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Ghost Stories

By Bijan MondalPublished 2 years ago 31 min read

I listened to this story while sitting in a secluded cell of the Sub-Divisional Jail. Said a defendant of the island. His life story. The man's age will be thirty-five years. A dry, wiry body, quite tall, leaning slightly under the weight of an invisible burden. The lines of the dark copper-colored face writ large and stumbling life's history.

I am a criminal court lawyer. There are few names in criminal cases. The man called me with someone he knew. Not before the case, but after the verdict. I did not know the details of his case, but I heard that such a strange case never came to the department.

I was a little curious, so I went inside the jail and had a look. The man is not from Tallat. Wearing worn black churidar pajama and black waistcoat, rukhu shaggy hair and mustache on his head. The muscles of the arms and legs are full, strong. The most strange are his eyes. It burns and goes out like a torch. And those eyes are fixed with a steady look, as if looking at someone incorporeal in front of them. At that time, Ga looked at the man and got up.

When I went to stand in front of his cell, he was walking restlessly in the small cell to make the sound of his footsteps. Zeller said, your barrister has come.

The man stared at me with torch-lit eyes for a while. Then smiled and simply said, Come on in baby.

District cell opened. I went inside. The man said bluntly, "I want to appeal, Ballister."

I also gave a straight answer, I don't think the charge of murder against you will be suspended.

If the man smiles a little, the whole thing can change.


If the man says it in a loud voice, he can be hanged instead of black water. You appeal my hanging Ballisterbabu.

I stayed for a while. What kind of a person, who wants to wear a hanging rope around his neck! The prisoner is just a little unnatural, but is this man already unnatural? No complete devotion to life.

The man suddenly came in front of me with a smile and said, I know my dear, the rulers listen to you. If you appeal on my behalf, you will be hanged. I said, Kalapani goes to the lake and comes back again. Why do you want hanging?

How impatient the man said, he is so late! As he was leaving I said, I am also leaving soon. My words are getting confused sir. He thinks that Ruplal is dishonest!

His torch-eyes blazed, and went out in a flash. Then he stared at the wall with those colorless eyes. As if seeing someone incorporeal. Gata taunted me. But I said, who thinks you are dishonest? Who are you talking about? Slowly he became easy. Then if you say, I say from the beginning but listen. On that day, the even more strange story I heard from the mouth of that strange prisoner, judge for yourself whether it is unnatural or miraculous, or completely strange. I am just listening to that amazing story of Rooplal.

A small tent pitched in the back field. Every year at the beginning of winter, groups of Veds from different places come to this village and take shelter. The back ground is their camp. At fairs, groups of Veds perform betting games, judge people's hand lines, and Vednis sell garlands of colored beads and kulo-dala. Then when spring comes, all disappear like seasonal birds.

A strange group has come to the back field this year. Not on foot, but seven buffalo carts. They show Sakas, three clowns make funny faces, Badr dogs and goats ride bicycles, birds talk, and so much more! The main attraction of this group is that they are 'black magicians'. In a dark tent, he can tell the future of a person just by looking at his face by the light of a candle.

A little different from the small tents is the big tent, that is the circus tent. It's late afternoon, the sun is overhead. The crowd of people in front of the big tent is gradually increasing. People are coming from nearby Panchkhana Gaon. The dust is flying under the feet, like the fog of the day. Standing on a raised platform in front of the tent door is a clown wearing a colorful thong-like hat and chanting to a cymbal:

Come brother, have a look,

Have a thousand fun.

Du Anate will see Khasa

What a fun color joke.

And after throwing two annas

Kala is in the magician's house.

Brother will know by magic

He will not be a king, he will be a fakir.

At the end of the rhyme, jham jhamar sound of cymbals.

On the right side of the clown sits an elderly man with a haggard appearance. A leaky box on the branch in front. His job is to take money from the audience and throw it into the hole. And the black magician is standing on the left side. Wearing a black satin churidar pajama, a waist-length black waistcoat, a black satin handkerchief tied around his head, and eye-glass-pattern masks like pirates. His tall body wrapped in black clothes is still.

That is our Ruplal. Ruplal from five years ago. Joan was thirty years old. Rooplal is looking at the crowd with eager eyes. Crowds of people from the village of Gaya, jostling to enter the tent first.

Rooplal's eager gaze fixed on one spot. Yes, they still came today. That girl holding the old man's hand. Standing behind the crowd. Today they came for three days. But he did not step inside the tent for a single day. The old man looks like a poor farmer. The hair on the head is completely white. But the girl is like a fresh seasonal flower. Not more than seventeen years of age. Green color like a new leaf, loose face, untied hair, blowing in the fresh air.

