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The truth about Facts

And other Useless Knowledge...

By AquAb CPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The truth about Facts
Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash

So for starters I am a big trivia buff.

For many years my friends and I used to attend trivia at our local hotel every Tuesday evening. We would go there order the Tuesday dinner special, have a few drinks and catch up on everyone’s week before getting down to the serious business of winning some trivia prizes.

We were called The ‘thinkers and drinkers’ and we were a regular team there for a while and a fairly good one at that...

We ranged in ages from mid to late 20’s and early 30’s but we held a lot of useless trivia facts between us. And considering we were playing against many older teams that were either made up of Dr’s from the local hospital or university professors from the uni down the road I think we did remarkably well. Some weeks we bombed out and other weeks we would shine. This resulted in us winning quite a number of prizes over the years we played.... So I guess this begs the question is there a place for all these random facts in the times of today???

My answer is most definitely a resounding Yes...

With google and smartphones at your fingertips it has never been easier to look up your favourite useless piece of knowledge there and then which in the olden days would have had to come from other sources. So instead of pouring through pages of a book to find what you wanted to read, factoids are a lot more accessible.

By Emily Morter on Unsplash

So before launching into my fun facts collection I thought I’d share with you some of the interesting reasons why seemingly useless trivia facts are quite important and the quirky places I have found some if this information.

For starters my Nan has always maintained that ‘knowledge is very easy to carry around’ (FACT) and something that can be shared on many of occasions to brighten up a dinner party conversation or provide small talk on a first date.

I like to think that having knowledge about something, or a myriad of things makes you an interesting person... because if we didn’t share these interesting anecdotes or pass on seemingly useless factoids where would we be??

Australians are particularly gifted in this area when it comes to rattling off some yarn or story, however most tall tales have an element of truth to them too and it takes a smart brain and a keen eye to pick out the truth from the furphies. But that’s a story for another time... But being an Australian myself I thought I would share with you some of the odd places I’ve come to find some of the factoids...

- on the bottom of a XXXX beer bottle top

- On certain brands of women’s sanitary products.

- roadside stalls, coffee shops and diners

- newspapers

- the back of exercise books and many more too odd to mention...

By Siora Photography on Unsplash

So without further ado drumroll please...... here is a list of my top twenty useless facts....

1. Teeth are the only part of the body that cannot repair themselves.

2. Walt Disney was afraid of mice...

3. There are around 61 trees per person in the world. (Let’s keep it that way)...

4. 26mins of slow dancing will burn about 420 kilojoules.

5. Blype is the name given to the skin that peels off after sunburn...

6. Birds have right of way on all Utah highways. Apparently...

7. Oak trees are struck by lightening more than any other tree...

8. A lobsters blood is colourless, but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue...

9. Bees fly an average of 15 miles per hour.

10. It’s impossible to lick your own elbow.

11. Almost everyone who reads this will actually try to lick their elbow. Lol 😂

12. A camel can shut its nostrils during a desert sandstorm.

13. The first VCR was made in 1956 and was the size of a piano...

14. Chickens cannot walk in ice. Good to know 😂.

15. The aeroplane buddy holly died on was called the ‘American Pie’. Hmm okay my mind boggles with this one...

16. Green tea has 50% more vitamin C than black tea...

17. You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people around the world.

18. The average weight loss of a racehorse during a race is between 6 - 10kgs...

19. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back you cannot sink in quicksand. Interesting 🤔

20. Hair grows slowest at night.

So there you have it a story about life, love with some interesting and crazy facts thrown in.

I hoped you enjoyed my take on crazy useless knowledge.

But wait there’s more before you go make sure you check out the video link in the article to learn about more fun Aussie facts because we all know we do things a little different down under here lol.


About the Creator

AquAb C

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    AquAb CWritten by AquAb C

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