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A Paranormal Experience


By MPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
A Paranormal Experience
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

December 23rd, 2020

Dear Diary,

It’s been a while since I last wrote in here, but something happened last night that I don’t quite understand. I don’t know who to tell or if I can tell anyone.

I’m home for Winter break at my parents' house. My brother and sister are here too.

Alejandro stays with my parents. He’s currently going to trade school. My little Sister Jackie goes to school out of state, and we were worried she wouldn’t be home for the Holidays, but she made it. I love her, but she’s getting her B.A. in Religious Studies and can get real Gospelly... no offense.

Anyway. Last night, I craved smores, so I decided to make some in the oven. Alejandro interrupted me and asked if I wanted to get Jack-In-the-Box with him. I knew he just wanted to talk, so I dropped what I was doing to go with him.

He’s stressed because he ordered Mom & Dad’s present, but it’s not coming in till after Christmas. I TOLD HIM A MONTH AGO TO ORDER IT. He asked me what to do, and I gave him some advice... again.

We were chatting, and then he told me to open his dash.

SURPRISE, he had an edible. He offered me a bite, and I couldn’t refuse, so I had the tiniest little bite you could imagine. I swear it was such a small bite. I just wanted the smores to taste extra good, you know?

We get home, and I get right to business. I was racing against time between the smores finishing and the edible hitting. At some point, I couldn’t function anymore (that edible hit fast, man). Jackie finished baking the smores and even plated me one. Sometimes, she can be the sweetest person.

The smores tasted great, but I guess the edible went too far. EVEN THOUGH I HAD A MORSEL OF THIS EDIBLE. I started feeling sick and went into the TV room to try and sleep it off.

This is where things start to get weird.

I’m laying on the recliner, TV off with Cupcake, our cute family dog, sleeping on my lap. Jackie sits on the ground next to me and starts talking about scary stuff. This came out of nowhere! She starts talking about her childhood and how she had interactions with ghosts and spirits at our parents' house. She mentioned one spirit, the tall, lanky figure that skips down the hallway. I didn’t want to tell her I’d seen it before, too. I was already starting to freak out. She then asks, “Do you believe in God?” What a loaded question! Like, what? I was so confused, and at this point, I think she knew I was high. I forgot what I said, but Alejandro came into the room and asked for Jackie's gift-wrapping expertise.

The weird stuff doesn't end here.

I was alone and started feeling like somebody or something was watching me. Cupcake started growling, and I opened my eyes to, I kid you not, a rounded mass hovering a few feet in front of me. This mass looked like a dark thunderstorm cloud just floating in our house. I stared in disbelief. Was I actually seeing something?

Cupcake started barking at it. Our dog looked in the same direction I was looking. I know it has to be real because Cupcake was trying to protect me. That mass, spirit, or whatever it was wasn’t friendly at all. It felt angry and mean. I used my voice and told it to go away, to leave us alone, over and over again before it finally dispersed and disappeared.

I’m still processing what I saw last night. Was it a ghost? Why was it angry? What is it doing in my parents' house?

I know whatever I saw was real because even the freaking dog saw it.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure how to prove it.

I guess I can tell Jackie and see what she thinks.


About the Creator


A mix of my creative storytelling, and thoughts about the entertainment industry.

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Comments (1)

  • Test6 months ago

    This is one of the most well-written horror stories I've ever read.

MWritten by M

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