The old man is looking at Ruplal, but why is the girl not looking? Why is he staring blankly at an empty almond tree?

The crowd slowly thinned out. The big tent is almost full, the game will start soon. The clown has gone in to gather the crowd. Gone is the scruffy-looking man with the box. Rooplal alone on the platform. Ruplal's game is over.

The old man came forward holding the girl's hand. Whatever Rooplal said today, will you watch the game or not? The old man shook his head and said, "No." Akiye Rooplal said to the girl, "You don't need money, see it." But even with such a big temptation, the girl was not moved. The old man smiled a little sadly and said, "No wizard, I didn't come to watch the game." I need some quiet time with you.

Ruplal was a little surprised and said, I want silence. Then come to my tent after evening.

As if the girl was scared and held the old man's hand and said, "No, at night, the donkeys come to the back field!"

Ruplal laughed. Said, Well, but stay, I will go. Where is your house?

If the answer is old, we are in Shaltali. The house of the happy will be shown.

Who is happy?

The old man smiled a little and said, this is my daughter. Will it be okay?

will go

The old man left with his daughter. Surprisingly, the girl looked at Ruplal for a long time, but there was no shadow in her eyes.

The girl's body is young, but the mind is not old?

What is called Purodastur Veda, Ruplal is so. Who parents, where people, do not know. From being a Gnana to roaming around with the Vedav group, growing up under them. A-group to O-group, leaving A-village to O-village. Learned rope balance as a child. Stand on a narrow rope to show exercise. Up to the age of eighteen. Then went with a Nepalese Buddhist monk - Pakka six years. These six years are the strangest chapter in Rooplal's life. His life turned around in these six years.

Nepalese tantrics were astronomers and adepts in astrology. He could amazingly calculate the fate of people just by looking at the shape of the face and forehead. And talked with dead souls. Especially those who have died by accident, with all those low-level ghosts. A Hen became a loyal disciple of the Tantric and went to a monastery in Tibet with Ruplal Guru. When he returned to the Vedas after five and a half years, he had mastered that rare knowledge. He learned to invoke spirits and with their help to know the future of living people. From now on Ruplal's form is different, profession is different. As she stood on the darkened stage, dressed in a tight black satin dress, the yellow candlelight stung the audience. | Since then he is known as 'Kala Jadugar'.

After evening sitting in his tent, Rooplal went out to Shaltali after a little jiring. The place is within miles of the backyard. Khushi's house was found on asking. To say house, Khanduek met house and rise. Ruplal did not come in his black dress, so the old man did not recognize him at first. Then he sat in the room. Khushi was called from the next room. That said, it is the wizard who has troubled you. What is written on the girl's forehead, look carefully and tell me.

Rooplal laughed a little and said, this is the matter! If you take your daughter into the tent tomorrow, you can do it.

The old man shook his head and said, "No wizard, but Khushi would have been scared." You see it at home, I will double what you owe.

A lamp was burning on a wooden pillar in the corner of the room. Take out a yellow candle from your pocket and light it from the lamp, it turns red, and blow out the lamp. Then came and sat facing Khushi. Ruplal was startled as the yellow wax light fell on Khushi's face. Dagger Dagger two-eyed stars do not have gems! Godless speechless dumb two eyes.

Happy then blind! By this time Rooplal understood why those two eyes did not speak to him despite looking at him in front of the circus tent. When Rooplal asked, Khushi's eyes turned like this from Kaddin?

The old man took a breath and said, since birth. So I want to know the writing on the forehead of Porakapali. Happy to see Hatkhan.

A hand wearing a silver bangle came unhesitatingly towards Ruplal. And one of Rupal's hands also picked up that soft hand like a handful of cotton.

a few moments After that, Khushi let go of her hand and said, I don't see hands, I see my face.

Rooplal stared with his torch-lit eyes focused on Khushi's face and began chanting the tantra in a vague unintelligible language. Sometimes the yellow wax flame flickered.

It's a chilly night outside. Moment after moment passes. The unintelligible Tibetan tantra chants in Rooplal's strained solemn voice began to sound like distant bells. The shadow of happiness in the rising candlelight also trembled on the wall on the back terrace. And it seemed, in the dim darkness of the room, someone was moving around holding the figure, whispering.

