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City of the Twinkling Cube

Cinderella of the Wild West 👘 🏜️🏜️⛲️🎞️🎞️⛲️🏜️🏜️👘

By Ocusan MPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

It Began with the sighting of a strange glimmering cube high in the sky holding the impression of a glass slipper. Folks didn’t know quite what it was as the girl fell out of a vortex located in the same area. Covered with desert sand and wearing a ball dress she was uncertain how she was transported from her world to a desolate desert. Barefoot underneath the stars she walked towards the nearest city that was twinkling as the cube seemed to guide her. The moon was not visible as the spinning cube seemed to replace it. The small town was sleeping in the night hours where finding refuge was like looking for a needle in a haystack. An old church had left its doors open as neon electric candles lit the isles. There she would wait until sunrise as she tried to sleep while confused reasons of her whereabouts swirled in her head. With the Sunrise filtering through the window the girl woke up to see a red robed monk standing before her in the dusty midst. Miss Lucy! why have you slept in the confines of the church? His narrow face beamed down upon her. I found this being the only place open in the dead of the night. And where have you come from with those clothes of a outsider? Im not sure, I was a guest at the Ball when the clock struck Midnight..I ran out the door fearing my dress would turn to rags when I fell into a different dimension. There was a odd occurrence last night where the sky held the image of a diamond, as you seem to have lost your memory Miss Lucy. No! I am not Lucy, my name is Cinderella! Here here everyone knows you as Lucy Brown as everyone knows I am Monsignor Of this church. His devilish lips laughed as he shook his head in disbelief. Lucy in the sky with Diamonds, what shall we do with you? I have a fairy Godmother who can tell you who I am, she has a magic wand if only I can find her! Sure Miss Lucy, now you best be going home, your husband Hank will must be worried sick! Suddenly the doors swung open as in a salon with a grubby looking man appearing wearing a gun belt & holster. Lucy! I told you to stay home! His unshaven face dripping with sun glared sweat. I’m not married to you! You sure are, now get back home and make my breakfast! The poor girl’s stomach started to rumble at the twisted reality she was facing. Best go with him Lucy, you took your wedding vows right here in this chapel. Realizing that she had no rights in the backward time period she fainted with poor Hank having to carry her out the door. Awaking in a unknown bed Cinderella could smell eggs cooking as she hungered from the aroma. Going downstairs in what appeared to be a wooden cabin she saw Hank frying eggs on a old western stove. Sitting down at the dinner table Hank began talking as if he could see her with his back. You had yourself quite a spell, must have fainted from all the commotion. Sleep walking at night isn’t safe, being you’ve been my bride since September, I didn’t know about your odd habits. He plopped down a full plate of eggs with hash browns & onions. She tried not to look at his gritty face as she ate in complete silence. Her Ball gown was torn as Hank took notice of the dress. And where in tar nation did you find that dress! It’s mighty fancy for a simple women to wear. He sat down opposite her & began to shovel in eggs & potatoes. He was still wearing his holster where she could see it held a different kind of gun she had never seen before. Now you go upstairs Lucy and change into normal clothes. He instructed as Cinderella found a entire closet full of every day dresses along with fancier lace dresses. She wondered just who Lucy was and where she went. She considered the occurrence that her reality had been altered as well. She must have been well educated as she found a diary she had written that gave her insight. September 7th, 1901.. Today I married Mister Hank, a small wedding at the old church. She had pasted a photo where her features resembled her own. The next entree.. I found a wax museum having a underground connection to a Chinese bunker where railroad workers had lived in 1853. Here is a map to the location. A hand drawn map was pictured. This information could be the key to why her reality had shifted. There might be something there that caused her to be out of phase. It was a odd feeling to be taken so far from home. She needed to investigate that bunker.. Hank had fallen asleep and was snoring on the bed. His gun holster was on the dresser where she had to have a look. The weapon was foreign to her hands as she took it outside to pull its trigger. Pointing it at a barrel she wasn’t prepared of what would happen. Instead of firing bullets it fired a sharp laser beam that destroyed