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Falynn Evergreen

A Halloween Party For The Ages

By James U. RizziPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Falynn Evergreen
Photo by Artur Rutkowski on Unsplash

“Max, that was the shittiest horror story I've ever heard. It wasn't even scary. Did you come up with that?” The bulk of the friends had a nice chuckle while huddling around the bonfire at the Halloween party at Max's house.

Almost everyone dressed up this year. Julian the story critic wore a fully suited giraffe onesi. Denise dawned a hula hoop skirt with a bonnet hat accompanied by a long hook staff, touting around as Mrs. Bo peep. Alex and Samantha went for the cute couple look. One was an outlet, the other a plug. A little excessive Max thought. Being honest with himself, he thought it was all a little excessive. He could care less for dressing up. That was blatantly obvious when everyone saw what he was wearing. Black shirt, jeans, with a bunch of different paint swatches taped to the shirt, all a different tint of grey. When everyone asked, “what are you supposed to be?” He smiled and answered 50 shades of grey. Not the most original or creative costume, but enough to get him by with the costume die-hards.

Max did like the costumes at the outset. After the initial “oh cool what are you supposed to be?” the interest wore off. He found it slightly aggravating trying to have a serious conversation with someone dressed up as baby new year. What Max loved about Halloween was the ambiance. The coolness of the fall, the spooky undertones, and the holiday that was attached with the least amount of bullshit. Friends, candy, and booze. Hence the reason he threw the party every year.

It seemed the party was in full swing. Everybody was mingling around the yard, filling up with the keg, playing drinking games, or just talking. But the five of them found themselves gathered around the campfire reminiscing, chatting, and telling bad ghost stories apparently.

“So Max, how's the new place treating you?” “It's awesome. first house ever. I didn't think I'd like it compared to my apartment but I'm enjoying the privacy.” “How are the neighbors?” Jullian continued. “ Not bad or at least from what I can tell, I haven't met or spoken with any of them, it seems to be an older community if I'm being honest.” “Oh yeah dude, everyone who lives here knows this is probably the oldest part of town.” Alex chimed in.”My folk's grandparents lived here and there grandparents before them, the town has been desperately trying to build high rises here but the community always wins coupled, saying that this is a part of the town's history it would be defiling our past or some shit.”

Max hadn't heard or known any of this before moving.” really what type of history Max responded. “The old kind.” Alex grinned as everyone laughed at his dumbass joke. The night went on, the party started to dwindle and a low fog began to roll in. “bye max thanks for having us.” “Later man, great party thanks.” One by one the guests left, but the five friends remained steadfast sitting around the fire.

As the night wore on into the early hours of the morning the five sat in silence for the first time in a while. The silence didn't last too long; it was broken by the sound of shuffling feet through dry leaves. Max stood up for a better view. “I thought everyone left,'' said Denise. “I guess not,” replied Max. “Tim,...RIch is that you? Come on over and hang out.” No response.

The group scanned all the corners of the yard along with Max.” searching for the anonymous party guest. Finally from the side of the house, a very young girl came into view by the light of the fire and the halogen lamps that highlighted the even more dense fog. The girl, still quite a distance away, turned towards the group with her head hanging low, her hands loosely gripped together as she twiddled her thumbs.

From what Max and the others could see she was wearing a long blue gothic style dress with a white cotton lace blouse that ran through the center of it. Thin blue twine ran through the middle of the blouse connecting the two halves of the long sleeve dress. Had to be Cinderella or some kind of princess Max thought. On top of her head sat an old ratty headband with a lace flower just on top.

The young girl was sniffling trying to hold back tears. “Rouge trick or treater, throw some candy at her.” yelled Julian. The joke was not well received. Nobody said anything. Max was the first one to speak out. “Hey kid, are you lost.” the girl simply responded with a nod. Slightly rattled and a little confused Max began to question further. “Are you from around here?” the girl gestured just the same with a simple nod. “What's your name?” .”Faylynn'' the girl answered. The girl burst into tears she could no longer contain herself “Please, Please help me I'm lost. I want to go home.”

Max turned to the group scrambling for answers. “Ok guys what do we do, should I call the cops.” “I don't know if we want the cops involved right now. I'm pretty sure at least three if not all of us have some type of drugs on us, plus she doesn't live that far. We could just walk her back home honestly, quickly and easy.” replied Jullian. “Ok fine let's find out where she lives and get her home. Umm Faylynn, get over here will help you get home ok.” Faylynn tiptoed towards the group.

