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Echoes of the Forgotten Mansion

A Journey Through Dreams and Shadows

By Avs Published about a month ago 4 min read
In the depths of her recurring nightmare, Claire discovers a forgotten past that holds the key to her peace and healing.

The Shadow of the Past

Every night, the same dream began in the same way. Claire found herself standing in front of an ancient, dilapidated mansion. Its once-grand facade now bore the scars of time, with ivy snaking up the cracked walls and broken windows staring like hollow eyes. The air around the mansion felt thick, as if filled with whispers and secrets long forgotten.

In the waking world, Claire had never seen this mansion before. Yet, it felt oddly familiar, like a half-remembered story from childhood. She had come to dread these dreams, yet she couldn’t escape their pull. Each night, she was drawn back to the mansion, as if it were calling her name.

Tonight, she hesitated on the threshold, her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the weight of the dreams, their meaning just out of reach, shrouded in the mist of her subconscious. She pushed the heavy wooden door open and stepped inside.

The interior was as she remembered it: a grand hall with a sweeping staircase, though the opulence had long since faded. The air was musty, filled with the scent of decay and old memories. She knew her way by now. She walked past the dusty chandeliers and tattered tapestries, towards the room at the end of the hall.

The door to this room was different from the others—intact and gleaming, as if time had no power over it. With a deep breath, she turned the brass knob and stepped inside.

The room was a stark contrast to the rest of the mansion. It was pristine, bathed in an ethereal light. At the center stood a large mirror, its surface smooth and inviting. Claire approached it, her reflection looking back at her with eyes wide with fear and anticipation.

As she reached out to touch the mirror, the surface rippled like water. Her reflection began to change, morphing into a younger version of herself. Memories flooded back—fragments of a childhood she had long buried. She remembered playing in the garden of a similar mansion, her laughter echoing through the air. She remembered a woman’s voice, soft and comforting, calling her name. "Claire, come inside."

The reflection shifted again, this time to a woman with kind eyes and a warm smile. Claire's mother. She had died when Claire was just a child, leaving her with fragmented memories and a sense of loss that never truly healed. Claire reached out, trying to touch the reflection, to feel some connection to the past.

But as her fingers met the surface, the dream shifted. The room darkened, and the reflection twisted into a sinister grin. Shadows began to creep from the corners of the room, enveloping Claire. She felt a cold grip around her heart, a whispering voice echoing in her ears. "You cannot hide from the past, Claire."

She woke up with a start, her heart racing and her body drenched in sweat. The room around her was dark, the only light coming from the sliver of moonlight peeking through the curtains. She sat up, trying to shake off the lingering fear from the dream.

The dreams had started a few months ago, always the same, always ending with the same sense of dread. She couldn’t understand why she was having them, what her subconscious was trying to tell her. But tonight, something felt different. The dreams were becoming more vivid, more insistent.

Determined to find answers, Claire decided to investigate. She spent days scouring old family photo albums, searching for clues. She found a photograph of her mother standing in front of a mansion—the same mansion from her dreams. On the back of the photo was an address.

With a sense of trepidation, Claire decided to visit the mansion. It was a long drive to the countryside, but she felt compelled to go. As she approached, the sight of the mansion sent a shiver down her spine. It was exactly as it had appeared in her dreams, down to the broken windows and ivy-covered walls.

Steeling herself, she walked up to the door and pushed it open. The interior was eerily familiar, each detail matching her dream. She made her way to the room at the end of the hall, her heart pounding in her chest.

The door was intact, just like in her dream. She opened it, stepping into the pristine room. The mirror stood at the center, waiting. Claire approached it, her reflection looking back with wide eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she reached out and touched the mirror. The surface rippled, and her reflection morphed into the younger version of herself. The memories flooded back again, clearer this time. She remembered her mother’s voice, her laughter, and the sense of warmth and love that had surrounded her.

The reflection shifted to her mother, smiling gently. Claire felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Mom," she whispered.

The reflection's smile widened, and her mother’s voice filled the room. "Claire, you’ve come home."

The shadows began to creep in again, but this time, Claire didn’t feel fear. She felt a sense of peace. She understood now—the mansion, the dreams, they were all a way for her to reconnect with her past, to find closure.

As the shadows enveloped her, she felt her mother’s presence, comforting and warm. Claire closed her eyes, letting the dream take her. She was no longer afraid. She had faced the shadows of her past, and in doing so, found a sense of peace she had longed for.

When she woke up the next morning, she felt different. The weight of the dreams had lifted, leaving her with a sense of calm and acceptance. She knew the dreams would not return. She had faced her fears, and in doing so, had found a way to heal.

The mansion would always be a part of her, a reminder of her journey. But now, it was a place of memories, not nightmares. Claire had found her way home.

urban legendsupernaturalmonsterhalloweenfiction

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    Avs Written by Avs

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