the entire barrel. Slipping on some cowboy boots she took the weapon stashing it in her purse and made a getaway. With the diary in her possession she followed the arrows until she found the abandoned wax museum. Inside she found many wax figures and one in particular who was wearing her glass slippers! Studying her face she could see she resembled Lucy Brown! She wondered if she could be her psyche double..Thinking that maybe if she slipped on the slippers she might teleport back home, yet when doing so nothing occurred. Finding the door that led to the bunkers she had no candles to light her way. Firing the laser at a old lantern would have to do as the radiation heat glowed a green aurora that was enough to illuminate her way into the tunnel. Fireflies danced in the green glow as she found a open dining room with porcelain china still placed on the tables. She found candles and soon the room was glowing in warm candlelight. On the walls were pictures of workers of men & women who seemed like ghosts of a distant past. A statue of Buddha stood above a water fountain that trickled water from his golden essence. His eyes telling a fortune with coins still in the offering water. In the fountain pool she could see her reflection as she wondered just where this was leading. Suddenly she felt a movement from the statue itself. It did move like animated claymation..The eyes illuminated into a piercing white. Oh no, what have I done! I have awakened a spirit! Then he began to talk..Om Mani Pedme Hum..Ommm Hail the jewels of the Lotus! Why have you sought out the omnipotent seeker? His face now resonating in tranquility. She thought it was worth a try speaking to the image. Taking a chair Cinderella sat next to the fountain. Her glass slippers gleamed in the soft light. Ah! I see you are a special character who has fallen off the course of life. Your ying has become your Yang, summer into winter..the opposite seasons have altered your way. He was like a fortune teller, she could see why their were so many coins in the offerings. It all started when this cube appeared in the sky where my glass slippers were pulled inside with my body. It somehow created another me who exists in this world, while I live among the clouds as Cinderella. Ah I see, a mirror reflection in space. The abnormality must have done so. Don’t worry child, their is a remedy for this!, By feeding lotus seeds to the goose, he will grow big to fly you home! He knows the way be certain! Where do I find a goose? Outside their is a pond, growing near is the lotus flower.. I wish I could show you but I am chained to this fountain. How can I unchain you kind spirit? The bracelet around my arm..remove it..She pointed the laser at the bangles on the wrist. She aimed lightly so it touched only the metal. It snapped open, falling into the fountain. The Buddha smiled in relief. Free at last! I’ve waited a century in eternal life for this! Now show me the lotus! The Golden Buddha flew up out of the fountain having his root of suffering lifted. He then carried the glass slippered girl out into night sky to the nearby pond that held the goose. Feeding the lotus flowers to the bird it indeed grew to a giant size where she was able to climb upon. The Buddha glowed gold in the night air. How will it know where to go? As she spoke her desire the illumination of the cube appeared as if the goose could summon it. One thing before you return back. Do you want my slippers? No no, I don’t need that, it’s your laser I desire.. But of course..Handing it to the auspicious man he fired it at some weeds where a yellow fruit formed. See there, the laser created a new fruit! I shall call it Buddhas hand. The spinning cube opened a crack between the heavens where it seemed to signal its beacon. I hope you find your Prince and return to your Ball..Its all been so Surreal, I shall remember you. Up through the space dust she rode upon the goose back through the cube holding the image of her slipper. Drifting through clouds to her home world and castle ball she saw the clock tower had gone backwards in time. She now had several hours before midnight yet she had lost her glittery blue dress. What could she wear? The giant goose seemed to hear her thoughts as he let her down on the grass. Offering her a few feathers to make a dress before he flew back through the rippling cube was a kind gesture. Gathering up the feathers she found a few friendly silk worms who spun their silk around the feathers making a most elaborate dress. Cinderella was now ready to re enter the Ball where all eyes were upon her silk spun dress. The Prince was A-gust as he wondered who the mysterious girl was. I must have her hand in Marriage he said as he danced with Cinderella until the edge of night..


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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