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MCM? Whomever this young man is, please!!

Jade the Spade has got it made; the cards say true love will win #metoo #saveme #saveyourselves #freelove #strength #power #shareyourstory #liveyourtruth #happyinternationalwomen’sday

By Jade Amber RomanclaturePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The past can never truly be forgotten, so use it to your advantage as necessary

I never liked playing Black Jack. The cards and numbers move too quickly for me.

It’s not just you involved either. There’s always a crowd. The dealer controls the table, and they want to win no matter the cost. Literally.

I’ve seen people lose thousands all day long.

I’ve seen people refuse to say “no.”

I love a guy who can play blackjack though. Good with numbers, easy on the eyes, too proper to be poker cheap, and a man with the right tone of voice.

He is invincible; my Superman.

Of course losses happen, that’s just life. He comes back, because it’s fun. He’s not in any real danger, he doesn’t control the game, but life is 3D. He thinks outside the box, but loves to play in it.

I love to be his Lady Luck. I’m a sweet treat, but a sour ending for the scornful foe.

He’s nothing without me. Not being mean, but a man on his own seems up to no good. A woman alone is a treasure. Why wouldn’t you try to get lucky? My guy is risky. We like to get frisky.

I’ll take the heat off of him. I may be hot to touch, but I’m cold as ice inside. I’ll keep his hothead focused after a bit of focusing on myself.

I must be statuesque, then he’ll stop and admire. He’ll really want to play when I ignore him and just stare out to space. I have a Universe to attend to, don’t you know?

A woman turns away. You desire her stare. A woman walks past, you want to smell her hair. A woman is a delicacy you have to appreciate to enjoy. My guy was raised to want me, ever since he was a boy. His story works with mine. His journey is undoubtedly, and completely intertwined.

Of course after winning at the table, it’s only right Lady Luck is wined and dined.

He’ll give me everything I want. All needs are a wish away. When the chips are down, he takes my frown, and brightens up my day.

He is all for me.

Other women don’t exist as such. They are only people.

I am his woman.

I am woman.

I am the prize. I am the most high.

He wants me, because I’m love in-the-flesh. His faith will carry him, but I am the reality of why he tries.

He is why I wish to be the best version of me. I do not feel weak, admitting that I want my true love. I lose no self validation expressing that I am incomplete.

I am my everything, and that is most all I’ve ever known. To give someone the weight of my life, and have them repay me with theirs would be the greatest gift I could ever know. Until of course we make our children.

They will display our unbreakable bond, and trust for one another. They will grow to be their own versions our love in-the-flesh turned next-gen.

Our offspring will have been conceived in love and truth (honestly.)

Until I can relax knowing I’m safe in his hands, Captain Smiley will save us all.


He walks quickly over to her with a menacing, and ominous gait.

He raises his hand to strike her.

She winces.

As his hand comes down her Champion rushes in-between, sword drawn.

The man lets out an agonized shout as he watches his own blood spew over the Champion’s mask, chest and torso.


He bellows.

Through a blood-covered mask our Hero answers:

“If you were willing to raise a hand to the Princess, you were willing to lose that hand.

You’ve just lost your hand, and with it…your life.”

His body falls to the ground, dead before the impact.


About the Creator

Jade Amber Romanclature

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Jade Amber RomanclatureWritten by Jade Amber Romanclature

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