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Wife surprises babysitter

Forgiving Wife

By DSPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
Wife surprises babysitter
Photo by Luke Jones on Unsplash

Hello everyone my story starts about six months ago, my name is Mark and to tell the truth my wife Carol started working again so we could have some extra money and we had to find a babysitter. The best one we could think of was the wife's friend from work who had a daughter that was working on her degree from home, her name is Nikki and she was perfect. Nikki was twenty, with a very slim frame and very small breasts and stood a whole four foot two inches. My wife aranged for the schedules and we would pay her weekly on Fridays.

So on this paticular Friday I made it home earlier than usual and Nikki was expecting to be paid but I forgot to stop at the bank. So I texted the wife and she said she would go on break to an atm but she would be late because she was working over and did not know when she would be done.

This did not go well with Nikki because it ruined her plans for the night and she said "Well if I have to stay here waiting on my money it is gonna cost you extra this time, and I don't mean money, the kids are in bed so you are mine to do with as I please since you ruined my night."

Nikki pulled off her shirt, and dropped her shorts and panties right there in the kitchen, and climbed up and sat on the breakfast bar with her legs spread wide and said "Get over here and start paying, my pussy is not gonna eat it self."

I pulled off my shirt and put my watch by the sink and dove head first into her , moving in and around nibbling her nubbin, slowly massaging her inner thighs till she was moaning with such an intensity I thought she would wake the kids. I licked side to side and up and down on her nubbin and after a while she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me tight to her body and exploded all over my face with her hot sweet juices.

I thought that would be it but she hopped down undresed me the rest of the way and sat me in a chair next to the dining table, she grabbed my shaft and started licking my head. She treated it like an ice cream cone and was very talented at it. I was rock hard in under a minute. She had me so turned on I felt three times bigger than normal.

Nikki was so talented she would pull back right before I was ready and slow her roll just to slurp up all my hot juices she has stirred, she kept this up for quite some time, then out of the blue she starts going faster than the road runner, up and down stopping all the way at the bottom of my shaft to tease my balls with her tongue. I exploded in her awaiting mouth, more than normal, my legs were quaking and bouncing , spasms throughout my whole body, it felt like I could not stop, my hot juices kept spilling, and Nikki kept sucking them down, milking me dry, massaging my shaft and slurping it up like candy.

Nikki not missing a beat had me erect as a flag pole and twice as hard. She jumped up and stradled my legs hovering over my head ond grabbed my hard shaft and pushed me into her steaming hot love box. She starts a nice slow stride and keeps going, all the way up, then she slides all the way down deeper each time. She was so tight each move she made I felt , each slow stroke a low moan came from Nikki.

I could feel her juices flowing all over my shaft and leaking onto my balls it was so hot, it felt like an extreme hot shower and the tile under me was being coated with her hot juices. Nikki grabbed my shoulders with both hands and started going a little faster.

Just then the back door flung open and in came my wife with a puzzled look on her face. Nikki didn't even break her stride, she was still riding me and looked at my wife with lustful eyes.

Carol asked "Whose idea is this as if I need to ask?"

I just looked over with a huh look,

Nikki spoke up without stopping her ride "Well Carol it was not your husbands, it was all mine , by forgetting my money tonight he ruined my plans with me having to wait on you, so your husband is taking care of what I am missing by you being so late. "

Carol took off her coat put her things up and pulled up a chair beside us and watched Nikki ride my cock ever so slow but so talented she was keeping me hard and she was climaxing multiple times with her slow ride.

Carol finally said "Nikki I am sorry for ruining your plans, will my husband full fill your needs, is this enough to make up for it?"

Nikki answered her voice extremely shaky from having orgasm after orgasm riding my hard shaft ever so slow "Carol your husband is actually a lot better lover than my friend with benefits ever has been, after I drained him it took a little time to get him recovered but he has great stamina for his second time."

Carol sat just watching every stroke and reached out grabbed my hand and said "I forgive you honey, do you enjoy her riding you like that? "

I replied shakily "Yes baby it is very different, and she is so tight I feel every move, and her pussy is just pouring her juices onto me, it feels so wonderful, I'm on the edge with every stroke. "

Carol sat a moment and Nikki picked up the pace just a little more. Carol asked Nikki " If this is what you do on your weekends I see no problem with you borrowing my husband to fill your needs, he is enjoying you and it seems you enjoy him quite a bit, its been a half hour and you are both hard at it but I will need a slight adjustment, you will show me your tricks as well."

Nikki starting to move her hips side to side as she slides down now answers "Well Carol if you don't mind I will share him with you and teach you my tricks too, but you should know I do this every night after I leave here so I should probally just move in and live with you guys and sleep in your big bed with you two, plus I enjoy giving and receiving a nice head job in the mornings before I get here."

Carol with an astonished look on her face turns to me and asks "Well honey it seems as if we have your problem fixed as well, you do enjoy Nikki enough to have her here all the time right and she seems to keep your schedule for being horny."

Nikki speeded up so quick now that the chair was wobbling, she came down hard on me and let out a full on screech as a flood of her juices poured onto my hard shaft causing me to explode deep inside her. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close, her hard nipples poking into my chest , her whole body just quaking and sweating so hard. She held me close for about five minutes. Nikki finally eased up and started kissing me, still holding my shaft deep in her clenched muscles.

Nikki looked over at my wife and said "Carol you have a wonderful husband and Imagine you need taken care of now so if your husband does not mind carrying me to the bedroom I will get him ready for you while he gets you ready."

All three of us started laughing as we made it to the bedroom, Carol was stripping all the way there and was completly naked as me and Nikki came in, with her legs still wrapped around me and me deep inside her,

Me, Nikki and Carol watched the sun rise that night and it was the first time in a long time my wife was ever interested in sex. The babysitter was what it took to get our happines back and all three of us are enjoying a very rich life.


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