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A Narf Knows That Everyone Has a Purpose

The Fantasy World of Lady in the Water

By Leona ValentinePublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Fantasy books and movies have charmed millions, if not billions, of fans with their exceptionally creative stories for decades. Even fans who enjoy other genres more would find fantasy stories very entertaining. After all, different fantasy stories include elements of magic, supernatural beings, otherworldly places, fairy tales, and even superheroes – not necessarily D.C. Comics nor Marvel, of course. Whether these were bedtime stories or not, I am sure there are fanatics who have fantasies about studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, dancing with the Goblin King at a ball, flying a T-16 Skyhopper, or even falling in love with a sparkling vampire. There are countless imaginary worlds that meet our preferences.

As a person who has an evocative imagination, there are so many fantasy stories that have worlds I would not mind experiencing. Here is a short list of some of my favorites, but they are not ranked.

Mortal Kombat


This was one of my favorite video games that I played when I was kid. I remember when the original Mortal Kombat game first came out. I would play for hours and hours and hours on my Super Nintendo. Liu Kang and Scorpion were my favorite fighters. Eventually, movies came out, and I have seen almost all of them. However, neither the games nor the movies were the main reason why I became a fan. It was more-so the backstory and plot of Mortal Kombat. Here we have the Elder Gods who created different realms. Fighters with different skills and powers would battle in tournaments to win for their respective realm. Personally, I am all for Team Earthrealm. Besides, I think it would be cool to use a flaming samurai sword and apply Brazilian Jiujitsu to fight alongside Liu Kang.



I, immediately, fell in love with this movie when it first came out in 2007. There were evil witches, a unicorn, a flying pirate ship, and even a star in a form of a beautiful woman in this story. In addition to that, I was moved by the romance between Tristan and Yvaine. Speaking of Yvaine, I felt that she had a very interesting character. The idea of a star being a gorgeous woman who could only shine when she felt loved was brilliant. Plus, she got to ride on a flying pirate ship – and that kind of made me jealous.

A Wrinkle in Time


I love this story with a passion. Honestly, if I were to choose this story to dig deeper into, I might as well write a 20-page essay. Ever since I was little, I have fantasized about traveling through space and time. I would definitely take the opportunity to hang out in different galaxies, provide I survive and exit whenever I want to. This experience sounds very exciting, and I would do it in a heartbeat, especially if I am trying to save a loved one.

Of course, there are other stories I could briefly bring up. However, there is one movie that I want to highlight. I feel that this film sets apart from other fantasy stories. The film I am referring to is Lady in the Water, written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.


Without giving a spoiler, I will discuss different elements that make the world in the story intriguing. What is fascinating about Lady in the Water is not only its originality but also the blend of the real world and a bedtime story. The movie is basically about a man named Cleveland Heep who meets a beautiful narf – which is a water nymph - named Story at a small apartment complex he manages. Cleveland learns about Story’s origin and her special purpose. Also, this story reveals that some of the minor characters have important fantasy-like roles in the movie. These characters have their own crucial purpose in the film – which I will explain later. In addition to that, a water nymph is not the only mythical (or mystical) creature in the movie. There are wolves with grass-like hair, vicious simian warriors from the trees, and a giant eagle; and I do mean a giant eagle.

The Bedtime Story


M. Night Shyamalan actually wrote the children’s book as a bedtime story, and he would read it to his own children. The book was published in 2006 before the movie came out. The prologue talked about the history of the water nymphs’ connection with the humans. According to the history, a narf would come from the Blue World to guide and inspire a designated human, also known as the “vessel.” A vessel would have an “awakening” when they meet a narf. The narf would deliver an important message so that person can do something vital that would impact the world. As time went by, humans would ignore essential messages from the nymphs out of selfishness. Eventually, the communication between the nymphs and the humans became nonexistent, if not rare, because “man may have forgotten how to listen.”

Remember the other mystical creatures that I mentioned? They were part of this bedtime story as well. Scrunts were the grassy wolves and the enemies. Their mission was to annihilate the water nymphs. Tartutics were the simian warriors from the trees, and they were also the peacekeepers – despite the fact that they had an evil history. Their mission was to keep the scrunts in check. In other words, brutally attack any scrunt who would try to stop a narf from returning home (Blue World). As for the giant eagle (also known as the Great Eatlon), its job was to transport a narf to and from the real world.

