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"Nightmare's Embrace: The Haunting of Emily"


By Shamshath BegamPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

It's a terrifying story of a girl who finds herself home alone one night for the first time.

She usually has a dog. The girl hears news about a serial killer. She locks all the doors and windows and goes to sleep, but none of them close.

Suddenly she woke up hearing a noise. Completely terrified, she tries to go back to sleep, placing her hand on the bed for reassurance from her dog.

As the noise continues, she checks the faucets in the kitchen, bathroom, and everywhere else, but finds nothing. She returns to the bedroom and puts her hand down again for the dog to lick.

The sound of something dripping continues and the girl is very scared and sleeps. But she was afraid to sleep alone. Lick her hand from under the bed and she slowly falls asleep. In the morning, when she opened the closet, she found her dog killed and hanging upside down. The sound of dripping came from the dog's blood. On the cupboard doors, she sees a message - "Humans can lick too".

Emily's heart pounded as she stared at the blood-soaked message on her cell doors. The words flashed through her mind, sending cold shivers down her spine. Shivering, she stumbled backwards, her eyes fixed on the lifeless form of her beloved dog, Max, hanging upside down like a grotesque doll.Emily's eyes filled with tears, she knelt beside Max, reaching out to touch his cool fur. Memories raced through her mind - in the backyard afternoons curled up together on the couch. Now, he lay before her a silent witness to the horrors lurking in the shadows.

With shaking hands, Emily called 911 Dialed, on the other end

His voice choked with fear as he relayed the gruesome discovery to the operator present. Help would come soon, she clung to a thin thread of hope. But even as she spoke there was a nagging doubt in the corners of her mind.

As she waited for the authorities to arrive, Emily's gaze turned to the message on her closet doors. "Humans can lick too." The words echoed in her mind, taunting her with their sinister implications. Who could have done such a thing? And why?

Times go by slowly as the police search Emily's house, looking for any clues that might lead them to the culprit.

But when the sun sinks below the horizon, Omndroom Tauvaro lofts with Moro Cast long shadows all over. But as the sun sank below the horizon, casting long shadows across the empty rooms, they had more questions than answers.

Alone once more, Emily finds herself consumed by an uneasiness that refuses to dissipate. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of the wind outside set her heart racing as she conjured dreams from the depths of her imagination.

Desperate for a distraction, Emily turns to her phone, scrolling through social media in a futile attempt to escape the relentless grip of fear. But no amount of cat videos or memes could ease the weight that pressed against her chest, the gasps that made her suffocate. As the night wore on, Emily's exhaustion began to catch up with her, her eyelids growing heavy with sleep.

But every time she closed her eyes, she was met with visions of Max's lifeless body hanging grotesquely from the closet door.

With a heavy heart, Emily threw herself into another sleepless night, her thoughts consumed by the terrors lurking in the darkness. But just as she began to drift off into a sound sleep, a faint scratching sounded pierced the stillness and jolted her awake.

Heart pounding, Emily listened carefully, her senses on high alert. A sound like nails scraping against the echoing chalkboard echoed through the empty house, and with trembling hands, she fumbled her fingers and reached for the bedside lamp.

For the bedside lamp, her fingers fumbled for the switch. Then, suddenly it stopped. Emily held her breath, her ears showing no sign of moving. But once again they were silent except for the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. With a shuddering sigh of relief, she sank back into the pillows, her muscles tensing at the slightest hint of danger.

But as she began to relax, a new sound filled the air, a soft, wet lick coming from under the bed.Panic coursed through Emily's nerves as she recoiled in horror, her mind racing with terrifying possibilities. Is the killer back to finish what they started? Or did they return to finish what they started? Or is it something more sinister, something beyond comprehension?

Summoning every ounce of courage she had, Emily braced herself for what lay ahead. With trembling hands, she reached under the bed and her fingers closed around something warm and wet.

As she drew it in the dim light of the room, her blood ran cold.It's Max.

But how could that be? Emily's mind reeled with disbelief. Will he somehow survive the ordeal and return to her side in her hour of need?

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Emily gathered Max in her arms, holding him close as she whispered words of gratitude and relief. As she buried her face in his soft fur, she knew that whatever terrors the night might bring, she would face them with her faithful companion.

But even as Emily clung to Max, a nagging doubt lingered in her mind. Because somewhere in the depths of darkness a sinister presence waited and waited, its hunger for blood unquenchable. As the night wore on, Emily learned that the real horror had just begun.


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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 2 months ago

    Scary! Well written!

SBWritten by Shamshath Begam

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