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Vabla is fine

Ghost Stories

By Bijan MondalPublished 2 years ago 11 min read

His mother was very worried about Vabla. Vabla is getting older. Passed eighteen in this Asadha, but absolutely Gobarganesh in intellect. no father Two hours at the widowed mother Chowdhurybari. Mother-son's day goes on in whatever way Henshel pushes. However, for his son, he did not reduce medicine, amulets and charms. But there was no improvement. The real name of the boy has been lost for a long time. The name Vabla given by the neighbors has survived. Vabla is a laughing stock for many people in the neighborhood.

This was just a few months ago. Vabla's mother is still alive. From that night he had fever. In the morning, when he realized that there was no way to go out today, he called the boy and told him to bring the news to Chowdhurybari. Not such a hard task. Vabla was also out. But as soon as he came to the corner, he fell into the clutches of Bakesh. Chai Bakesh of the neighborhood's fat boys chatted with their friends over tea. Seeing Vabla scurry away this morning gave him a headache. As soon as he came close, he said, "Hey, that's the thing!" Where are you going this morning?'

Vabla had to stop after hearing Bakesh's shrill cry. He staggered and said, "Ch-ch-Chowdhury Jatha's house."

'What the hell!' Bakesh almost fell from the sky. "I will go to Chowdhury Jatha's house, why this way?"

Vabla was more nervous at Bakesh's words and said, 'K-K-Why! Is the path wrong?'

Absolutely. Bakesh rolled his eyes and said, 'Meanwhile, who told you about your Chowdhury Jatha's house! Have you ever gone?'

Thing is, Chaudhuribari is on this road. Vabla has gone before. But all of a sudden Bakesh's words got confused. After being silent for a while, Mata said to Chul, "I don't feel like going." Which way is the house?

'Which way?' Bakesh said, frowning, 'how to explain? What a mess boy, don't mess it up again.'

In fact, after the field was created, an answer did not immediately come to his mind. Next to Bakesh was Google. He said, 'Don't be afraid, Master. Tell me, I can explain.'

Little Google's head is pretty clear about these things. Bakesh shook his head. With Guru's permission, he looked at Google and showed the road to Chandmari on the left side of the intersection and said, 'Bhabhisni Vabla, go straight along this road. A little further is Chandmari field. When I go, I can see a herd of moose grazing. If you see a raven sitting on one of its horns, don't worry.'

'Why go?' Vabla asked with interest.

'Why!' replied Google with wide eyes, this time just throw a rock and blow it up. The house where the crow flies and sits is your Chowdhury Jatha's house.

'True!' said Vabla, shaking her head.

"Not only true, three true." Bakesh patted Google's back and said, "You will remember that?" Or forget again?'

'Yes-yes‚ will remember.' Vabla said with enthusiasm.

"Then run without delay."

No need to say more. Vabla ran towards Chandmari.

No mother cares about such a son? There is no father. It can be said that Vabla's mother took care of her son as long as he was alive. Even though he worked as a cook in Chowdhury Bari, there was a small homestead left by his father-in-law in a good place near the market. So there was no thought in that direction. However, thinking about Vabla, the mother thought many times that she would sell the land and house and make a sure arrangement for her son with that money. Good customers were also found. But the chief of Chowdhury Bara got the trust of Gojen Chowdhury and did not go that way. When he heard the news, he said, 'What is the need to sell such a good land now, Bamundidi! As the place is getting crowded day by day, after a few years it will be worth the price. And there are thousands of us. I can say this much, Vabla Ban will not be washed away in your rotation.'

Gojen Chowdhury is not only the chief of Chowdhury Bari, but also a lawyer at the dock site of Sadar Adalat. money man Vabla's mother had a little faith in that man's words, but if she knew that before the year was over, she would have to die from this world, then she would have thought differently. The body had been making noise for a long time. That's why Dubela was pushing Chowdhury home. Didn't let Vabla know either.

Suddenly it was all over. After only three days of fever, blindfolded forever. Gajen Chowdhury, the chief of Chowdhury Bari, did not forget his words. One day after Shraddhashanti left, he came to Vabla himself. nice people Taking out a scented handkerchief from his pocket, he wiped his eyes and said, 'Bamundidi was a good man in Wabbler. I couldn't imagine leaving like this. What can I say, I haven't had a potty at home since then. Too much trouble.

no mother The potty vabbler has not ridden in the house since then. The day is going on as the chatti is torn and chewed. It is not known how many days it will meet. He did not know what to say in reply. In fact, he did not learn to speak properly. Then again in front of the chief Gojen Chowdhury. He just stared. Gojen Chowdhury wiped his eyes again with his handkerchief. Snorting, he lowered his throat and said, "I spoke to Bamundidi in Wabbler, so I left everything and ran."