Khushi is sitting still - two sightless eyes meet. His face looked impossibly pale in the yellow candlelight. Even in this winter night, there is a drop of sweat on the forehead. When Ruplal realized that he was possessed by a ghost. The torch in his eyes grew fiercer. Ruplal chanted his last mantra, focusing those fierce eyes on Khushi's pale eyes. The old man could not see, but Ruplal clearly saw that Khushi's face was turning black like a dry leaf. A bat is circling overhead. Poisonous snakes are buzzing around.

Rooplal became restless after seeing that picture, the torch of his eyes slowly went out. What did he see? This evil is a sign of terrible evil. He couldn't even dream that there was such an awkward misfortune such a tragic sadness hidden in the future life of a beautiful, simple, holy girl like Khushi!

Unsettled, Rooplal took out a substance like incense from his pocket and lit it. Fragrant smoke began to curl up. In that smoke, the group of incorporeal ghosts left the house one by one. The air in the house became easy and light. The color of Khushi's face became normal. Ruplal lit the lamp and extinguished the candle.

By now the old man was shaking. With doubt and uncertainty said with a trembling voice, what do you see magician, my happy face? By your art of magic, speak the truth!

But Ruplal could not tell the truth. It was not only in his mouth, but also in his mind. He said the opposite.

Rooplal said with a smile, I saw the turn. Your daughter will be happy, very happy. The scratch of sorrow will not be on him, if…

What if? - The old man said in a curious voice.

Ruplal looked at Khushi's flushed face. Tikalo's silver nose is glinting. Can't see, but dumb eyes are looking at Ruplal. Big love, big mercy is Ruplal's, if someone keeps him alive.

If you talk heavily. Who will keep the whole life? Who will take Kanye's daughter?

Take it! When the time is right, it will be taken care of.

Are you really a magician?

Profit by lying?

The old man's face lit up. And Khushi rubs her face with a rag for no reason and makes it red, or tries to erase the color of the red face, only Khushi knows.

If you take out a whole buck from the old tank while leaving. Rooplal smiled back and said, stay now. I will take my dues. let's be happy

Came the short reply, Come on wizard.

Happy to advance to the courtyard. Before leaving Ruplal said, I am afraid of you, or happy? I am Bhut Namai, Dano Namai.

If happy, from then on there is no fear.

since when

When you held my hand and said in a quiet voice that you were happ

y.Heavy sweet sound happy! Rooplal went away with the sound of that voice.

From the beginning of winter the strange circus party remained in the backyard until spring. The big tent is no longer crowded. The box of that scruffy-looking man was full of money.

Ruplal performs black magic in the tent every afternoon, and Guti Guti appears in Shaltali in the evening. Someday or morning. Jhumki took Khushi's hand and took her across the river. If for some reason you can't go for a day-and-a-half, the next day Khushi goes silent. If you don't call three times, you won't get a response.

Rooplal says, what happened to you? Why are you so lost? Did you get angry because you couldn't come?

Khushi slowly says, anger is not magic, fear is.

Rooplal knows, but asks, what fear?

Khushi says, don't know. From time to time it seems as if someone is moving quietly beside me, their breath is on me.

Ruplal knows. With the power of tantric knowledge imparted by his guru, he understands, no evil, no evil, from the shadow of any evil, poison breath is thrown on Khashi. Rooplal's face froze for a moment. The chest is filled with great love, great compassion. Immediately laugh and hold Khushi's hand and say, this time? Feeling scared?

The brunette's face softened in relaxed dependence as Khushib let out a sigh. A smile twinkled at the corners of his lips. Says, "No wizard, if you are near, if you touch, no more fear."

Rooplal kept quiet and said, "But it's difficult to be happy, I'm a poor person, who knows when I'll be floating with the party." What will happen then?

In reply, Khushi squeezed Rooplal's hand hard.

Ruplal asked the question not to Khushi, but to himself. But the answer no longer matches.

Then, at the end of Falgun, at the foot of Chaitra, the tents were pitched from the back ground. Seven mule carts were loaded, dust darkening the back ground, and started moving again. Everyone was in that car, not just Rooplal.

Ruplal remained on that bed.

Old Moral didn't want to believe it at first. Does anyone knowingly want to marry an underage girl? But when Roopla does not throw, the old man cries with joy. Said, you call me a magician. Tell me how many more days? I can't sleep thinking about Porakapali. Do not die happy boy!

Shaltali people were surprised. Kanye daughter happy marriage! Not with him, but with the black magician of the circus party. Basar night, Khushi said quietly, "What did you do to me, sorcerer?" Rooplal laughed and said, "You still call me a magician?"

Smile and say happy, you are a magician! From that first day, if you do magic to me!

Rooplal waggled his nose with a silver turban-wearing Tikolo.

