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Out All Night

He had meant to come home sooner. He really did. Hunting vampires is just harder than people made it out to be.

By Raphael FontenellePublished 13 days ago 5 min read
Out All Night
Photo by S T on Unsplash

In all fairness this was something he knew his dad had the right to be upset about. After all he had been out for about twelve hours or so. And he hadn't left a note for him or anything like that. But when he did this in the past his dad hadn't batted an eyelash. Now that he had a girlfriend who pretended to care he was pretending. Jean would have laughed if it weren't for the fact his dad was so angry with him. His dad crossed his arms tightly as he shouted,"You are in so much trouble young man! Where the hell have you been since last night?"

"I was out. Ya know doin' stuff.",he answered him. Carelessly shrugging his shoulders as he said so. Acting more nonchalant than he normally would have. His dad never cared about where he had been before his new girl. So why did he now? Even if he wasn't upset Jean wouldn't tell him what he had done. It wasn't like he'd believe him at all. Calmly, Jean questioned,"Does it really matter that much Nicholas?"

Quickly, he leaned back to avoid getting slapped by his dad. Another thing that wasn't new. Whenever Nicholas got mad he always resorted to this. Especially if Jean even breathed the smallest bit of attitude towards him. Nicholas snapped,"I told you to call me if you were going be late from the movies and you neglected to do. You didn't even tell me if you'd be going anywhere else before you left the house!"

Jean stared at the floor ignoring his father as he ranted and screamed at him. It was fair he guessed. And in the back of his mind Jean knew he should have. But there was no way he could tell him that he was hunting vampires in their city. He wouldn't believe him. Or if he did then he would get himself hurt. He flinched when his dad punched him in the shoulder as hard as he could. His father bellowed,"WHY DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING LISTEN TO ME?! WHY ARE YOU SUCH A WORTHLESS FUCK UP?!"

Without answering his dad he grabbed his hurting shoulder and got off the couch. Knowing full well there was going to be a bruise there. But grateful he wouldn't be going to his mom's place anytime soon. Otherwise she would raise Hell about it. And he knew it was his fault for it happening in the first place. Hurrying to his room as he didn't dare look at his Dad. Jean slammed the door behind himself before locking it. Walking up to his bed, he mumbled,"Because you never fucking listen to me..."

Sure, his father had a right to be upset with him for not telling him anything. But for fucks sake telling him that he was worthless fuck up was much. Laying down on his bed he stared up at the ceiling to try and find patterns in it like he used to when he was a little kid. He found a rabbit, a little crescent moon, and a woman brushing their hair. A few minutes into this game he heard a knock at his door, and he called out,"Yeah what do you want?"

"Jean, sweetie. Dinner's ready. Please come out and have some.",a soft voice said. This was his father's new girlfriend, Elaine. She was a nice woman in all, but she just tried too hard on 'family get together time'. And as much as he appreciated how she tried to help him. She tried too hard in his opinion. Acting way too much like a mom when she was twenty-six. Seven years older than him and felt more like an older sister. He still didn't hate her and didn't want to hurt her feelings. So, he lied,"I'm not feeling great right now. I don't want anything."

He felt somewhat guilty when he heard her sigh outside the door. Unlike his dad, Elaine wasn't pushy. She preferred to give him his space. She offered,"Okay but when you do feel up to it dinner will be in the fridge."

"Thank you, Elaine.",he stated. Feeling a bit like an asshole as he sat up on his bed. Looking to his window, he couldn't help but smile. Sitting on the fire escape was his adorable pet cat, Vanessa. Jean opened the window halfway smiling as a black cat slunk into the room. Stretching a little before rubbing against Jean's leg. She was a former stray that his dad wouldn't let him keep. But that didn't stop him from trying. Petting the cat he smiled a little to himself. Vanessa always brought up his mood just by being there. In a soft voice, he cooed,"How's my beautiful, baby kitty today? Vanessa have a good little trip around the neighborhood?"

Vanessa only purred as she rubbed against his leg. Giving very soft mews that he knew Nicholas couldn't hear. A thing he had been grateful for as he knew his dad might hurt her. Or worse. Send her to the pound. Softly, he ranted,"I had a pretty bad day. So many vampires were out last night and I got back way too late. And I know that I should have come home sooner but it wasn't like I was trying to disobey. Course dad didn't care and he hit me. Again." "

Jean took out a bag of cat food and food dish that he had hidden under his bed. Along with the water bowl. Quickly filling up both before getting out the litter box. Soon as he did, Vanessa quickly popped into it to use it. In a soft voice, Jean muttered ,"I'm really glad you came home. I think they're gonna be spraying for mosquitos tonight. I was worried it'd make you really sick."

While he quietly shut his window a thought popped up into his head. One that made him smile a little as he turned back to his cat. With a smile he stated,"Vampires are bloodsucking pests like mosquitos. Do you think they go into hiding cuz of the spray or nah?"

An odd image of a vampire getting blasted with the mosquito spray then dying made him snort. It curling into a ball like a spider nearly made him double over with laughter. Jean laid down on his bed as he held his hands over his gut.

He bit back his laughter as he continued to picture that. Somewhat listening to his cat eat her food. In a soft voice, he chuckled,"Pff...freaking wish I could see that."

"It'd make my job easier!"


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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