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The Door to Hell

Narak Ka Dwaar: The Cursed Well of Chandaipur

By Avs Published 10 days ago 4 min read
The Door to Hell
Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

In the heart of a small Indian village named Chandaipur, nestled between lush fields and dense forests, an eerie legend had been whispered among the villagers for generations. They spoke of a cursed well, hidden deep within the forest, known as "Narak Ka Dwaar"—the Door to Hell. Most dismissed it as a myth, a story to scare children away from wandering too far. But for those who ventured near, the air around the well felt thicker, the shadows deeper, and the silence, deafening.

Ravi, a curious and fearless young man, had always been drawn to the forbidden and the mysterious. His best friend, Priya, often joined him on his escapades, though she was more cautious and skeptical. They had explored every inch of Chandaipur, but the well remained untouched, cloaked in a shroud of fear and superstition.

One humid evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, ominous shadows, Ravi proposed the unthinkable. "Let's go see the Door to Hell," he said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Priya shivered at the suggestion. "Ravi, it's just a legend. Why risk it?"

"Exactly because it's a legend," he countered. "Imagine the stories we could tell if we find it. Besides, it's just an old well. What's the worst that could happen?"

Reluctantly, Priya agreed, unable to resist Ravi’s infectious enthusiasm. Armed with nothing but their flashlights and a sense of adventure, they set off towards the forest. As they ventured deeper, the trees seemed to close in around them, and the sounds of the village faded away, replaced by the rustle of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl.

After an hour of trekking through the dense undergrowth, they found it—a weathered, stone well, almost hidden by creeping vines and moss. It looked ancient, its stone rim crumbling and covered in strange, unidentifiable symbols. A cold breeze emanated from its depths, carrying a faint, sulfuric smell.

"Well, here it is," Ravi said, trying to sound casual, though his voice wavered slightly.

Priya peered into the darkness of the well. "It's just a well, Ravi. Can we go back now?"

But Ravi was already lowering a flashlight into the well, trying to see how deep it went. The light seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, disappearing from view almost immediately. He pulled it back up, frustration evident on his face.

"There's nothing to see," he said, disappointed.

Just as they turned to leave, they heard it—a low, guttural moan rising from the depths of the well. Priya froze, her eyes wide with fear.

"Did you hear that?" she whispered.

Ravi nodded, his bravado evaporating. The moan grew louder, more distinct, transforming into a chorus of agonized wails. The ground beneath their feet began to tremble, and an icy wind whipped around them.

"We need to leave. Now," Priya urged, grabbing Ravi’s arm.

But before they could move, a force like an invisible hand pushed them both to the ground. They scrambled to their feet, only to see a figure emerging from the well. It was a woman, her long hair matted and her eyes hollow, black voids. Her mouth stretched into an unnatural, gaping grin.

"Welcome to my domain," she hissed, her voice a chorus of the damned.

Ravi and Priya backed away, but the woman floated towards them, her feet not touching the ground. Her laughter echoed through the forest, chilling them to their bones.

Desperate, Priya remembered the amulet her grandmother had given her, a charm said to ward off evil spirits. She yanked it from her neck and held it out. The woman recoiled, her form flickering like a dying flame.

"You think that trinket will save you?" the spirit spat, but her confidence wavered.

Ravi, regaining his courage, pulled out his phone and began chanting a prayer he had recorded during one of the village festivals. The spirit howled in pain, her form disintegrating into a cloud of black smoke that was sucked back into the well.

The forest fell silent again, the oppressive air lifting. Shaking, Ravi and Priya ran back to the village, not stopping until they reached the safety of Priya’s home.

The villagers listened in horror as they recounted their encounter. The elders confirmed their worst fears—the well was indeed cursed, a portal to a realm of torment, sealed centuries ago by a powerful sorcerer. Their disturbance had weakened the seal.

In the days that followed, the village shaman performed a series of rituals to strengthen the barrier between the worlds. Ravi and Priya were hailed as heroes for their bravery, but they were forever changed by their ordeal. The well remained off-limits, a silent reminder of the horrors that lurked just beyond the veil of the ordinary.

Years later, Ravi and Priya, now adults, would often speak of that night with a mixture of awe and dread. The Door to Hell was real, and they had gazed into its depths. They knew better than to tempt fate again, choosing instead to live quietly, always aware of the thin line between their world and the next.


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