The old man died the following year.

Bede also built a house. That house is not for two or ten days, but forever. Ruplal knew that life would take such a sudden turn. Did Rooplal think that there is no one in Tri-Samsara, his best friend will join in this Shaltali?

And did Khushi ever dream that someone will take care of her all her life? No one knows when Shaltali's springtime colored the two minds. Ruplal-Khushi doesn't even know.

Days pass happily. The shadow of fear washed away from Khushi's mind. And Rooplal also forgot Khushi's ominous future hint.

This is the time to meet Nitai.

They were sitting on the edge of Jhumki. Under an acacia tree near the bank. It was getting late. Who is playing Holi with Apar by throwing handfuls of golden robes from behind the Hijal forest on the other side!

Ruplal and Khushi were waking up and dreaming. The dream was broken by a melodious voice. The sound is coming from far away. As Rooplal looked, a man in a canoe was coming towards the other side and started singing:

While picking up Siyakul

What is the fire, what is the fire.

Garland of wild flowers wrapped around the neck.

As Rooplal sees the canoe approaching, Thinlapana sails a small canoe. He will be two to four years younger than him. Dark black appearance. The face is made by the hand of poto. Frizzy Babri hair is blowing in the wind. A short dhoti of light ocher color is tied tightly with narrow tassels. Fatua of that color.

He built a canoe next to an ashyora bush. Then the song stopped as he looked at Acacia. Not only did the music stop, the man's movement and even his breathing stopped.

Khushi suddenly became agitated and said, let's go home. Ruplal said, why tell me? When Khushi says it, it is as if someone is staring at it.

Ruplal was surprised to hear about blind happiness. Indeed, the man is looking right here! Looking at the road, how many people, where, happy, can not feel. Why did you feel today? He realized that he is the man or who?

Khushi shook Ruplal's hand and said, Get up! But before they could get up the canoe man came very near. Said with a smile, not black magic?

Before Rooplal could answer, the man himself shook his head and said, "Hey, I didn't make a mistake in recognizing him." I saw it at the Badamatala fair last winter. I am a good leader.

quality Rooplal felt that it is better to obey Nitai if he is virtuous rather than virtuous. His eyes are always smiling.

Rooplal said, what quality?

Nitai said, I blow on snakebites, relieve rheumatism, give medicine to barren girls, and sing Jhumur.

Nitai laughed out loud. Not only do Nitai's eyes smile, he himself smiles in such a way that it is understood that the person is Dildaria. It's a little bit tight. Rooplal had fun.

Nitai stopped laughing and asked, Who is the master with Ooty? Ruplal said, My family.

The old man's daughter is happy, isn't she? That's fine, that's fine.

Nitai let out a laugh again.

Pulling Ruplal's hand and saying Khushi in an impatient voice, he went home.

Where is the house master? —If Nitai asks, Shaltali?

Ruplal said, yes. But Shaltali have not seen you before? Do you know Khushi?

Laughing again, Nitai said, Chini Baiki Ustad. I also know laughter, I also know happiness. Life is a merry fair.

When Rooplal saw that the hand was pulled again, Khushi had moved two feet in the opposite direction. He followed. Nita stood on the acacia tree and looked at it. Then he suddenly burst into song:

Alo Sae, Kene Such

mind blowing,

Understand low subjugation

Chikankala knows.

What kind of fire is this?

There is a strange burning.

Two days later, one day at noon, a call was heard from the other side of the yard fence: Master, are you at home?

Ruplal was at home. Just got back from the field and had a bath. Come out and see Nitai Gunin. Said, what do you think of this Bhardupur?

Nitai brushed the sweat-drenched hair from his forehead and said, ``There you go Master.'' Ask to sit in the lawsuit first!

Nitai, however, did not wait for Rooplal to speak, but came and sat down. Then he took out a 'Lal Lanthan' cigarette from Fatwa's pocket and gave one to Rooplal, holding one himself. Leaving the smoke for a while, said the reason for coming, I know, wizard, how great a master you are of black magic. You have to teach me that science. Rooplal said, that leader, you are also good, how much knowledge you know.

Nitai turned his lips and said, Nothing, nothing master. I know only one science, and all the sages.

Know what science? Ruplal asked.

Mother Dhumavati's science-form-change.

Rooplal became curious: What kind of science is it? Learning increases hunger?

Nitai laughs and says, He is very funny. I will teach you. But first tell me your science?

Ruplal said, why not give? But black magic is a big deal. The exorcist trade takes time to learn.

