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The “Other” Version of the Two Wolves Parable.

It is said that inside every person, there are two figurative wolves... However...

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The “Other” Version of the Two Wolves Parable.


The “Other” Version of the Two Wolves Parable.


It is said that inside every person, there are two figurative wolves


Good vs Bad

One of hope, sunrise, and love.

An embodiment of our better and higher nature.


Good Wolf


The other of despair, twilight, and hate.

An embodiment of our debase and lower nature.


Bad Wolf


The young may ask the wise.

“Who is the strongest”?


Sometimes the wise may answer that question.


When asked who is the strongest the “Kind Wise Man” may tell the young,


“The one that you feed!”


Wolf feeding time


However, this is simply not true


To prove this, I present exhibit (A1),

The whole of human history in its entirety!


The unkind wise man (for even among the wise there is duality and balance) may instead answer as follows, instead.


“The sad truth is…”

Good Wolf Victory

“Even in victory, the Good Wolf will ALWAYS show compassion and mercy to the Bad Wolf as the Bad Wolf rolls on their belly in submission.


For that is the unalterable nature of the Good Wolf.”


Bad Wolf Cheating (AGAIN!)

“Even in initial defeat, The Bad wolve ALLWAYS cheats!

Taking the opportunity to take advantage of any shown mercy,

To dishonourably attack any exposed weaknesses and ruthlessly attack.

For that is the unalterable nature of the Bad Wolf.”


“The wolf that you feed may well be the strongest,”

But the two wolves have VASTLY different appetites!

They cannot abide each other's food!”


“Eventually, most mortals run out of the correct food needed for the Good Wolf!”


And are left with nothing but warm steaming plates of bitterness, disillusion and bile to feed their core inner natures.”


“All things decay, reduce and become less, for that is the proper order of all things.”


“Those that see enough over a long enough life will always become ‘less’ than they should or could be.”


Left at the whims of our worst natures

“Almost All, of us mere mortals are left at the whims of our worst natures eventually.”


“Only those that die young, having experienced nothing at all can possibly hope to keep their souls intact.”


Our noblest efforts, and out largest acts of kindness and compassion as individuals…


…Have only been necessary because of the problems and evil, we created, as a species, in the first place!


No other choice but to act within their own natures

Primal forces have no other choice but to act within their own nature.


Although neither foolish nor naive, the primal forces of “Good” have No other choice but to act within their nature, even with full knowledge of the consequences.


The primal forces of “Evil” likewise have No other choice but to act within their own nature, also!




Not Satire. Not a Joke. Extinction Collusion.

(The non "Vocal" : Uncensored version)





Humans are So innately Crap

That IF you made everyone…

The exact same race…

The exact same religion…

The exact same in money and resources…


The exact same sexuality and gender…



They would split into seven factions,

And kill each other over what day of the week each of them was born on, instead!


(My money would be on the “Monday” Group!)



If the human race was ever going to change,


To become more than it currently is,

Top swap bigotry for universal acceptance,

Hate for love,


Then it would have already done it by now!




Humans will ALWAYS insist on finding some piss poor excuse to harm each other.




So, give up and let them fuck up!




Why do charities exist?


We have,

As a species,






And Manpower resources to solve,



But We Do Not!


When we are THIS STUPID!


Explain to Me how Mankind is worthy of Survival?






If the human race was ever going to change,

To become more than it currently is,

Top swap bigotry for universal acceptance,

Hate for love,

Then it would have already done it by now!



How's THIS for a fucked-up truth


People do not really hurt other people because of their Faith, Race, Sex, Culture or Sexuality


They never have

These are just excuses


The REAL reason is




Because THAT is all that the human race really is!




People are just people,

Who are people that are only people,


We are nothing more and yet maybe a lot less...




Just evolved monkeys,


A mistake of nature that now needs to be extinguished,

In its entirety...




No Conscious Life = The End of All Suffering!




Everything Ends

For Our Fluke Species,

That Time is Now!




Time to go!

Just Relax and let it happen,


It will all be over soon!





About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar



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    Ross E Fortune LombardiWritten by Ross E Fortune Lombardi

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