'W-what?' said Vabla gulping.

What else! In this situation, can I sit without making fun of you!'

What else will Vabla answer to this? Gojen Chowdhury said, 'Listen, there is no mother. What else to do here in this old broken house? So I thought a lot and made a good arrangement. I fixed a new house for you. Say what, hang in there. There is also an all-time man of cooking, fiformash bed. If you agree now, tell me.

Vabla never had to think about these things. He doesn't even have the power. So he shook his head in silence. Gazen Chowdhury breathed a sigh of relief. Come on, but I see it's over! I was thinking big for a few days. Listen, when it becomes vacant, this house will also have to be arranged. I will send the papers, give it all with a few tips. Will also send some cash for the bill. I didn't think.

Gojen Chowdhury once again wiped his eyes with a handkerchief and left. The next day, a large van came to the house with several people. They hurriedly took the few belongings in the house into the car. Picked up Vabla too. Then he hung a lock on the door and left. After a while, when the car appeared in front of a large house surrounded by a garden on the outskirts of the city, it saw a collection of wobblers. Such a house has only been seen with the eyes, there was no opportunity to enter inside. A shiny new two-storied house. Nice garden, pond nearby. Knowing that you will be able to live in such a house, you are very happy.

Meanwhile, the matter is different and how will he know? In fact, the house belongs to Shashi Howladar, a client of Gojen Chowdhury. He bought the old garden and built the house. Hobby stuff, so don't look at the cost. But after returning home, he could not stay for two nights. It can be said that he escaped and survived. Then tried several more times. But it didn't help. At the end, he tried to recover some of the expenses by paying rent. Good tenants were also found. But they could not last more than one night. Sadh's house is now the throat of Shashi Howladar. A very big house in the suburbs. At least one person is needed to look after. But lately people are not getting accepted in double mine. In this condition, he caught Gojen Chowdhury. Karitkarma Gojen Chowdhury did not waste the opportunity after getting Vabla at hand.

So many vabblers are not supposed to know that. Beza happily took a bed in the two-story south-opening main room with a blanket. The people, however, did not delay. He left the bar after dropping the goods. Meanwhile, Gojen Chowdhury has not seen the working man he talked about. At noon, Vabla was half-asleep on the bed, watching the outside scene through the open window, after chewing a piece of chatti and drinking a glass of water. The divine breeze. Much better than the old house. Thinking a little drowsy, suddenly it seemed as if someone moved with a little peek at the other side of the window. Vabla sat up almost trembling. 'A-K work grandfather or not?'

Chowdhury Jatha's workman has arrived, thought Bhabla. But there was no response for a few minutes. Going to sleep again thinking that the eyes are wrong, the head was seen again on the other side of the window. Scaly hair. The hair is bunched up on the tips of the two ears. Most of the two long molars have protruded. The man looked at him with narrowed eyes. Vabla said, 'J-Janalar, why go there, grandfather. Y-there's a door over there, b-come in.'

How shocked the man was. But it did not take time to cope. When he said in his voice, 'Why? Ami!'

'But who else?' Vybla said, 'There are no more two people in the house. Don't worry, less work.'

'Ah!' The visitor gave a snarky look at Vabla. Kash's two teeth came out a little more. Then the man who looked like a ladder almost filled with air, slipped through the gap and entered inside. Grinding his teeth, he said, "You look at me like you're old!" Aren't you scared?'

'B-Why should I be afraid!' Vabla said in surprise, 'B-I've been waiting for you ever since. I am in great pain after chewing for two or three hours.'

The man almost squirmed at that word. He said in a terrible voice, "No, I'm scared!" I climbed through the windows of the two floors, and did not get scared even when I saw him!

Why would you be afraid? In the house of S-Sebar Chowdhury Jatha, a thief had stolen the pipe from the two-story house. What kind of situation is there in A-A!'

Ah, I understand! He is the one who weaves the moon dots, but he did not cut anything!'

'Wh-What is it?' Vabla hesitated a little at the beginning and said, "B-understood."

'Ah, Bonjha gechenhe tanhle!' said the man very happily, he is scared isn't he?

