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"The Well of Regret: A Tale of Temptation and Redemption"

The well horror

By Shamshath BegamPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

Keith was 12 the first time the old man in the well spoke to him. Keith was out playing after dark on the family's small farm near the well. The old well had beams supporting a rope and pulley with a bucket attached, even though Keith was told that well ran dry before he was born.

Suddenly he heard someone say his name in a slow raspy voice. Keith whirled around and saw no one. A look of confusion spread across his face as he heard it again.."Keith!"

This time, it was said with more force and a bit louder. The voice sounded like one of the old farmers who liked to smoke, thought Keith.

Looking down the well, Keith heard the same voice asking, "Have you got anything tasty?" Keith couldn't see anything past the first 12 or so feet down the well, even though it was a full moon.

"Who are you? How'd you get down there?", Keith asked."If you give me something tasty, I'll reward you", replied the voice.

All Keith had were some cookies he had stuffed in his pocket as he left to play. He put those in the bucket and it lowered it He had lowered it nearly 40 feet and was literally at the end of his rope when he no longer felt the weight of the bucket on the rope

20 seconds passed and he felt the weight of the bucket again and began to pull the bucket up.

As he finished pulling the bucket up to the top he heard the voice say, "No nice" Keith saw a reflection in the bucket and saw a rectangular piece of silver metal, about the size of an army dog tag. It was completely flat and smooth.

"Want fresh!" the voice said. Even though Keith tried to talk to the old man again there was no response.

Keith made up a story about where he found the metal and took it to his father who took it into town and confirmed it was an ounce of pure silver.

After that, Keith kept it a secret. It took a while to discover that the old man was only there the night of full moons Keith quickly learned that only live things he put in the well would be rewarded, but only once for each item and once every full moon. So one of each kind of animal was lowered down the well and rewarded.

Keith now had a cigar box mostly full of silver pieces by the time he was 16, but had run out of different animals to get rewarded for.

It was around this time that a local farmhand went missing. It was also the same time that Keith was rewarded with gold pieces for the first time. Once Keith took over the farm, temp workers seemed to vanish every now and then without explanation from the farm.

The old man had finally found something tasty enough to always reward.

Geet couldn't shake the lingering eerie feeling with each passing. Yet, as the farm's prosperity grew with every gold nugget, he buried his uneasiness under the weight of his newfound wealth. Wealth blinded him.

As the years passed, the disappearances became more frequent, each leaving unanswered questions. Mischievous gossip spread among the locals, but Keith remained tight-lipped, sticking to his deal with the enigmatic figure at the well.

Despite growing suspicions, Keith finds himself ensnared by the old man's promises of wealth and power.

With each full moon, his coffers swelled with gold and his grip on the farm tightened.Their voices echo in the depths of his mind.Yet the allure of the well and its tempting rewards lured him into a trap of greed and deceit.

As the disappearances continued unabated, whispers turned to accusations, and Keith isolated himself. The once prosperous community now views him with suspicion and fear, their faith shattered by the shadows lurking within his farm.

Haunted by guilt and regret, Keith goes to the well one fateful night, determined to confront the old man and end the cycle of suffering. With a heavy heart and trembling hands, he peered into the darkness, his voice trembling Peeked.

"Why? Why do you demand such a terrible price?" He pleaded, his words echoing off the stone walls.

Silence greeted his inquiry except for the faint whisper of the wind rustling through the trees. But as Keith prepared to turn back, a voice echoed from the depths of the well, sending shivers down his spine. "For hunger knows no bounds, and the price of peace is steep," crooned the old man, his words carrying the weight of centuries.

With a sinking feeling in his heart, Keith realizes the true nature of his Faustian bargain. He traded life for wealth, sacrificed the very essence of his humanity for power.

In that Lucid moment, he made a decision that would change the course of his destiny forever. With a heavy heart and tears streaming down his face, he broke free from the grip of the well and vowed to atone for his sins.

Armed with newfound determination, Keith embarks on a journey of redemption, righting the wrongs of his past and the darkness,He sought to right the wrongs and reclaim his soul from the clutches of darkness.

Although the road ahead is fraught with danger, he faces it with courage and determination, knowing that true wealth lies not in gold or silver, but in the bonds of friendship and the light of forgiveness.


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    SBWritten by Shamshath Begam

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