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Could Space Force provide the means to raise a false flag?

All aboard for an asteroid-impact simulation

By Steve HarrisonPublished about a year ago 6 min read
General Bradley “Chance” Saltzman who runs the US Space Force show

A short time before his two-year anniversary in the White House, former American president Donald Trump proudly announced the creation of his country’s first new “armed service” since 1947 through the establishment of the US Space Force.

With everything else that was taking place during those “crazy hazy days” under Donald the landmark event went pretty much unheralded globally but it must rank as one of the most significant acts of his entire term in office.

“Space is the world’s newest warfighting domain,” Trump said when it was announced during the run-up to Christmas 2019. “Amid grave threats to our national security, American superiority in space is absolutely vital. We’re leading, but we’re not leading by enough, and very shortly, we’ll be leading by a lot.”

The strategy behind Space Force’s creation, according to Trump, was to help the United States deter aggression and control the ultimate high ground, with the new service immediately inheriting all members of the Air Force’s Space Command.

Then US secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett praised the body’s creation, saying: “We are moving forward with alacrity and in accordance with presidential direction, congressional legislation and DOD guidance. Personnel assigned to the initial Space Force headquarters, located within the Pentagon, will now take over the Space Force planning.”

And, the man to oversee this process was former Air Force general John “Jay” Raymond, Space Command’s former chief, who was officially welcomed as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff through his Space Force appointment.

Space Command itself did not go away, it remained as the US Department of Defence’s fighting arm in the cosmos, except it was now under a new master with Space Force taking over responsibility for organising, training and equipping missions.

“US Space Command will only be as strong as the capabilities it is provided by the United States Space Force,” Raymond said. “Let there be no mistake, the United States is the best in the world in space today. Consistent with our national defence strategy, the United States Space Force will ensure we compete, deter and win from a position of strength, securing our way of life and our national security.”

These words from Raymond and those of Trump provide a clear indication of how the Pentagon regards space, viewing it as a domain to be won through military strength, with Space Force the means to achieve that goal.

In November last year, Raymond stepped down as Space Force chief, handing the reins on to his deputy General Bradley “Chance” Saltzman, with Joe Biden now ruling the roost in the White House having replaced Trump.

“Get ready, because I’m going to need your best,” Saltzman said at the transition ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, adding: “The world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place. Without the space capabilities we are designing, building, protecting and operating, the joint force will not be able to complete its missions.

“If deterrence fails, the Space Force will be an indispensable component of our joint force at war.”

While Saltzman was busy sabre-rattling on the podium, also in attendance at this auspicious Maryland soiree was US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who notably thanked SpaceX founder and billionaire Elon Musk for playing his part in the “combination of civil and military cooperation that makes the United States the most powerful country in space”.

Now call me crazy, but I reckon there’s something a bit strange about the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff saluting a billionaire entrepreneur during Saltzman’s big day... unless perhaps SpaceX has a pivotal role to play in America’s defence of space… or perhaps it would be more accurate to say the New World Order’s conquest of the cosmos.

And, I feel this so much so that – further instalments of Covid, climate change and the Ukraine conflict aside – I’m pretty certain one of the next big false-flag events on the horizon will feature a threat from space… be it the prospect of an alien invasion or more likely an impending meteor impact.

Now, I have no specific reason for saying this, but there are enough warning signs manifesting themselves to suggest this is an extremely likely scenario.

But, why do I say it? Well, US President Biden’s US$773 billion budget request for the Defence Department for fiscal year 2023 includes $24.5bn for Space Force and the Space Development Agency (SDA), a “mere” $5bn more than Congress enacted last year… and just a meagre 25 per cent increase in only 12 months.

And, while the SDA now falls under the Office of the Secretary of Defence it is set to be absorbed by the Space Force later this year, with the proposed budget also including $1bn transferred from the Air Force to the Space Force’s military personnel account.

“Space is vital to US national security and integral to modern warfare,” the White House said in a budget summary document. “The budget maintains America’s advantage by improving the resilience of US space architectures to bolster deterrence and increase survivability during hostilities.”

The official word from the DOD is that the 2023 budget supports a national defence strategy that recognises China as America’s “key strategic competitor and Russia as an acute threat to the interests of the US and allies”… but what if that is all hyperbole? And, instead of three sovereign nations battling for supremacy on our planet, there is just one New World Order (NWO) playing off national loyalties to boost defence appropriations to dupe the public into believing international boundaries still dictate global affairs.

Now, a $5bn increase in the Space Force budget is hardly enough evidence from which to predict a false-lag asteroid impact or alien invasion, but six patent applications for mind-bending technology could add weight to that argument.

Those super hi-tech patents were supposedly applied for by enigmatic aerospace engineering graduate Salvatore Pais, from Ohio-based Case Western Reserve University, who at the time of most of the applications was an employee of the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) based in Maryland but is now assigned to Space Force.

The most widely discussed of the six patents applied for by Pais is for a “craft using an inertial mass reduction device” that appears strikingly similar to alleged UFO sightings reported by a large number of civilian witnesses and a string of US fighter pilots.

Pais’ patent describes a hybrid craft capable of “flying” through air, water and space at incredible speed using an electromagnetic propulsion system that even an examiner at the Patent and Trademark Office considered unbelievable until James Sheehy, the US Navy’s chief technology officer, sent him a personal letter explaining the patent was of paramount importance because Chinese researchers were making a significant investment in similar technology.

According to a report carried by The Warzone newsletter, written by Brett Tingley and Tyler Rogoway from June 2019, the patent – originally applied for in 2016 – was rejected at first but then approved in 2018 after NAWCAD’s patent attorney Mark Glut appealed the decision and submitted further documentation to ensure the craft was “enabled” – meaning it could be built and perform as described in the patent.

Now, given the decades of secrecy surrounding the UFO phenomenon, the sudden appearance of this and three further ground-breaking Pais’ inventions in the Patent and Trademark Office archives suggests a sea-change from the DOD regarding disclosure on extraterrestrial technology which probably wouldn’t have come about unless there was an agenda playing out at the Pentagon.

When you’ve grown up during a climate of secrecy and denial a sudden move towards transparency and disclosure sets off alarm bells and suggests the madness has a method at its core.

The madness? Creating a false-flag space threat that imperils Earth and allows the introduction of draconian regulations that turn the screw on our planet’s population under the pretext of preventing panic from setting in.

The method? Well, that could be either of the two options in the NWO’s locker... fabricating an impending asteroid impact or developing a more elaborate alien-invasion scenario.

Another possibility could be the beginning of the four steps that form Project Blue Beam and herald in the arrival of the “Antichrist” as the head of a totalitarian NWO surveillance state.

None of these possible scenarios bode well for us but take your pick, which one will be first to make it into the NWO false-flag agenda?

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About the Creator

Steve Harrison

From Covid to the Ukraine and Gaza... nothing is as it seems in the world. Don't just accept the mainstream brainwashing, open your eyes to the bigger picture at the heart of these globalist agendas.

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    Steve HarrisonWritten by Steve Harrison

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