Max thought it was a good idea to put the girl at ease. She seemed quite distressed. “HI, Faylynn my name is Max, these are my friends.” Faylynn seemed to relax a little as she lifted her head to a more neutral position. A smile cracked her face as she finally noted the lot was dressed peculiarly. “Are you a shepherd?” her eyes shot towards Denise and her bo-peep outfit. “I guess I'm, in a way,. Wait, you've never heard of bo peep, maybe before your time then.” “And you two, what you are supposed to be. “Alex paused knowing the young girl would not get the context of the costume. “Just a couple of robots. me and my girlfriend.” “I don't know what.” Before Falynn could finish her statement she was quickly distracted by Julian's ensemble. “Oh boy, a giraffe, how splendid I've only seen them in pictures, very cute and very silly.”

Max was happy the girl was talking to the group and appeared to be a little more relaxed. “And what are you supposed to be, Faylynn.” “I'm lost and afraid. So silly, I don't live far but I got turned around and don't recognize my surroundings.” Faylynn stared at Max for a moment.”I can't quite figure out what you're supposed to be.” Max knew there was no way she'd get the reverence nor did he feel like explaining it, so he simply skipped over the answer with one of his own. “ So Falynn can you tell us where you live or your parent's number, so we could call them.” “Number?” “I simply don't know what you mean, but I do know that tree.” Faylynn pointed to an old pear tree that had been there for years planted in the front yard.” And I know beyond that tree through the path in the woods is where I live.” “Ok that'll have to do, me and my friends are happy to take you there, you guys down for a walk?”

Alex and Samantha sprang up out of their chairs. “Not us king.” After the two left Denise and Jullian decided to accompany Max on his reuniting mission. “Can I hold your hand?” Falynn was staring up at Max with her hand reaching towards his.” “ Of course you can.” Max gave Falynn his hand, she gripped just two of his fingers.Max was taken aback by how frigid the girl's hand was and sent a shiver up his arm. My goodness, the night was definitely chilly but not chilly enough to freeze this poor girl's fingers where she could have been this whole time, and for how long.

The four ventured onward strolling down the street side by side as the girl led the way. The street came to a dead-end . The group found themselves staring at a wall of barebones trees that went on for miles. “Ok where lost” Julian spoke out. “Yeah umm, Falynn I think we might have made a wrong turn somewhere. Maybe we should just call your parents and have them pick you up?” “Nonsense it's not much further from here just follow this path past the small stream and to the clearing and we're there.” Denise sent a wide-eyed glare in their direction. “Yeah, there's no way I'm going in there, it's an absolute maze of twigs and pointy branches, my costume will be ripped to shreds in no time sorry guys.” “Ok well I walk you back Denise, Max you got this right, will wait for you back at your place.” Max felt reluctant to answer for some reason. “ Ok yeah should be fine I'll see you guys soon.” and with that Denise and Jullian headed back to the house.

Max watched as they faded off into the distance being swallowed into the fog. “Come now almost there” Falynn jolted forward bringing Max with her straight into the forest they went. It wasn't often Max felt afraid but for some reason Marching through the woods high stepping the broken branches, he felt a sense of eeriness. Maybe it was the barely audible wind that howled through the trees shaking whatever leaves they had left. what had Max slightly distressed was the girl Faylynn; she seemed completely unfazed. Smiling in fact. “ Almost there, friend.” He began to worry that this little girl just got us lost, was she playing a game. His heart began to thump down his arm through his fingers where the girl had held her icy grip. The girl noticed it right away.

“No need to be afraid, like my dad says you can only die once.”

Despite the cool air Maxs brow was dripping with sweat. His body grew hotter as the little girl's hand grew colder. Max continued to forge ahead, running on instinct alone, what else could he do he was alone with a little girl deep in the woods. He could only hope she was right and they stumbled upon a clearing and a neighborhood just behind that.

After what felt like hours the girl piped up “We're here friend.” Max was in a state of sheer terror. There was nothing but a small clearing and a wall of heavy fog. “I know who you are, I figured it out you're my knight in shining armor, that was supposed to be..armor.” Faylynn pointed to the patches on Max's chest.

“Faylynn, there's nothing here where you took me.” “Don't be silly, my knight, I'm home.” The lump in Max's throat dropped into his stomach. Either this girl is crazy or I am, there's nothing... Mid thought Max caught sight of the fog directly ahead of the two. It began to clear and dissipate like water retreating into a low tide.

In lieu of the fog, the picture in front of him became very clear. Fear cemented him in place as he watched the fog turn into rows of headstones. An old graveyard in the middle of the woods

He took a moment to look down at the girl for some kind of answer. She was gone.

Just as the fog slowly faded into the night so had she. leaving behind just an old raggedy headband with a lace bow. Just as instinct told him to continue to move forward, it told him to look at the gravestone nearest him. And it read Faylynn Evergrant 1689-1699.


About the Creator

James U. Rizzi

I cant wait to see what I can create here.

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    James U. RizziWritten by James U. Rizzi

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