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Mental health is a very individual thing, I am NOT a doctor, I have only ever been a patient. And what works for me might not work for you.

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 11 months ago 6 min read



By Ross E F Lombardi


Intro and disclaimer!

Mental health is a very individual thing,

I am NOT a doctor,

I have only ever been a patient.

And what works for me might not work for you.

But IF this perspective helps save a life,

Then I am glad to share it!


Let Us Begin!

If a professional gladiator won a hundred battles to the death,

They came away physically exhausted, bruised, and bleeding, sometimes.

But they always won.

And only ever lost one time and it ended their career.

No one would consider them a loser!

They would still be a champion.

There would be statues and songs in their honour!




If a person with severe long-term depressive illness,

Silently and secretly won a thousand times against that illness.

They came away emotionally exhausted, figuratively bruised and bleeding,

But they always won.

And only ever lost once and it ended their lives.

People will shrug sadly and consider them a “loser”.

They would be a source of deep disappointment.


With depression,

People only remember the one time they failed,

And either conveniently forget, consider, or never knew,

The thousand harsh brutal battles they previously won before!

And sometimes these ruthless battles of attrition can last for days! – Or longer!



Because All people, everywhere, (including you and me) are shits.

And everything is always about them.

So, screw them!

Your illness is NOT about them and their expectations!

It is ONLY about YOU!

- And that IS ok!



Just in case it was not already known.

This is an anti-suicide tactic that works for me.


If a home invader raided your home to kill you.

You would fight for your life!

Who the hell are they to think that they can come into YOUR home?

- And dare try and own your arse?

It’s now time to pick up the weapon hidden under the bed, and with a violent evil smile –

- Fight that shitty bastard with all the rage you can scrape up from within yourself!


It is the same with self-destructive depression.

Just like the home invader raiding your home to kill you.

Your depression is invading your normal self to kill you!

Who the hell is “IT” to think that “IT” can come into YOUR mind?

- And dare try and own Your mental arse?

It’s now time to pick up the weapon hidden under the bed, and with a violent evil smile –

- Fight that depression with all the rage you can scrape up from within yourself!


Externalize your depression.

It is not something "You Are”.

Instead, it is an external thing/monster/being/opponent that you must get angry at, and hate. and loath and fight!

I do NOT mean allow yourself to slip into full-blown schizoid psychosis, (Well, duh, obviously!)

I meant as a tool!

Always be the master of your tools!

Never let tools become your master!


You are not “Depressed”.

You are being attacked by Depression.

You are fighting for your life!

Not figuratively, Not metaphorically, This is Not a poetic simile.

This “Thing” is trying to kill you!

You ARE fighting for YOUR own life!

So, Fight!

Get angry!



This makes you feel less helpless and more in control and gives you focus.

You can't be as depressed if you are enraged at 'something' and fighting 'it' instead!


Other tips


Keep the actual darkness out – physically speaking!

Do not let the sun go down on you.

Turn on the lights before the sun starts to set.

A slowly darkening room can take your mood with it!


Make some noise.

Before you leave home, turn on some noise.

The worst thing about returning to an empty home,

Is the silence.

The fact that there is some noise to distract you straight away, as soon you walk through the door might help with that!


Carry a small snack.

Anything that can immediately give your blood sugar a boost!

This is not a self-license to eat yourself to death!


Just to get you safely home,

Or the small push to get you to make a proper healthy meal.

Or just to help give you the tiny push you need to get you out of the door!


Exercise. <Yuck>

As a confirmed PC gamer geek, I HATE THIS ADVICE.

Because exercise is dull!

Eating healthy food is dull!


I know, I know, I do not like hearing this either!

It is NOT a cure – I am not implying anything that trite!

It will not prevent the invasion of your mind by lethal depression.


It will do the equivalent of extra locks on the windows and doors and fit some alarms for your mind!

It will make those long exhausting all-night battles easier if you are physically healthier!

The anger you need against the depression, to win needs a decent body to run its engine!


Talk to someone.

Yes, I know I said that all people are self-centred shits, and it is True that they Are.

We ALL are!

But they like to tell themselves that they are “good people”.

They get to feel important by helping you.

So let them!

If it helps you survive an extra day! Then do it!

(Hell, I openly admit, that this very article is written so I can feel a bit more important and pat myself on the back like any other shity dime store guru out there – But <shrug> If it helps you survive an extra day! Then use it!)

Talking to someone is better than letting the monster of depression have the smug-faced satisfaction of finally winning!

You need to slap that smile right off that monster’s fat face.

So, Talk To Someone!


About almost Anything!


Make a difference.

Try and do just one thing, act of random kindness, or be helpful in some way EVERY DAY!

So, when you go to bed that night you know that you made a small difference to the world.

It does not have to be earth-saving. – just a tiny butterfly effect!

See life as a parking garage,

And you need to get a stamp from the universe mall to validate your parking!

For me – today’s task of good intent was writing this!

So now, for today, my life is valid!

However, Tomorrow, I must validate it again!

Or get a life mall parking fine – that fine payment being, - A slightly stronger depression to struggle against the next time it attacks!

You might not think small things make a difference,

But any time traveller’s from the far distant future, to own your time, might disagree with you!


And Finally. That is NOT your voice!

Good luck,

Fight hard.

Not for them – For you!

Remember all the past victories!

When that nasty old bugger says in your own mocking voice, that only sounds like you.

“You cannot do this”.

Recognize that this voice is NOT your own!

It is the only creature that has invaded the home of your mind, pretending it is you.

Recognize that thing for the price of crap that it really is!

Stare in enraged defiance back into the eyes of that foul creature and say,

“Yes, I can!”

“I Kicked you sorry but a thousand times already!”

“And I will Kick you sorry but a thousand times more!”

“Tonight – I will kick your sorry butt again!”

“One of us WILL die tonight!”

“And it ain’t gonna be me!”

“You fucking piece of crap!”

Flex your frame with a loud intimidating cracking sound, loosen those mental shoulders then also say in darkest menace.

“Time to get your arse whooped!”

Fight hard!



About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar


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    Ross E Fortune LombardiWritten by Ross E Fortune Lombardi

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