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The curse

The forest feels

By Anna Published 4 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - March 2024
Photo: google.com

There's blood EVERYWHERE! Where did all this come from? Oh, no!! I see my friend covered by his own gore. One of his arm is missing... It's lying not far from him. The blood is all over him... Wait... It's all over ME! I panick... Now that's a terrifying situation to wake up to.

"Jeez, what happened?" – I'm asking while trying not to get a heart attack. The smell of blood is sickening. I don't know how we ended up here. It's like a blackout in my brain... a memory loss about the last hour or half an hour? Honestly I'm not even able to tell the time... I guess we went to the forest together with Paul to cut trees for firewood. But I can't find my saw anywhere. That's weird...

Paul doesn't get up.

I climb to him on my knees and shake his shoulder. Oh my God! His shoulder! I can't... Not this look! I step away and throw up my whole lunch (I don't even remember if I had lunch), but I can't help it...

Then I look around and realise that we're in the darkest and creepiest woods ever. The uncomfortableness of this frightening place can be felt really hard. My anxiety level is increasing... The unbelievable calmness and silence of the place scares me. It's like something, no wait, everything is looking at us. Frightening! What are we doing here?!! The wind is freezing and around us there's a circle of dense fog l can't see through. As if the forest wanted to hide us. To keep us safe from something big. In the air evilness is drifting.

"What the fuck?" – Paul wakes up. – "Where are we? John this is ridiculous, I can't feel my..."

Oh, no! He looks down slowly right where his arm used to be.

"What the fuck..." – his voice breaks. He opens his mouth to scream.


"Shhhhh" – I put my blood covered hand on his mouth. "Someone's gonna hear us!"

"Well at least someone's gonna help me!!" – Paul answeres. "My arm..."

"Ohh..." I notice that the blood is still leaking from his shoulder. It looks awful!

"Let me tie and fix it with my sweater."

"FIX IT???!!! You know how far it is from fix?!"

"I do! I see! Just calm down you're not helping me by making so much noise!"

"Not as if anyone would hear anything..." I can feel the pain in his sarcasm.

"And I'm sorry, but at least your body is still is one piece and mine's not even close to that condition, so what are you expecting, ... that I smile and say I'm good, let's go home from this... What is this place anyway?!"

"I told you to keep your voice down!"

"I don't care what you..."

"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" – I shout without self control. It's too much... Way too much!

My words are echoing far in the woods. So far that if I weren't that dizzy I would believed that the trees are repeating that I just said.

"You heard this?" – I turn to Paul while looking up the gray cloudy sky and listening carefully.

"Look, I don't have time for your shit right now! We need to get out of here ASAP!!!

"You're right. Any idea how? This is a complete labirinth! Oh wait..." – I notice a lantern nearby. I ran to it and hopefully look for matches in my pocket. I try to light the lamp and... it's working! Now we have light!

"Be careful...!" – Paul warns me while getting up but it's already too late. I stumble in a root sticking out, the lamp slips out of my hand and breaks into pieces. Our little source of light is gone. "Good job Jonathan!" – I murmur nervously. – "I swear this forest is fooling with us!"

"Yeah, could be true..." – I heard my friend's sigh.

"Wait... where's Tom?" – Paul's face turns into pale.

"I... don't know..."

I was so shocked that I totally forgot about Paul's little brother, who came with us to the forest... We can't see him anywhere... As if the earth would have swallowed him...

Image generated by Gencraft

Part 2 is out now!⬇️


About the Creator


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart" - Colossians 3:23

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (19)

  • Vicki Lawana Trusselli 2 months ago

    I found myself in a deep dark forest hiding like a fugitive. Nice work

  • What a cliffhanger! This is nightmarish, for sure, and the action is beyond intense, Anna. Great job. Congrats on a well-deserved Top Story, my friend! (I apologize for my delay in reading this, but I got absolutely buried with work at the office. I am just now coming up for air!) . . . now, I am off the read Part 2!

  • Andrea Corwin 3 months ago

    Yikes! Scary, kept me reading fast for next event. Congrats on TS.👏🎉

  • Novel Allen3 months ago

    Oh my, what did y'all do to the forest. Like all movies with young people in forests, this will not end well. I avoid watching them as they make terrible decisions. We shall see. Congrats,

  • Anna, wow! Every word of your narrative made my heart race. I'm eager to find out the mystery behind Tom's disappearance in chapter two!

  • John Cox3 months ago

    Wow! pulse pounding storytelling, Anna! Congratulations on Top Story! Well deserved!

  • Hannah Moore3 months ago

    Good trees or bad?

  • Kodah3 months ago

    Congrats on top story , Anna! 💝🥳🥳

  • JBaz3 months ago

    Congratulation on top story. it is a nice begining that I bet will lead to more gore.

  • Caroline Craven3 months ago

    Yikes so much blood! So looking forward to part two!

  • Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • Margaret Brennan3 months ago

    omg!! can't wait for part two.

  • D.K. Shepard3 months ago

    Very authentic panicked dialogue! And some unsolved mystery! Well done!

  • Alexander McEvoy4 months ago

    I love the panic in this one Anna! I get the feeling that, if they find Tom, he won't be all in one piece

  • Melissa Ingoldsby4 months ago

    I like your descriptions and panicked tone here

  • Esala Gunathilake4 months ago

    The only appeal is for the part two. 🤗

  • Oh yes, part two please! I gotta know what happened to Tom!

  • TheSpinstress4 months ago

    Yikes! Yes, please, I'd read part 2!

  • Grogu4 months ago

    🥶 My blood freezes. 🙂

Anna  Written by Anna

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