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Extinction Collusion

Not Satire. Not a Joke. Everything must end, eventually. Our time is now!

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 3 years ago 5 min read


Extinction Collusion



"No Human Life Matters!"


Not only is human life NOT sacred,

It NEVER ever really was...

That is only a fairy tale for children....

Like Santa Clause, Unicorns or Elves


All humans are innately, deep down, crap,


As mere individuals, disposable.


If the human race was ever going to change,

To become more than it currently is,

Top swap bigotry for universal acceptance,

Hate for love,

Then it would have already done it by now!


Supply and demand apply here.

And the earth is oversupplied with shitty humans.


Everything must end, eventually.

Our time is now!




Cantus Moriar


Welcome an ethos of

Nihilistic Misanthropy



Not Satire.

Not a Joke.

Extinction Conclusion.



Racist, Homophobes, Sexist, Snobs and reverse snobs, Bigots of all types and sizes


ONLY think they know what hate is!


But they do not really hate

Not really

They merely just dislike intensely...


Let me express REAL hate...

For your future reference!



The whole of humanity,

Every single human, Mother, Father, and Child should just fucking go!



I Hate "People"!


I hate their shitty opinions

I hate their shitty whiney voices

I hate their shitty fake smiles, their real smiles and their frowns!


I hate the way they fucking breath

I hate the way they look

And how they think what they look like or don't look like matters!

While the things that actually matter,

They refuse to directly look at and see!


I hate their irrationality, their logic and their chosen passions


I hate all the stupid fucking unspoken social rules that make no sense!

No sense at all!

Not Even a bit!


"IF" I could save the whole human race with just a single spoken wish,

Then I would stay silent and let them wither and die in their own self-made hell,


"IF" I could destroy the whole human race with just a single spoken whisper,

Then I would scream the blooded crimson sky down upon them

They deserve nothing more or less

They have it coming!


Fucking "Humans"!

The ONE species that SHOULD become extinct!




Why do charities exist?

We have,

As a species,





And Manpower resources to solve,


But We Do Not!

When we are THIS STUPID!

Explain to Me how Mankind is worthy of Survival?


Humans are So innately Crap

That IF you made everyone…

The exact same race…

The exact same religion…

The exact same in money and resources…


The exact same sexuality and gender…



They would split into seven factions,

And kill each other over what day of the week each of them was born on, instead!

(My money would be on the “Monday” Group!)



If the human race was ever going to change,

To become more than it currently is,

Top swap bigotry for universal acceptance,

Hate for love,

Then it would have already done it by now!


Humans will ALWAYS insist on finding some piss poor excuse to harm each other.


So give up and let them fuck up!



The Best Bit!


Most of us do not have to do ANYTHING extra, AT ALL!

Most of us just have to keep living our lives as we already do!

It just takes really simple certain decisions of apathy.


Such as…



Do not look too closely at your investments or pensions for polluters or arms dealers.

We all want a nice retirement.

Fuck all the other people in this world!



Enjoy your meat.

Every deep part of you longs for that comfort.

Screw this planet!



Let your grandkids kids keep treating themselves to cheap plastic 1$ toys.

Let them enjoy their pocket money!

Do not give a single shit “IF” your grandkids will get to enjoy having grandkids themselves.

That is not your bloody problem!



Have a second international holiday abroad.


We are already past the point of no return.

So party! And enjoy seeing what's left before it goes.

If you don’t, everyone else will anyway!

So why not?!


Fuck it!


And the list goes on…


Just all keep doing what you are already doing.

And do not change anything in your busy hassled lives.






For those who Hate and Loath what I insanely Rant!


10 ways you could have told me to “F OFF!”,

Without coming across as a mere thug…!



I disagree with you in the strongest possible sense,

But I will fight to the death,

For your right to say it.




I want to insult you

But keeping it clean

“Go forth and reproduce!”

You know what I mean!




Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar




Sorry, Sir,

But you might want to fasten your ‘oral opening’

Because your ‘pig ignorance’ seems to be accidentally dangling out.





A village is missing its idiot!




I feel your level of stupidity is so rare,

That its genetic integrity should be protected and preserved for all future prosperity.

Therefore, I advise you to vacate these premises now and go have immediate unprotected sexual intercourse




You could be right…

And the Sun could be made of ice cream

And your farts could smell like the sighs of angels




You could just simply be wrong!


Which do you think is most likely?




There are only two possible options possible.




A) You are right,


B) You are very wrong


Only 2 options!


Yet you are so lacking in any cognitive higher function,


That I am willing to offer you 3 guesses!




Do you remember that one time?


When you were once right or correct about something?




Neither do I!




What’s wrong with your brain?


Did your parents lose a bet with a higher power?



Those were 10 ways you could have told me to “F OFF!”,

Without coming across as a mere thug…!




Some of these are stolen

(but not all)


4, 6, 7, 8 & 9

Are all mine,

Wrote them from scratch myself!


(If you want to hire me, Then I charge 10p a word! Min Charge 5£!)



Is from Voltaire,



Is from a Kenny Everett spoof Rap,



Is a Latin thang


-"It is not for me to change, instead, I'll die singing".


It is a Mash of the Frewren coat of arms moto and the Mitchel coat of arms moto.



Is a classic NYC New Jersey line my Dad often says,





Was an altered paraphrase from the character Cyrano de Bergerac,




About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar



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    Ross E Fortune LombardiWritten by Ross E Fortune Lombardi

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