Nitai said, let it be. Nitai said when he took a few more things from Fatwa's pocket. A new small kalke, siki tola ganja, one yard of red thread, five cords and five rupees. Putting the objects at Rooplal's feet, Nitai said, "Take me in the sea from today."

Rooplal said, not today, tomorrow is new moon. since that day



Baba Bhutnath's oath?

Baba Bhootnath's Dibyi.

Nitai's eyes and face smiled with suppressed joy. Taking a drag from the burnt cigarette, Nitai sang with joy:

The music of the garden, the drum of the scissors,

Mon Re, Bom Bholanath Bol.

Then he suddenly stopped the song and said, "Don't order one hour of water, Master, Testaye Chati."


Ruplal looked at the house and said, Give me one hour of water and I will be happy.

After a while the chain of the cupboard moved. After that, Maja took the water in the brass bowl and entered Khushi dawa. Nitai hurriedly got up, reached out to take the water bottle. With a little finger touch, the water glass fell from Amni Khushi's hand. Nitai said, "Aha-ha, Testa's water has fallen". Stay, no more trouble.

Khushi slowly returned home. His face was shadowed by an unknown fear, his hands were shaking. Not Nitai's finger, touched a snake's body as if happy.

Nitai also if you don't delay any more: come master, I will come tomorrow. He also stepped up.

Ruplal said from behind: Go to Mansapota's cremation ground after evening. i will go too

Goes home and sees Rooplal, Khushi is sitting silently. A shadow of fear on his face. Rooplal put his hand on him and said, what happened, why did he remain so silent?

Slowly the color faded from Khushi's face. He said, after a long time, how he was doing well.

Ruplal's chest heaved for a moment. After that, he smiled and said, "What's the fear, I'm here."

Khushi rested her cheek on her husband's knee and said, "Yes, will you teach that man black art?" If not taught, he is not good.

Rooplal said, Divya left that! Then laughed a little and said, the throw is tight, but not bad.

Chaturdashi night full of Krishna Paksha. There was a knock at the door. Happy from within, who?

A hoarse voice said, I.

If you open the door and say happy, who, the magician comes?

No go, I'm Nitai!

Khushi is like a jerk. He grabbed the doorknob and said, Why are you here? The sorcerer is in the cremation ground of Mansapota. go learn

Will one have cold water? Big brother

If you say happy with annoyance and disgust, what kind of talk is this, Bapu? Day-and-day when-and-when.

Nitai laughed out loud. Then he suddenly stopped laughing and said in a low voice, you got it right. Day in and day out, I'm always in love.

If the pair of eyebrows are happy, there is no water anywhere but me?

Nitai said, no go happy. My father's water belongs to no one but you. Nitai's words are so saliva-tinged.

Khushi went to close the door, before Nitai reached out and grabbed a soft hand. Said, life is a happy fair! What did the wizard give you? I will give you much, much happiness. you be mine happy you be mine

Khushi's whole body was trembling. He felt how many snakes were crawling up his body. An awkward bat is circling overhead. He feels the wind blowing his fan. Khushi cried out in fear.

Nitai didn't think so. He didn't stand any longer, running off into the darkness outside.

The dark fog of sleep is slowly fading. And in the midst of it Ruplal is calling from far away, happy, happy, happy! What is your happiness?

If the heavy eyelids look happy, the hair is really red. She put her face on her husband's chest and cried. Then crying, you don't let the leader Satan come again. Don't hesitate. He will multiply me, he will kill me—

Hugging Khushi to his chest, Rooplal yawned no, no no. He was lost. Only his torch-eyes flared once.

Nitai did not have to obey. He did not come by himself.

One and a half to two months passed. Rooplal could not be reassured. Khushi said, when the devil took my hand, my body became paralyzed—it felt like you were holding my hand.

Say what! Ruplal said.

If happy, yes go. Then when U Nachhar said, 'What did the magician give you then I was shocked. My heart says, it is not you, it is the lowly devil. My body started shaking and I don't remember anything.

Ruplal was shocked to hear Khushi's words. Khushi's entire body was paralyzed by the touch of Nitai Guneen's hand. It seemed that Ruplal was holding his hand. So Khushi is not exactly paralyzed, it was Nitai who subdued her! But does Nitai Guru know the 'Dakini-Mantra'? Why he came to Rooplal despite being such a great genius, he is now understanding. Kala came not for the lure of sorcery, but for the fresh honey of happiness-flowers.

The teachings of the Nepali Tantric Guru never lie. In the life of blind happiness, then that Shani - that Nita is good!

Ruplal's chest heaved. Since then, Ruplal does not hide Khushi from his eyes.

