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Dark Night

A scary ghost story

By Bijan MondalPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
Dark Night
Photo by Lan Gao on Unsplash

Mr. Roy lives in Kalabagan. Much inward. A walled three-room single-storey house. Around six-seven-storied huge houses have gone up. A small house like that there sometimes makes him feel ashamed. He does not have the money to demolish the house and build a bigger house. No desire. What to do with a big house? He is a lonely man. A person does not need five rooms to sleep. One room is enough. He planted plants around the house. Trees are growing before the eyes. He likes to see. In the last monsoon, he planted a lemon tree - it became a lemon bush. He is happy with that. He is very peaceful.

His peace of mind has been disturbed for some time. His house is haunted. What he doesn't believe in is in his house. He is not afraid. What you are getting is shame. If there are so many things in his house, he is haunted by ghosts. Can't even tell anyone about it. The one you tell him will smile. Just laugh. He also laughed when someone else talked about ghosts to him. Smiling is normal.

The nuisance has been going on for the past four days. The incident of the first day is like this - eleven o'clock at night, he put off the mosquito net and put off the lamp and went to bed, the omni lamp lit up. He, like ten others, thought there was a glitch in the switch. Native switches are useless. There will be some confusion. People who seek exotic things only do so for this reason. He got up again and turned off the lamp. He came to bed and slept. It felt cold, he pulled the sheet over him, and the lamp turned on again.

He threw off the sheet and sat up on the bed, then once he thought that he was haunted by ghosts, didn't he? He was very annoyed with himself for thinking that such a ridiculous thing had occurred to him. It is understood that the switch is messed up. A spring tring is cut or a skew is loose. Get an electrician to show you. Mr. Roy does not understand. Did you light the lamp again? What's the point, Nivale might just burn again. Let the lamp remain in the water. As he lay down again, the lamp went out. He called, Bahadur, Bahadur.

Bahadur is his servant's son. He is sleeping in the next room. There is no reason to think that the slightest call will wake him up. A medium-sized atom bomb within ten yards of him could wake him up even if he woke up. Even knowing this general information, he does not understand why Rai Saheb Bahadur called him. Is he afraid? What a shame. In the late 20th century, he was afraid of ghosts and called his servant! Luckily no one else heard about it. It is never right to discuss with anyone. A fifty-two-year-old man calls out to his servant in fear of a ghost – does it make sense?

Mr. Roy lay down. He made up his mind whether the lamp should be lit or extinguished. He will fall asleep. He has to get up in the morning. His class at eight in the morning with first year students. He taught them coordinate geometry. Tomorrow he has to explain the equation of the circle. New chapter. If you don't get up early, you will miss the class. Students can miss class, teachers can't. He has no problem sleeping. He can sleep only after going to bed. I fell asleep today. He became Okat from Ekat. He also felt a little thirsty. If you get up now to drink water, you will be completely sleepy. So he closed his eyes and lay down with thirst. He thought there was a problem with the pillow. It would have been better if the pillow was a little higher. He turned the pillow over and heard someone cough as he approached his mosquito net. once twice National cough that attracts attention. Who will bite his mosquito net?

Did you fall asleep sir?


sir i am

Who am I?

Don't know me sir. I am a ghost in danger. Sincerely sorry for bothering you late at night. Apologize! Sir, please excuse yourself. Forgiveness is a human religion.

Mr. Roy assumed that he was dreaming. A nightmare because Vuter is scared and falls asleep. Nothing else. Even if you don't believe in ghosts, you can talk to ghosts in your dreams. There is nothing to feel uncomfortable or ashamed about. Now he had a little fun.

Are you a ghost?

yes sir A servant in danger. I have come to you as an incompetent!

Did you turn the lights on and off?

yes sir

Do you know English?

I know little sir. Very little. Sometimes mistakes are made due to lack of practice.

You said in danger, what is the danger?

It is a long history, time will tell. Sir, what time will it be?

