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Are We To Independent For Love

Twists And Turns - Adventures And Fun

By Cathy DeslippePublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Are We To Independent For Love
Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

Love is a big word for many even to say. For some, the question is, does it come with a price tag?

A young couple starting, by chance they meet, they become friends and low and behold they are dating. High school dating is wonderful, for some it can mean a lifetime of love. For others, you grow in two different directions. Love if it is love, can be painful—mostly the breakup or worst of all infidelity. Yet real love is the best thing that could ever happen to you.

That pain can defy you or make you grow. Much like love, taking that big step and finding what real love is about can be the best thing ever. Yet with everything in life, there are always challenges.

I admit I am no expert and from the choices I have made in life, what I thought was love was not. Not real love, not the love that you embrace. Not until I met my husband, and best friends before dating.

I do know from my own experience that taking a few minutes every day and talking about it, can make your love last longer. Taking time out for the two of you is amazing,

If you have been in a long-lasting relationship such as myself, I recommend date night, It doesn't even have to cost much at all. A nice walk to get a coffee and just being together is fun if you want it to be.

If you are starting a relationship three key things I know are so important. Listen to each other, enjoy each other but also make time for yourself. Its true time apart can make the relationship grow stronger. Making new friends too.

Trust is the biggest. Be proud of yourself, be proud of who you are with. It doesn't always have to be about looks, or what you do for a living. More about knowing each other and being capable of sharing.

A conflict that has happened that I can share is when you reach a point where you both are so independent. I think it can be a good thing, to be able to take care of yourself or do things you like. It's important to have a partner who understands that it is okay that you can both be this way.

Doing things for yourself gains growth. With growth gains opportunities that you can bring to a relationship. It can make you grow or it can divide you.

When one is independent and the other is dependent, it can be very hard for one to be without the other. Having goals together and goals of your own is so important. Allowing yourselves together and individually to do new things makes you have a stronger and better relationship.

Growing together, trying new things, adventures and fun. Twists and turns will happen, and you won't always get along, but the best thing to do is walk away before you say something you are going to regret.

For us, a dog walk, or a ride in the car alone clears the head. Later sitting down and talking, not yelling helps us not to say things we are going to regret.

If you think it is love, turns out to be a controlling love by one partner. Trust me you deserve more. Do not allow anyone to try to tell you what you can do, or where you can go. Everything in life is up to you and only you. You deserve to be treated equally, no one has the right to try to control you.

Everyone deserves to be loved unconditionally and for who they are and not what someone wants them to be.

Always love yourself first, know what you want in life and what type of person you would like to share it with. You may be surprised and find out who you thought you would love, maybe someone completely different.

Most importantly never give up on "Love".

By Anastasia Sklyar on Unsplash


About the Creator

Cathy Deslippe

Catherine Deslippe

At the age of 7, I became an author. I am an international writer with many authors; all royalties went to cancer patients without insurance. I used to write to cope, but now I write to bring others hope.

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Comments (1)

  • Jay Kantor5 months ago

    Dear Cathy - Such 'Sage' advice...but, the Youngins won't head it 'till they're our age. *Please take a minute to view my "BILLY sells for Less"...I So-Know you will relate. I remember you were always one of my favorites - who encouraged me to write - a couple of years ago. Thank you for that, Cathy. 'j' in l.a.

Cathy DeslippeWritten by Cathy Deslippe

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