The harvest day has come. Aus new crop. Rooplal has collected the crop of twenty two bighas of Buro Morl and sent it to Ganj. Now the only thing left is to go and fetch the collection from the moneylender's mattress. Rooplal himself never went to the field during harvest lest Khushi had to hide from his eyes. But not without going about the collection.

Rooplal said, I will go to Ganj early in the morning, and I will come back before sunset. Do you think you are happy? Leaving Sudama.

Ruplal went to Ganj. But no matter how hastily, the sun went down again and again. Small black clouds curled up like small baby coots began to gather in the evening sky. Rooplal got down from the car at the border of Shaltali and started walking. Bullock carts run fast.

A little further, he met Munish Sudama from his field. Sudama did not see him because it was dark. But Ruplal's annoyance knew no bounds. Shouting, this Sudama! Leaving the man alone at home? At the bar!

Sudama was a bit nervous. Said, Hi look! You entered the house, so I left, dear.

Ruplal's face turned yes. Said, I entered the house?

Sudama said, do not enter?

Heavy sweet sound happy! Rooplal went away with the sound of that voice.

From the beginning of winter the strange circus party remained in the backyard until spring. The big tent is no longer crowded. The box of that scruffy-looking man was full of money.

Ruplal performs black magic in the tent every afternoon, and Guti Guti appears in Shaltali in the evening. Someday or morning. Jhumki took Khushi's hand and took her across the river. If for some reason you can't go for a day-and-a-half, the next day Khushi goes silent. If you don't call three times, you won't get a response.

Rooplal says, what happened to you? Why are you so lost? Did you get angry because you couldn't come?

Khushi slowly says, anger is not magic, fear is.

Rooplal knows, but asks, what fear?

Khushi says, don't know. From time to time it seems as if someone is moving quietly beside me, their breath is on me.

Ruplal knows. With the power of tantric knowledge imparted by his guru, he understands, no evil, no evil, from the shadow of any evil, poison breath is thrown on Khashi. Rooplal's face froze for a moment. The chest is filled with great love, great compassion. Immediately laugh and hold Khushi's hand and say, this time? Feeling scared?

The brunette's face softened in relaxed dependence as Khushib let out a sigh. A smile twinkled at the corners of his lips. Says, "No wizard, if you are near, if you touch, no more fear."

Rooplal kept quiet and said, "But it's difficult to be happy, I'm a poor person, who knows when I'll be floating with the party." What will happen then?

In reply, Khushi squeezed Rooplal's hand hard.

Ruplal asked the question not to Khushi, but to himself. But the answer no longer matches.

Then, at the end of Falgun, at the foot of Chaitra, the tents were pitched from the back ground. Seven mule carts were loaded, dust darkening the back ground, and started moving again. Everyone was in that car, not just Rooplal.

Ruplal remained on that bed.

Old Moral didn't want to believe it at first. Does anyone knowingly want to marry an underage girl? But when Roopla does not throw, the old man cries with joy. Said, you call me a magician. Tell me how many more days? I can't sleep thinking about Porakapali. Do not die happy boy!

Shaltali people were surprised. Kanye daughter happy marriage! Not with him, but with the black magician of the circus party. Basar night, Khushi said quietly, "What did you do to me, sorcerer?" Rooplal laughed and said, "You still call me a magician?"

Smile and say happy, you are a magician! From that first day, if you do magic to me!

Rooplal waggled his nose with a silver turban-wearing Tikolo.

The old man died the following year.

Bede also built a house. That house is not for two or ten days, but forever. Ruplal knew that life would take such a sudden turn. Did Rooplal think that there is no one in Tri-Samsara, his best friend will join in this Shaltali?

And did Khushi ever dream that someone will take care of her all her life? No one knows when Shaltali's springtime colored the two minds. Ruplal-Khushi doesn't even know.

Days pass happily. The shadow of fear washed away from Khushi's mind. And Rooplal also forgot Khushi's ominous future hint.

This is the time to meet Nitai.

They were sitting on the edge of Jhumki. Under an acacia tree near the bank. It was getting late. Who is playing Holi with Apar by throwing handfuls of golden robes from behind the Hijal forest on the other side!

Ruplal and Khushi were waking up and dreaming. The dream was broken by a melodious voice. The sound is coming from far away. As Rooplal looked, a man in a canoe was coming towards the other side and started singing:

While picking up Siyakul

What is the fire, what is the fire.

Garland of wild flowers wrapped around the neck.