No, there won't be time. I have to get up in the morning. I have a class at eight in the morning. If I don't sleep on time, I will miss the class. The previous two classes were not for strike.

Then Sir, it is not right to bother anymore.

Of course not.

good night sir

good night

good night sir

good night

Sir Guten Nakhat, Slepenji Gut.

What is this again?

Good night, good night in German.

Do you know German or not?

As if not knowing sir. What I learned by wandering around the German Cultural Institute for a while. No practice at all. Foreign languages, if not practiced, are to be forgotten in two days. So let's go sir. See you again tomorrow.

ok Good thing, what direction did you enter the house?

I entered through the window. If sir allows then let's go.


Mr. Roy felt that the window shutter moved a little. Then all is quiet.

No more sound. Then Ray Saheb felt that the matter did not actually happen in a dream, he was awake, and is still awake? He called again, Bahadur this Bahadur! Bahadur did not reply. He has no reason to reply. If you wake up if hit on the head with a mace.

Thirst for water again. What is the thirst for water in the dream? He must have fallen asleep thinking these things, or his dreaming ended.

He woke up at ten minutes past nine in the morning. The class was missed. He was in a very bad mood. He burned with anger at the ghost. When the class was missed, he decided not to go to college today. Call the mason and fix the switch so that you don't have to miss class due to ghost complications again.

He called Mistry himself. He replaced the switch with a foreign switch and replaced it with a German switch. The words on the German switch reminded me of what the ghost was saying in German. Something like Guten Nakhat. What a funny thing. Can't tell anyone. In the afternoon, he visited his younger sister's house in Hazaribagh. He does not go to any relative's house. don't like I like being alone. That's why he didn't get married. Now it seems that marriage would be better. Knowing German, ghost stories could be told to one's own children.

You can tell a lot of stories with your loved ones. His younger sister Milly, however, is very close to him. If he does not see him once a week, Roy Saheb becomes very moody. Milli has only one problem, she will hold Roy for marriage if she meets him. Gyan Ghan will make your head hurt - grandfather, how will you be alone? At the age of fifty-two, he doesn't like to hear these things, so he doesn't visit Millie's house more than once a week. Moreover, Milli's daughter Trina has become very evil. Trina annoys him a lot.

Millie was not at home. Did she go to a wedding with her husband? But Trina was at home. He started shouting big uncle in such a way that Roy Sahib grabbed his head. As Roy Sahib likes Millie. He likes his daughter more than him. However, the preference is not disclosed. Children make life miserable once they know someone likes them. Especially if that child is of a bad nature then there is no question. Moreover, this daughter of Milly talks more like her mother. He mumbled and gave his head.

Mr. Ray said in a serious voice, what's the news?

Trina said in a hurry, great uncle, I have good news. very good I won't let you go today. Today you have to stay at our house. We have to talk all night. ghost story

Mr. Roy sighed and said, I can do any other story, not about ghosts.

Uncle, I will listen to the ghost story.

I will not tell the ghost story.

Why not say?

In the latter part of the 20th century, ghost stories cannot be told. Can't even hear it.

Why not hear?

Listening is a sin. When humans are going to the moon, landing Vikings on Mars and testing soil, we're scared of imaginary creatures called ghosts – it's ridiculous.

Big uncle, actually you don't know ghost stories.

Mr. Roy thought once. Tell the story of last night's experience. He managed himself at the last moment. Instilling fear into children is a crime. He began a story by Aesop.

A washerman had a donkey. One day the donkey fell into his pot of blue mixed water. His complexion turned blue...

Trina said in a pitiful voice, "I don't feel like listening to the story of big uncle donkey."

So listen to the story of the shepherd boy? A shepherd boy used to drive sheep in the field. He was a great liar. One day for fun he said, the tiger has come, the tiger has come...

Trina yawned and said, I don't feel like listening to educational stories, uncle. It feels unbearable.