The Reality


If you were to read this bedtime story, would you think that you would ever meet a narf? Or be attacked by a scrunt? Or witness a giant eagle? This bedtime story turned out to be real in Cleveland’s reality. Cleveland’s world was identical to the world we live in. With the exception of Story (the narf), the characters appeared to be average. Sure, it was possible that they were unique in their own way, but there was nothing really special about them – in the beginning anyway. The events at this apartment complex were boring – until Story arrived.


Cleveland was just a regular guy who managed this apartment and did maintenance work. After he met Story, he gradually learned about her from a tenant who knew the legend. Story’s mission was to deliver an important message to a special writer – so that person can do something beneficial for the world. Cleveland was willing to, not only protect Story from a scrunt, but also help her find who the writer was at the apartment complex, and he finally found out who it was.


Remember when I mentioned that some of the characters had important fantasy-like roles? I say ‘fantasy-like’ because these were special roles you would read in a fantasy adventure novel or play in a roleplaying fantasy game on PlayStation. These roles were the Guardian, the Guild, the Symbolist, and the Healer. They were destined to work together and help Story return home. After Story was attacked by a scrunt, Cleveland’s new mission was to figure out who they were based on their qualities and behaviors. The interesting thing was the tenants did not know that they had these crucial titles. By the way, I will not reveal who’s who for the folks who have not seen the movie.


One of the things that made this world (in the film) so special was the fact that these average people became part of this bedtime story after each of them found out their special purpose. Just imagine being a tenant at a somewhat middle-class apartment, and you have a regular life. You believe that you are no one special. Maybe you think that your life sucks. All of a sudden, you meet a water nymph and discover that you have an important role to help this supreme being.


I could relate to Cleveland’s character because of the challenges he had to face. According to his backstory, he was a doctor until his family was murdered. He felt guilty that he was not able to save his family that he left his life as a doctor. The feeling of not being able to save a loved one triggered a belief that he did not have a purpose in life. Even with a traumatic past, Cleveland was a helpful, ordinary person with a hint of humor, and he felt that he was nobody special. He focused on his job but kept to himself. When Story showed up, all of that changed. His life shifted when he was drawn to go above and beyond to help her. He was on a special quest to look for ordinary people who turned out to be key individuals. The completion of this quest would lead to the resolution for this Gordian knot. It was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. You look for the small, bland pieces, and once they are all put together, problem solved; the whole puzzle becomes valuable.

I have faced many challenges before, during, and even after my dark moments. Even when I was unable to prevent or solve the unfortunate experiences in my life, I would feel guilty. I would feel like a failure. I am ashamed to admit that when these things happened, I have felt helpless to the point where I believed that I was not meant to be someone special or do something important. Regardless of the severity of the issues I have faced, I would still try to keep a normal life and remain a benevolent person. Like Cleveland, I tend to aid the people around me. I can be a bit riotous. However, I also prefer to keep a low profile by being a private person. Getting back to the film, Story was a worthy, supreme entity. Because of her, Cleveland became motivated and courageous to do something vital all of a sudden. He finally had this empowerment. Now, I may never encounter a narf. I will not likely battle a scrunt, thank goodness. My life may never enter a fantasy world. But then again, anything is possible in this perplexing reality. My point is whenever something valuable and paramount enters my life, I feel empowered. I would have this motivation to go after my dreams and accomplish my goals. As far as puzzles, I enjoy almost all kinds. I can even solve a Rubik’s cube.

After the prologue, the setting in Lady in the Water started off with ordinary people who had no clue that something big was supposed to happen in their lives. The reality they lived in later transitioned into a bedtime story. Who would ever imagine that they would be part of a bedtime story? The movie taught us that nothing was as it seemed. Also, sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to do what you are meant to do – even if it is something out of the ordinary.


About the Creator

Leona Valentine

Hi. I have been writing since I was a kid. After college, I published a poem called "Dark Heaven" in a book titled The Colors of Life. I love writing short stories, poems and more. I enjoy parenting, art, meditation, and martial arts.

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    Leona ValentineWritten by Leona Valentine

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