As Rooplal sees the canoe approaching, Thinlapana sails a small canoe. He will be two to four years younger than him. Dark black appearance. The face is made by the hand of poto. Frizzy Babri hair is blowing in the wind. A short dhoti of light ocher color is tied tightly with narrow tassels. Fatua of that color.

He built a canoe next to an ashyora bush. Then the song stopped as he looked at Acacia. Not only did the music stop, the man's movement and even his breathing stopped.

Khushi suddenly became agitated and said, let's go home. Ruplal said, why tell me? When Khushi says it, it is as if someone is staring at it.

Ruplal was surprised to hear about blind happiness. Indeed, the man is looking right here! Looking at the road, how many people, where, happy, can not feel. Why did you feel today? He realized that he is the man or who?

Khushi shook Ruplal's hand and said, Get up! But before they could get up the canoe man came very near. Said with a smile, not black magic?

Before Rooplal could answer, the man himself shook his head and said, "Hey, I didn't make a mistake in recognizing him." I saw it at the Badamatala fair last winter. I am a good leader.

quality Rooplal felt that it is better to obey Nitai if he is virtuous rather than virtuous. His eyes are always smiling.

Rooplal said, what quality?

Nitai said, I blow on snakebites, relieve rheumatism, give medicine to barren girls, and sing Jhumur.

Nitai laughed out loud. Not only do Nitai's eyes smile, he himself smiles in such a way that it is understood that the person is Dildaria. It's a little bit tight. Rooplal had fun.

Nitai stopped laughing and asked, Who is the master with Ooty? Ruplal said, My family.

The old man's daughter is happy, isn't she? That's fine, that's fine.

Nitai let out a laugh again.

Pulling Ruplal's hand and saying Khushi in an impatient voice, he went home.

Where is the house master? —If Nitai asks, Shaltali?

Ruplal said, yes. But Shaltali have not seen you before? Do you know Khushi?

Laughing again, Nitai said, Chini Baiki Ustad. I also know laughter, I also know happiness. Life is a merry fair.

When Rooplal saw that the hand was pulled again, Khushi had moved two feet in the opposite direction. He followed. Nita stood on the acacia tree and looked at it. Then he suddenly burst into song:

Alo Sae, Kene Such

mind blowing,

Understand low subjugation

Chikankala knows.

What kind of fire is this?

There is a strange burning.

Two days later, one day at noon, a call was heard from the other side of the yard fence: Master, are you at home?

Ruplal was at home. Just got back from the field and had a bath. Come out and see Nitai Gunin. Said, what do you think of this Bhardupur?

Nitai brushed the sweat-drenched hair from his forehead and said, ``There you go Master.'' Ask to sit in the lawsuit first!

Nitai, however, did not wait for Rooplal to speak, but came and sat down. Then he took out a 'Lal Lanthan' cigarette from Fatwa's pocket and gave one to Rooplal, holding one himself. Leaving the smoke for a while, said the reason for coming, I know, wizard, how great a master you are of black magic. You have to teach me that science. Rooplal said, that leader, you are also good, how much knowledge you know.

Nitai turned his lips and said, Nothing, nothing master. I know only one science, and all the sages.

Know what science? Ruplal asked.

Mother Dhumavati's science-form-change.

Rooplal became curious: What kind of science is it? Learning increases hunger?

Nitai laughs and says, He is very funny. I will teach you. But first tell me your science?

Ruplal said, why not give? But black magic is a big deal. The exorcist trade takes time to learn.

Nitai said, let it be. Nitai said when he took a few more things from Fatwa's pocket. A new small kalke, siki tola ganja, one yard of red thread, five cords and five rupees. Putting the objects at Rooplal's feet, Nitai said, "Take me in the sea from today."

Rooplal said, not today, tomorrow is new moon. since that day



Baba Bhutnath's oath?

Baba Bhootnath's Dibyi.

Nitai's eyes and face smiled with suppressed joy. Taking a drag from the burnt cigarette, Nitai sang with joy:

The music of the garden, the drum of the scissors,

Mon Re, Bom Bholanath Bol.

Then he suddenly stopped the song and said, "Don't order one hour of water, Master, Testaye Chati."


Ruplal looked at the house and said, Give me one hour of water and I will be happy.

After a while the chain of the cupboard moved. After that, Maja took the water in the brass bowl and entered Khushi dawa. Nitai hurriedly got up, reached out to take the water bottle. With a little finger touch, the water glass fell from Amni Khushi's hand. Nitai said, "Aha-ha, Testa's water has fallen". Stay, no more trouble.

Khushi slowly returned home. His face was shadowed by an unknown fear, his hands were shaking. Not Nitai's finger, touched a snake's body as if happy.

