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Specter In The Woods

Jack's Eternal Hell

By Billy RosePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Specter In The Woods
Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

It was a dark and stormy night and Jack was driving down a winding two lane highway. It was raining lightly just as it had been for days. The windshield wipers made a barely audible squeak with each stroke across the windshield of Jack's old Chevy pickup truck. Jack's emotions were running high as he reflected on the heated argument he had just had with his wife that prompted him to leave. Jack had a couple drinks about an hour beforehand and was starting to feel it. The irony is that the main reason for the argument was Jack's drinking problem. Jack was following the rules of the road but his heightened emotion and slight inebriation made this a dangerous ride for Jack. Jack had his phone charging through the trucks old 12 volt cigarette lighter and sitting in the middle of the bench seat. Suddenly Jack's phone chimed and without thinking Jack took one hand off the wheel and picked up the phone. It was a message from his wife Lisa. It started with "I'm sorry..." Jack didn't even get to finish reading the message before he felt something familiar and terrifying. Jack immediately recognized the feeling of loss of control and knew he was hydroplaning. Jack was seized with fear and was desperately wrestling with the steering wheel trying to regain control of the truck. Suddenly the truck came off its wheels on one side and flipped. Jack didn't know what was happening but he did know he was being thrown around the cab of the truck. Jack was sure bones were being broken and he could see alot of blood. The truck had rolled onto it's roof and slid across the pavement and through an old guardrail. The truck rolled a couple of times down the steep embankment before coming to rest upside down in the now roaring creek. Jack knew he was hurt bad but if he didn't escape the truck he would surely drown within minutes. Jack knew he couldn't push the door open the water pressure would be too great. Jack decided to roll down his window. Water rushed in like a waterfall nearly washing Jack to the other side of the cab. Jack used anything he could grip, including, first the steering wheel, and then the window frame, to brace against and pushed himself out. Jack scrambled to shore where he collapsed barely able to breathe and quickly losing blood. Jack knew he was in trouble and he needed to stem the flow of blood. There was too much to know exactly where it was coming from, but he knew it was his left arm and forehead. Jack fought through the pain and reached into his pocket. Jack pulled out a pocket knife and with excruciating pain cut a long strip from his soaked t-shirt. Jack found a stick and rigged up a tourniquet as best he could near the top of his left arm. The exertion from making the tourniquet caused Jack to pass out in his weakened state. Jack regained consciousness some time later. Jack knew it hadn't been too long because it was still very dark. Suddenly he noticed something...or rather someone. A dark silhouette of a woman was standing at his feet. Her outline was clear she was a slim woman with dark hair. Jack was paralyzed with fear, his eyes wide with astonishment. Jack used his shirt to wipe the blood from his brow that was partially obstructing his view. Jack told himself silently that this figure must be a hallucination due to blood loss. Suddenly a rush of wind that seemed to come from everywhere hit Jack and he was struck with a pungent odor he immediately recognized as decaying flesh.

"I am no hallucination!" the voice was female but raspy and evil sounding. The voice seemed to be carried by the wind itself rather than coming from the mouth of the mysterious figure.

"Wh..who are you?" Jack stammered trying not to sound as frightened as he was. Suddenly the figure transformed right in front of Jack's eyes and he knew who it was.

"Do you recognize me now?"

"Sarah? Is that you?" Jack managed.

"That's right Jack, and I'm here to make sure you pay for what you've done."

Jack's fears went from bad to worse. Sarah was a girl Jack had dated in high school but she later found out that it was a joke. He went out with her to find out if she was as weird and crazy as the popular kids in school all suspected. Jack ended it with her very publicly after finding out she was a socially anxious bookworm who while being a talented artist painted and drew very dark subject matter. Just out of high school Sarah got involved in using drugs and alcohol and led a very sad life. One month to the day before Jack's accident Sarah had gone on a bender and while in an alcohol induced depression she hung herself in her parents garage.

"Please Sarah, I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did please don't hurt me." Jack pleaded.

End of Part 1


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    Billy RoseWritten by Billy Rose

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