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The Rescue

Part ii of the Librarian Story

By Thomas TerryPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
The Rescue
Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

This is part 2 of the story if you haven't read part 1 check it out here.

It was a normal day for Mike. Nothing stood out as exceptional except for his imagination as to what was going to happen this weekend. He and his wife had this amazing trip planned to this cute little cabin in the middle of the woods. They were planning to leave once she finished her final shift of the week at the library. They lived in a small town and she was the only person who was on staff at their local library so she couldn't get off work early but this weekend the library was going to be closed so they could go on a much-needed vacation. It was going to be a much-needed getaway for the couple to connect again and hopefully spark the love that they once had for each other. It had been a trying couple of months and Mike wanted to spend more time with his wife. He was counting the minutes until Susan would walk through their front door and their weekend together could finally begin. The hands of the clock seemed to move extra slow today as they did anytime something fun and exciting was approaching.

However, the time when Susan got off work came and went, then it was half an hour after she should arrive home and the clock continued to move. Once she was an hour late Mike knew something must be wrong because this was way off character for Susan. Even though it had been a rough couple of months for them they were both excited for this trip and Mike knew she wouldn't just run off like this. He grabbed his jacket and keys and jumped in their car. When he tried to start it, however, the car just made a sad clicking sound and would not start. He tried a few more times but his worry for Susan kept growing stronger at each minute that passed. He did not want to wait for someone to come and help so he began to walk the three-mile trip to the library. As he went his worry continued to grow and he began to pick up pace until he was doing a brisk jog. He had to find her and see that she was okay and not in some sort of trouble.

When he finally arrived at the library, out of breath and drenched in sweat, the first thing he noticed was all the lights were off and the front door was locked. He walked around the building and Susan's car was still parked in her normal spot. She couldn't have gone far as there are only a few other places within walking distance of the library she could possibly be. He decided to go check the local coffee shop around the block and see if she had forgotten their trip and went to see some of her friends. But everything there was quiet and upon talking to the barista his wife hadn't come into the coffee shop. Mike then went back to the library to see if he could figure out where Susan had gone.

Approaching the library Mike noticed a faint glowing coming from the upper windows and when he approached the front door he began to hear weird noises that were almost unnoticeable but he knew they were there. He leaned in closer to the door and called out Susan's name and then listened. He heard something very faintly. It sounded like Susan's voice whispering for help. His panic began to rise from deep within him and he began to kick at the door trying to get into the library. After attempting this for a few minutes he found it was useless and his legs were beginning to hurt. He saw a window a few feet away and noticed that it was unlocked. Mike was able to climb in through the library window and found the room full of smoke. His search for Susan began in a panic. He finally made his way to the front door where he found Susan curled up in a ball on the floor. He was able to pull the front door open and dragged Susan out coughing and barely conscious.

Once they were both out into safety he called 911 and told them everything he knew about what happened at the library. The fire department was on the scene to investigate within minutes. However by the time they arrived the smoke had cleared out and there was no sign of anything happening in the library that day. Susan looked up at Mike and gave him a tight embrace. She whispered in his ear, "let's go on our adventure and never come back to this place." They decided then and there that whatever happened in the library that day may never be known but they would be brought closer than ever by this strange event. They went off onto their trip and started a new life together and continued to fall more in love with each other.

This story ends as most do with a happily ever after to Mike and Susan.


About the Creator

Thomas Terry

Hello, I like using poetry and music to help connect people and find the meaning of life. We all have our own unique stories and I want to share mine to hopefully inspire you to share yours!

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    Thomas TerryWritten by Thomas Terry

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