-There' how even my own thoughts aren't correct — of course for my own good.

— It isn't a compliment if I have to pay it to myself —

Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, Cal

'Senior' Vocal Author


About the Creator

Jay Kantor

Retired: Write for "The Kids Someday"

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (5)

  • C. Rommial Butlerabout a year ago

    I already read "Sit Tite" so I migrated here instead, and so glad I did, kid! Your piece here reminds me of the modern emphasis on "emotional intelligence". Yes, people have "tells", but if we're not playing a game with prearranged rules, how often do we misinterpret? For instance, we could be talking to someone and mistake the shitty look on their face as a bad reaction to something we said... and they could just have indigestion! I wrote about my own experience with this absurd belief that we all seem to have about our ability to read each other's minds or judge each other according to our own preconceived biases: I'm enjoying our tit for tat exchange, Monsieur Kantor! Always a pleasure to wander your way!

  • Dana Crandellabout a year ago

    Hey there, fellow antique! (Or are we classics?) You keep right on "doing you" and I'll keep reading. I've had some interesting revelations lately on reader perception and after some thought, I'm willing to take the advice of the Beatles and "Let it Be."

  • Doc Sherwoodabout a year ago

    It's so true that once a piece of writing is out of our hands, we relinquish nearly all control over what the reader makes of it. We can incorporate some guidance in our stories to help the reader towards our intended response, but the individual reader's interpretation will also have to do with where they are in their lives, and sometimes what's happening to them at that very minute. It's so good to read an article which affirms this eternal truth of what it is we do!

  • Lisa Habout a year ago

    Your writing always has a great mixture of insight and a great train-of-thought feeling about it. I can't seem to stop reading it. I love that you pose so many questions and often pull your readers along for the ride as we try to figure it out.

  • Janet Carpenterabout a year ago

    I once asked the members of my local Writers Group, "Why do we write?". I had such a variety of answers! Many wrote " get published, of course!" Others wrote to try to "be heard", give some kind of profound message or revelation. Very few admitted that they wrote because they had fun, enjoyed it, liked the effort, or just had "always been a writer". One author said, "Because I can't NOT write..." Food for thought. Great article, by the way.

Jay KantorWritten by Jay Kantor

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