Mr. Roy was forced to tell the story of last night. But he explained very well that it was actually a dream. It is not right to have any khat in children's mind. Trina said, Mama I think some ghost really came to you. Will see if it will come today. Even today, the lamp will automatically turn on and off.

Mr. Roy said in an annoyed voice, there was a mess in the switch. The switch is fixed. Nothing will happen today. Trina said, today will be more. The courage of the ghost has increased. Will talk a lot today. It seems that the song will sing. Who knows how ghosts sing.

Mr. Roy returned home upset. It was not right to tell the story to Trina. The girl is more intelligent. He will beat the mole. Will tell friends at school. The more his girlfriends (especially the weak minded ones) think about it. Once these things enter the mind, it is difficult to get them out of the mind. Very wrong.

At night he went to sleep a little early today. When you turn off the lamp and get up in bed, you think that the lamp will not be turned off again today? He felt angry at himself for thinking this. He is an old man. If the matter of the ghost goes into it, then it is understood that the consequences will be dire in the case of Bachadeva. The lamp is not extinguished. After waiting for a while he prepared to sleep. He was a little disappointed, a little upset. For some reason he wanted the lamp to turn on by itself.

Sir, are you awake or asleep?


sir i am Ghost in danger. I talked to you for a while last night. While leaving I said in German – Guten nakhat slippenzi well.

Oh well you?

Mr. Roy turned aside. He was sure it was a dream. Selfplay is what's happening. Some dreams people look back. As a student, he dreamed almost every night. Sitting in the exam hall to take the exam, he put his hand in his pocket and saw that he did not bring a pen. Ghost dreams will be something like that.

did you come?

yes sir

Yesterday, you were lighting the lamp and extinguishing it. Today you are not doing anything, what is the matter?

I didn't do anything because they installed a new switch. There is no point in wasting a thing.

what is your name

Mr. Roy heard laughter. This is probably the ghostly smile. There was nothing like blood clots in fear. It is rather good to hear laughter. Easy is normal

Why are you laughing?

Laughing at how many misconceptions people have about ghosts. You think we have names because you have names. Not really. Ghosts don't have sir names.

Mr. Ray was surprised and said, is that so?

Our identity is in action, not in name.

say what

I am telling the truth sir. For example, the names of stupid ghosts are - stupid 1, stupid 2, stupid 3, stupid 4... the more stupid the number is. You can tell by looking at the number. What a fool he is. As there is no such system in human beings, it is not understood from its name. He is neither stupid nor intelligent.

Roy Saheb's face became ha. The ghost said in a serious voice, our system is very scientific sir.

What is your name in your rules?

Author 75.

Are you a writer?

There is a little bad habit sir.

Why bad habits? Being a writer is not easy. Writer 75, does that mean you are a great writer?

I got two small awards sir. I got the best medal last year. iron medal Iron medal sir is a rare event.

You got the iron medal, what do you say?

And sir, one of my essays has been read in ghost school. It is also a rare honor.

A rare honor indeed. Are you standing or not? Bose, pull the chair, Bose. I feel bad about myself because you have been doing it for so long.

Don't be shy sir.

You kiss, kiss on the chair.

There was the sound of pulling the chair. Someone sat on a chair. He could not see anything because the room was dark. Roy Saheb asked with great interest, what is your essay in Bhoot School?

An essay.

What is the name of the article?

Essay written about people, the name is this man.

Looks like an interesting article.

Sir, Dissertation. It has become a bit difficult for children.

Do you write essays or stories?

write story Recently I have a book out, Human Stories.

You are a ghost and all your writings are about people.

I write human stories like people write ghost stories.

Read and listen to a story.

Then sir bring the book.

Come and see.

Ghost went to get the book. Roy fell asleep while waiting eagerly. His story was not heard that night.


About the Creator

Bijan Mondal

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    Bijan MondalWritten by Bijan Mondal

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