Nitai also if you don't delay any more: come master, I will come tomorrow. He also stepped up.

Ruplal said from behind: Go to Mansapota's cremation ground after evening. i will go too

Goes home and sees Rooplal, Khushi is sitting silently. A shadow of fear on his face. Rooplal put his hand on him and said, what happened, why did he remain so silent?

Slowly the color faded from Khushi's face. He said, after a long time, how he was doing well.

Ruplal's chest heaved for a moment. After that, he smiled and said, "What's the fear, I'm here."

Khushi rested her cheek on her husband's knee and said, "Yes, will you teach that man black art?" If not taught, he is not good.

Rooplal said, Divya left that! Then laughed a little and said, the throw is tight, but not bad.

Chaturdashi night full of Krishna Paksha. There was a knock at the door. Happy from within, who?

A hoarse voice said, I.

If you open the door and say happy, who, the magician comes?

No go, I'm Nitai!

Khushi is like a jerk. He grabbed the doorknob and said, Why are you here? The sorcerer is in the cremation ground of Mansapota. go learn

Will one have cold water? Big brother

If you say happy with annoyance and disgust, what kind of talk is this, Bapu? Day-and-day when-and-when.

Nitai laughed out loud. Then he suddenly stopped laughing and said in a low voice, you got it right. Day in and day out, I'm always in love.

If the pair of eyebrows are happy, there is no water anywhere but me?

Nitai said, no go happy. My father's water belongs to no one but you. Nitai's words are so saliva-tinged.

Khushi went to close the door, before Nitai reached out and grabbed a soft hand. Said, life is a happy fair! What did the wizard give you? I will give you much, much happiness. you be mine happy you be mine

Khushi's whole body was trembling. He felt how many snakes were crawling up his body. An awkward bat is circling overhead. He feels the wind blowing his fan. Khushi cried out in fear.

Nitai didn't think so. He didn't stand any longer, running off into the darkness outside.

The dark fog of sleep is slowly fading. And in the midst of it Ruplal is calling from far away, happy, happy, happy! What is your happiness?

If the heavy eyelids look happy, the hair is really red. She put her face on her husband's chest and cried. Then crying, you don't let the leader Satan come again. Don't hesitate. He will multiply me, he will kill me—

Hugging Khushi to his chest, Rooplal yawned no, no no. He was lost. Only his torch-eyes flared once.

Nitai did not have to obey. He did not come by himself.

One and a half to two months passed. Rooplal could not be reassured. Khushi said, when the devil took my hand, my body became paralyzed—it felt like you were holding my hand.

Say what! Ruplal said.

If happy, yes go. Then when U Nachhar said, 'What did the magician give you then I was shocked. My heart says, it is not you, it is the lowly devil. My body started shaking and I don't remember anything.

Ruplal was shocked to hear Khushi's words. Khushi's entire body was paralyzed by the touch of Nitai Guneen's hand. It seemed that Ruplal was holding his hand. So Khushi is not exactly paralyzed, it was Nitai who subdued her! But does Nitai Guru know the 'Dakini-Mantra'? Why he came to Rooplal despite being such a great genius, he is now understanding. Kala came not for the lure of sorcery, but for the fresh honey of happiness-flowers.

The teachings of the Nepali Tantric Guru never lie. In the life of blind happiness, then that Shani - that Nita is good!

Ruplal's chest heaved. Since then, Ruplal does not hide Khushi from his eyes.

The harvest day has come. Aus new crop. Rooplal has collected the crop of twenty two bighas of Buro Morl and sent it to Ganj. Now the only thing left is to go and fetch the collection from the moneylender's mattress. Rooplal himself never went to the field during harvest lest Khushi had to hide from his eyes. But not without going about the collection.

Rooplal said, I will go to Ganj early in the morning, and I will come back before sunset. Do you think you are happy? Leaving Sudama.

Ruplal went to Ganj. But no matter how hastily, the sun went down again and again. Small black clouds curled up like small baby coots began to gather in the evening sky. Rooplal got down from the car at the border of Shaltali and started walking. Bullock carts run fast.

A little further, he met Munish Sudama from his field. Sudama did not see him because it was dark. But Ruplal's annoyance knew no bounds. Shouting, this Sudama! Leaving the man alone at home? At the bar!

Sudama was a bit nervous. Said, Hi look! You entered the house, so I left, dear.

Ruplal's face turned yes. Said, I entered the house?

Sudama said, do not enter?


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Bijan Mondal

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    Bijan MondalWritten by Bijan Mondal

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