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It's 3:00a.m. Again

By: Ink mouse

By V-Ink StoriesPublished 4 days ago 4 min read

Every night at exactly 3:00 a.m., Mia awoke in a cold sweat, heart pounding, her mind trapped in the lingering echoes of a recurring nightmare. The dream was always the same, and each night, it grew more vivid, more horrifying.

It began innocuously enough. Mia found herself standing in the middle of a dense forest, the moon casting an eerie glow through the twisted branches above. She was always alone, her breath visible in the frigid air. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the distant hoot of an owl and the rustling of leaves. The path before her was narrow, winding deeper into the woods, and although she wanted to turn back, her feet moved forward of their own accord.

As she walked, the air grew colder, and a thick fog rolled in, obscuring the moonlight. The shadows seemed to reach out, clawing at her as she moved, their touch like icy fingers on her skin. She tried to run, but the path was endless, twisting and turning, always leading her deeper into the unknown.

Then she heard it: the sound of footsteps behind her, heavy and deliberate. She never saw who—or what—was following her, but the presence was palpable, a malevolent force that made her skin crawl. The footsteps grew louder, closer, until they seemed to echo inside her head, a rhythmic pounding that matched the frantic beating of her heart.

Mia always knew what came next. She reached a clearing where the fog lifted slightly, revealing a dilapidated house. It stood there, menacing and dark, its windows like empty eyes watching her every move. The door creaked open, and she was compelled to enter, the air inside thick with the stench of decay.

The interior was a labyrinth of narrow hallways and dark rooms, filled with shadows that seemed to whisper her name. She moved through the house, her hands trembling as she opened each door, knowing what awaited her but unable to stop herself. Each room held a fragment of her deepest fears: a blood-stained doll in a child's bedroom, a mirror reflecting a monstrous version of herself, a figure lurking in the corner of a darkened kitchen, always just out of sight.

But the worst was always the basement. The door to the basement was ancient, its wood splintered and rotten. It groaned as she pushed it open, revealing a staircase descending into pitch-black darkness. She could hear faint, agonized cries coming from below, and though every fiber of her being screamed at her to flee, she descended the steps, her feet heavy as lead.

The basement was a nightmare within a nightmare. It was filled with grotesque, half-seen figures, their twisted forms writhing in the shadows. They reached out to her, their fingers like claws, their eyes hollow and accusing. In the center of the room stood a tall figure, cloaked in darkness, its face hidden beneath a hood. It raised a skeletal hand, pointing directly at her, and she felt an overwhelming wave of terror.

Every night, the dream ended the same way. As the figure moved towards her, she tried to scream, but no sound came out. The figure's hand would reach her, and just as its cold fingers touched her skin, she would wake up, gasping for air, the clock beside her bed displaying 3:00 a.m.

Mia tried everything to break the cycle: sleeping pills, therapy, even staying awake all night, but nothing worked. The nightmare returned without fail, each night more real than the last. The sense of dread began to seep into her waking life, shadows seeming to move in the corners of her vision, the sound of footsteps following her even in the daylight.

One night, exhausted and desperate, she decided to confront the nightmare head-on. As the dream began, she steeled herself, focusing on every detail, every sound, determined to find a way to escape. She followed the path through the forest, felt the icy touch of the shadows, heard the footsteps behind her. She reached the house, entered the dark halls, and finally stood before the basement door.

Taking a deep breath, she descended the stairs, her heart pounding in her chest. The figures in the basement reached for her, their whispers louder, more insistent. The cloaked figure stood in the center, its hand outstretched. This time, instead of recoiling, she stepped forward, reaching out to touch it.

As her fingers brushed the figure's hand, a jolt of electricity surged through her, and the dream world shattered around her. She found herself standing in her bedroom, the clock reading 3:00 a.m. But something was different. The shadows in the room seemed darker, the air colder. A sense of dread filled her as she realized she was not alone.

The cloaked figure stood at the foot of her bed, its hooded face turned towards her. It raised its hand, pointing at her once more, and she felt a cold grip around her throat. She tried to scream, but no sound came out, her vision fading as the clock struck 3:01.

In her final moments, Mia understood the horrifying truth: the nightmare had never been a dream. It had been a warning, a premonition of the fate that awaited her, and now, it was too late. The darkness consumed her, and the last thing she saw was the figure's skeletal hand, dragging her into the abyss.


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V-Ink Stories

Welcome to my page where the shadows follow you and nightmares become real, but don't worry they're just stories... right?

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