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The Librarians Nightmare

A short fiction story

By Thomas TerryPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
The Librarians Nightmare
Photo by Alfons Morales on Unsplash

It was a normal Friday night for Susan. She worked at the local library and she was just finishing up prepping the library to close for the weekend. She had placed the last book back into its place on the shelf and was finishing her routine cleaning off the shelves of any dust and trash that was left behind by those sloppy school-age kids that came in after school to finish any homework before the weekend fun they were all about to have. Everything was quiet and seemed so peaceful maybe even a little too peaceful. Something seemed a bit unsettling to Susan and she had this odd feeling in the pit of her stomach that she was being watched. She tried to ignore it and continued to go about her business. She was very excited to leave because once she was finished here she had an exciting weekend planned with her husband that she was looking forward to. Susan and her husband had a weekend trip out to a cabin planned and it was going to be one fun, romantic getaway. A much-needed break from the everyday hustle they both were living. A librarian job may seem so easy but it was a constant grid because it was a small library in a small town and there was no money to hire more help. She had to do all of the cleanings, checking books in and out, maintenance, and every other job that must happen to keep a library open every day.

Susan began to whistle to distract herself from this uneasy feeling she kept having in the back of her mind. But the more she whistled the closer this presence she felt seemed to move towards her. She kept telling herself it was nothing she just didn’t want to be at work any longer and everything will be better when she gets home and sees her husband. She only had one more row of shelves to finish and she could finally turn off all of the lights, lock up the building and leave. When she finished the cleaning she walked over to the light switch and turned them off and that’s when she saw it. A faint glowing up in the rafters. She walked closer until she was directly under it and peered up to try and decipher what she was seeing. It was smoke in the rafters that was so thick it was like a black piece of construction paper. And as clear as day the words “You will never leave” were written across it in some fancy script. Susan’s heart dropped and she ran for the door in a panic. But when she approached the door she heard a click and the door was locked. No matter how hard she tried to unlock it she could not escape. She was trapped inside of the library with this creepy smoke with writing. She turned around and the amount of smoke began to grow and fill more of the room.

Susan was in a panic she wrestled around in her purse trying to find her phone to call for help. When she finally found it she found it was dead. This made absolutely no sense to Susan because she was just on it just minutes ago and the battery was fine, it still had over 50% of its charge. Something very bad and supernatural was going on and she had no way to save herself and her only hope was her husband would come looking for her when she didn’t come home after work. She curled up by the front door and began to cry.


About the Creator

Thomas Terry

Hello, I like using poetry and music to help connect people and find the meaning of life. We all have our own unique stories and I want to share mine to hopefully inspire you to share yours!

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  • Test5 months ago

    You're doing amazing work

Thomas TerryWritten by Thomas Terry

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