'Why should you be afraid!' almost fell from the sky. If it gets a little cold, it becomes so smooth. Everyone calls it nakashashti. It may feel a bit cold in the room. But don't worry. It will be fixed in two days.

The man couldn't stand it anymore. With a snarl, a flash of fire flashed in his eyes and he tore his head from his neck. Then he threw it to the ground and practiced the dumdam volley with both legs for a while. At the end, he put two teeth on the torso again and looked.

Vabla was looking at the man's body in surprise. The man clapped his hands happily as he put his head back on his torso and said, 'Wow, great magic, Dada!'

The man put his head back in place and just looked at Vabla. Instantly his teeth were back in. Dry dysentery. He said, "Oh, magic!" Where?'

'Why, look at that now. Santoshkumar's magic happened at the service fair. Just like this, he cut his head from his torso and put it back on! Did you learn from Santoshkumar?

Vabla has not been able to say both things to anyone till date. No one spoke to him like that. Having got a new partner, the mouth of that vabbler has started to boil today. Words do not have that inertia. But the other side is not a vessel to leave. A little lost, he put a hand outside the window. The hand became very long and reached the tip of a coconut tree in the distance. Immediately he tore a Neyapati can and threw it in front of Vabla and said, 'Kin Bunjhle Ember?'

I understand, grandpa. You are better than Santosh Kumar. Let's see a couple of such magic at work. Pretty fun.'

'No!' The man sat down with his hands on his head in great despair. Looking at Vabla in the distance with pitiful eyes, he muttered to himself, 'I see that he has become pale! Five men live in the garden. Man, if a crow enters by mistake, there is no way to escape. And so far nothing has entered the brain of the thrower!

'What are you muttering, grandpa?' Vabla asked eagerly.

"I'm telling you, I've never seen a brain full of dung like yours, Bapu!"

'Absolutely right, grandpa. Vabla said with a cheeky smile, 'That's why everyone named Vabla. Nothing wants to enter the head easily. Don't see, that day Bakeshda's words did not have to be insulted.'

'Ah!' At this moment, the man's eyes were slightly shiny. That's good, Bapu. Otherwise, what you were playing, there was no more to show your face in the society.'

What, what did you say, Go Dada? I could not understand anything.

Now I understand there is no more work. Give it a few days. After learning, I clear the head dung a little. You will understand then. Now let's cut the box and bring it.

Well said, Grandpa. To tell you the truth, talking to you for so long seems to make me feel a little inside. Dada cut the box and quickly go to the market. A few days after tearing and chewing it fell into the mouth. Cook a lot of lamb tonight.'

A few days have passed since then. Vabla is doing well in the new house. All day companion is the work person of all time. Earlier he used to spend the whole day lost at home. Now the time passes in many words. The man's cooking does not even have an answer. On that first day, not only the mutton, but also the chital had arranged fish pate. Wabbler is fed up. New forms are constantly being developed. The two of them were talking that day about what to cook for lunch. Suddenly, the boss Gojen Chowdhury entered by pushing the door. He has already returned to the district after eating well for two hours. Looking at it, he swallowed hard and said, 'This is my father's life, live..., I came to see how Thudi is doing.'

By that time Vabla saw with half an eye that the other person in the room had already vanished into thin air. He laughed and said, "There is no need to say anything, Jatha." Not only alive, but divinely well. May you be victorious.

Gojen Chowdhury could not have thought that such a quick answer would be found in the mouth of Vybla. He just stared. Seeing that, Vabla said, 'Well done Jyatha, Obari's document was printed on the same day. But I have not received the document of this house yet. Will also send cash as promised. It seems like.

Needless to say, Gazen Chowdhury did not speak after that. Somehow escaped and survived. As soon as Gojen Chowdhury left, Vabla saw that the other person in the room had appeared at the right place. again He said, 'Suddenly, when it vanishes, Dada!'

'There is no way to be?'

The other side almost screamed. Gozen lawyer's head is no longer filled with dung. Vanish if not get the chance to talk so much? I can see that your head has cleared up a lot! Enough talking! But what were you talking about?

'Heh-heh.' Vabla laughed. So don't worry. When you live in the garden, I will leave you there. Do whatever you want, don't even go to see. Instead of me, you have to deal with the ghost, Thudi Bhutoda. Tell me, where can I find a person who works like a thousand?


About the Creator

Bijan Mondal

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    Bijan MondalWritten by Bijan Mondal

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