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Archangel Lucifer The Annointed Cherub

When the anointing turns into a curse

By SamwriterPublished 7 months ago 6 min read
Photo - CBN Superbook

Where did Satan's wickedness originate if God created him to be a perfect being? How could evil exist in our world if God is all-powerful? Where did Satan get his initial inspiration to be evil?

According to John 1:13, God first created Satan, like all other angels, via the ministry of his son Jesus Christ. "All things were made through him in the beginning; without him, nothing was made that has been made." This is how the Bible describes the Word in the beginning. It is vital to emphasize that all of God's creations, including Lucifer, who would subsequently become Satan, were flawless. All creatures owe their existence to God, and nothing could have been created without him. If that is the case how did imperfection and evil enter the world? How did humanity and even some angels become corrupted? How did Satan become malevolent?

We shall consider these questions today.

The fall of Satan From Grace is truly remarkable.

to understand this let us hear how the prophet Isaiah spoke about the origin and fall of Satan. how you have fallen from Heaven oh Morning Star son of the Dawn. you have been cast down to the Earth you who once laid low the Nations. you said in your heart ‘I will Ascend to Heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit and throne on the Mount of assembly on the utmost Heights of Mount zion. I will Ascend above the tops of the clouds. I will make myself like the most high’. but you are brought down to the realm of the Dead, to the depths of the pit.

Ezekiel depicted Satan's descent into the abyss and his initial flawless state in an even more startling way. Regarding Satan, he stated “you were in Eden the Garden of God every precious stone adorned you. sardonic, topaz, Diamond, turquoise, Onyx, Jasper, Sapphire, carbuncle, emerald and gold. Your settings and mountings were made of gold. On the day you were created they were prepared. You were an anointed cherubim, as a guardian and I placed you. you were on the Holy Mountain of God you walked among the fiery Stones you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found in you. through your widespread trade you were filled with violence and you sinned. so I cast you as a profane thing from the Mountain of God and expelled you oh Guardian cherub from among the fiery Stones.”

In addition to bringing God's wrath upon himself, Satan persuaded several angels to side with him in his rebellion against God. According to some estimations, almost one-third of the Angels joined Satan in his rebellion. At this moment, God, his divine plan, and the humans he created were opposed by Satan and his angels, who had genuinely turned wicked. The outstanding moral and personal attributes of Satan in his creation are embodied in the word perfection. In addition to being wise beyond his years, he exuded breathtaking beauty. Since the day of his conception, he has been blameless in his actions and flawless in beauty, earning him the Seal of Excellence.

It is attested by Isaiah and Ezekiel that he was the greatest of all the created beings in the universe. Additionally, it is evident that he had a unique and intimate relationship with God because he lived on God's holy mountain, which stands for the location of God's manifest glory. But the story makes it clear that sin was discovered in this purportedly flawless angel without going into detail about how it occurred. How did this come about? The most important hint is given in Ezekiel 28:17, which says, "You became proud because of your beauty, and your fame corrupted your wisdom; therefore, I cast you to the ground as a warning to other kings..." Satan's arrogance and self-centeredness obscured his wisdom. He developed an obsession with himself, thinking about his own Beauty instead of focusing on the glory of God.

This led to his downfall. This tale emphasizes the peril of pride and concern with oneself.

Jesus related seeing Satan descend from heaven like lightning in Luke 10:18. Let's look at the setting in which Jesus delivered this revelation in order to properly comprehend what he meant.

It happened when Jesus sent out his 70 disciples to preach and clear the path for Jerusalem, and the disciples came back. When they returned, they felt happy and maybe even a little proud of themselves. They told Jesus, Lord, that in your name, even the demons submitted to us. At that moment, Jesus forbade them from having pride, stating “I saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning.”

Jesus was warning against arrogance; he was saying that their joy in dominating demons shouldn't cause them to become overly arrogant. Just as extreme hubris led to Lucifer's downfall and banishment from Heaven, pride is a sin that can lead to other sins.

In order to stay out of this risk in their ministry, the disciples need to be cautious.

They should take a lesson from Lucifer's fall and maintain their humility in their ministry, as he had elevated himself because of his hubris.

Due to his disobedience and rebellion, God overthrew Satan, banishing him from his favored spot atop God's Holy Mountain. After his initial transgression, Satan arrived on Earth, where he now faces eternal fire as his punishment just as stipulated in Matthew 25:41. Satan brought evil into the world despite being perfect in his creation because evil originated in him as he developed pride and arrogance turning something beautiful and perfect into sin and imperfection.

Here are some of the things that Pride led Satan to contemplate and attempt against God. he said “I will Ascend to Heaven”. Even though he already had access to the presence of God Satan sought to reside in the place of God. “I will raise my throne above the stars of God”. The reference to the Stars symbolizes the angels and Satan's desire to elevate his authority above other Celestial beings. “I will sit on the Mount of assembly” this indicates that Satan aspired to rule over all matters. “I will be like the most high”. This statement represents the Pinnacle of his self- assertion and Rebellion, showing his audacious ambition to be equal to God. Due to the Rebellion caused by his pride and self-absorption Satan's personality underwent a profound change going from perfect to imperfect.

He had lost the holiness he had originally received from his creator, and corruption had taken its place.

The Bible does not specifically state when Satan fell, but we can infer a timeline from the information it provides. After the Earth and the heavens were first created, Satan and his angels fell at some point. It's still unclear if Satan fell before or after humanity was created, but it's evident that he did so before Genesis 3, which describes Adam and Eve's temptation. Some angels were successfully tricked and persuaded to join Satan in his rebellion, which resulted in their irreversible moral decline. They were doomed to the afterlife after this seduction, with no way out.

In an attempt to undermine God's intentions, the devil Satan swept away a third of the stars in heaven, which stood in for the angels, according to Revelation 12:4.

It is important to keep in mind that the Bible, which documents the genesis and existence of evil, also presents God as entirely just and flawless in all of his actions. He believes that sin is deeply wicked and deserving of condemnation. God does not encourage or tolerate sin, according to James 1:13. "No one should claim that they are being tempted by God when they are, as God cannot be tempted by evil and does not tempt anyone personally." Rather than originating from God, temptation emerges from inside us. God is not susceptible to temptation and does not tempt anyone.

Due to his pride caused by his beauty, Satan was eventually driven out of God's presence. His own conceit and vanity tainted his thinking, and he is still motivated by pride to take what is rightfully his.

Being aware of Satan's pride teaches us a valuable lesson and enables the Holy Spirit to empower us to steer clear of pride in our own lives.


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