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A bus stop horror story.

It happened when I was 17 years old.

By DanniePublished 2 months ago 4 min read
A bus stop horror story.
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash


In the annals of my memories, there exists a chapter cloaked in the shadows of fear and uncertainty—a narrative that unfolded during the fleeting days of my seventeenth year, a time when life's trajectory seemed immutable, yet the unexpected lurked around every corner.

It began like any other Sunday evening, with the routine rhythm of my weekly visits to the gym punctuating the day. Three to four times a week, I would embark on this pilgrimage of physical exertion, seeking solace in the monotonous cadence of exercise. And like clockwork, my journey would culminate in a bus ride home, a humble means of transportation threading through the labyrinthine streets of the city.

But on this particular Sunday, the threads of routine began to unravel, weaving a tapestry of events that would forever alter my perception of safety and security. A missed bus, a mere glitch in the fabric of time, cast me adrift in the twilight hours, an unwitting passenger on a journey fraught with peril.

With the last vestiges of daylight fading into the horizon, I found myself stranded at the bus stop, a solitary figure amidst the encroaching darkness. The chill of the evening air bore witness to the onset of winter, its icy tendrils reaching through the fabric of my clothing, sending shivers cascading down my spine. And as the first flakes of snow began their delicate descent, a sense of foreboding settled upon me, casting a pall over the desolate landscape.

The minutes stretched into eternity as I waited in vain for the arrival of the next bus, each passing moment a testament to the relentless march of time. Alone with my thoughts, I sought solace in the glow of my phone screen, its soft illumination a beacon of comfort in the enveloping gloom.

But as the hands of the clock continued their inexorable march, an unsettling presence stirred in the shadows—a specter lurking at the periphery of my consciousness. A figure, obscured by layers of clothing, emerged from the darkness, moving with an unsettling deliberation that set my heart racing.

Conscious of his gaze upon me, I feigned indifference, my fingers tracing the familiar contours of my phone as a shield against his probing eyes. Yet, his presence lingered, a silent sentinel watching from the farthest reaches of the bus shelter.

When he spoke, his words cut through the silence like a blade, shattering the fragile veneer of normalcy that cloaked our encounter. His inquiry about the bus's arrival, innocuous though it may have seemed, sent a shiver down my spine, his voice tinged with a menace that set my nerves on edge.

Struggling to maintain my composure, I offered a terse reply, my words lost in the void of the night. But his gaze remained fixed upon me, his eyes betraying a glimmer of something dark and unfathomable. And as the minutes stretched into eternity, his presence became an oppressive weight upon my shoulders, suffocating me in its embrace.

Desperate for reprieve, I sought refuge in the sanctuary of my phone, its screen a portal to a world far removed from the horrors that lurked outside. But even as I immersed myself in the solace of music, his gaze remained unyielding, a silent testament to the malevolence that simmered beneath the surface.

With each passing moment, his proximity grew more suffocating, his presence a palpable threat that hung heavy in the air. And as the night wore on, I felt the tendrils of fear tightening around my throat, choking off my breath in a vice-like grip.

But it was when he moved closer, his form looming large in the dim light, that I knew I was truly in danger. His gaze bore into mine, his eyes ablaze with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. And as he reached out towards me, his movements slow and deliberate, a primal instinct to flee surged within me, igniting a spark of courage in the depths of my fear.

With a sudden burst of adrenaline, I seized my belongings and fled, my heart pounding in my chest as I raced into the night. The sound of my footsteps echoed in the empty streets, a frantic rhythm that matched the cadence of my racing pulse.

And as I sought refuge at the next bus stop, a tremor of fear still coursing through my veins, I cast a furtive glance over my shoulder, half expecting to find him lurking in the shadows. But the night remained silent, its secrets shrouded in darkness, leaving me to grapple with the aftermath of our chilling encounter.

In the days that followed, the memory of that fateful night lingered like a specter in the recesses of my mind, its tendrils reaching out to ensnare me in their grip. And though I may never know the true nature of the stranger's intentions, his presence serves as a sobering reminder of the fragility of life and the dangers that lurk in the shadows of the night

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    DannieWritten by Dannie

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